Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 1486 blocks

The big army consisting of half-riped monsters?

Wang Xing is in the heart, and his face is serious. I thought that the representative of Viosaki families.

"Is it dozens of meters in the city of Tokyo, and is the ghost of Viosaki?"

Mao Mao hated hated, biting his teeth, double punches.

He didn't understand that this family controlled one of the biggest consortium of Dongpu, neither lack of money and did not lack of power, why also make a variety of madness.

Dark land R & D, bio-fighting weapons, batch to cultivate the monsters of the half-man, and even the landing of the urban area of ​​Tokyo lost the heavy losses, there are shadows of Esaki.

It's really damn!

Mao Mu Wu hated, this family is really the tumor tumor!

"Do you say that the Viosaki is controlled by the Mitsubishi consortium?"

Sugnival is horrified, widened, and doubt that you are wrong.

That is rich, enemy, and the Eti-losing of the East Hero, which is a black hand, who is behind the scenes? This statement is really aware of this cognition.

"What are they doing? Do you have evidence, great to push everything on a remote side of Zoosaki, is there still been eliminating them!"

Wang Xing called a little laughed, faintly said.

As a summer, he has no burden.

Mao Mu Wei has nothing to say, can only be silent, his eyes are red.

As a senior inspector of the police, he knew that Wang Xing said almost right, according to existing law, you can invite the first-class lawyer group to be a punishment.

Modern society is not as ancient, there is a means of punishment, and Vikasaki striking behavior is not related to this home.

Although everyone knows that the light of the Rocky Sizaki is not able to invest in massive resources to develop biota weapons, manufacture a large number of half-tone monsters.


Mao Mu Wei sighed, felt weak, and the heart was strong and sad, blocked his throat, did not want to say a word.

After saving the soldiers in the armored car, Wang Xing did not stay too long and continued to advance towards tens of meters high.

The long dragon team behind him also ran up. Everyone found that the dark twisted dead tree monsters in the streets and shops were more and more.

Some of the final people have given the roots of the dead trees around the dead, and the whole body is flesh.

People in deep fear, in order to closer to the super power of the king, fight, squat, twisted, there is no absence.

"Don't worry!"

"I'm going to open, I don't want to fall behind."


The king's hands held a light blue ice gun, and the three calfs of the three calves were frozen, and this time I saw it.

The crowd of the rear is very chaos, you are very intense in a punch. Even some people are poisonous, pushing the opponent to the dark tree roots.

Wang Xing shook his head, just announced a thing: "We will go down under the cliff soon, and you can leave the city immediately."

Fighting eyes, the crowd of crazy people watched the cliffs not far away, the reason quickly returned to their brains.

It can be left here, and the number of dead tree monsters will appear to have no need to continue to fight near the king.

With the leader of the king, the other people afterwards, lost some people, and finally came to the cliff.

As long as they climb to the top of the cliff, they can return to the normal modern society and say goodbye to the monsters.

I think this, everyone is excited.

The 50-year-old cliff looks in the distance, like not very, a dozen layers of buildings can be seen everywhere in the city.

But after people came to the vicinity, most people were deeply shocked: the cliffs have been stretched into the end of the line, as if endless, individuals seem to be very small.


The high cliff side, a five-story small building rocks, eventually falling, the momentum is full, countless concrete fragments, four splashes.


Mao Mu loudly roared, flying into a ten-meter shop, hiding under a thick counter.


A bathtock of concrete fragments fall from the sky, pulling the ground a half-meter hole, raising countless dust.

Mao Mu Wei saw, secretly surprised, his previous position is there, if there is no time to avoid, it has become a scarlet sauce.

Some people have tricks, let a fist big concrete fragmented block, and suddenly blood flow is asked, falling in a coma.


I just flew over the sea, my face was calm, and I didn't panic, and the concrete pieces of the shell were avoided.

Caught the female clerk of her arm, scare the diaper, and call the little in the air.

Everything is settled, Wang Xing, and Mao Mu Wu are coming out from the avoidance, rereading the high-standing cliff.

After eating a big loss, no one would be again, and dare to stand below the edge of the cliff.

...... Modified immediately

With the leader of the king, the other people afterwards, lost some people, and finally came to the cliff.

As long as they climb to the top of the cliff, they can return to the normal modern society and say goodbye to the monsters.

I think this, everyone is excited.

The 50-year-old cliff looks in the distance, like not very, a dozen layers of buildings can be seen everywhere in the city.

But after people came to the vicinity, most people were deeply shocked: the cliffs have been stretched into the end of the line, as if endless, individuals seem to be very small.


The high cliff side, a five-story small building rocks, eventually falling, the momentum is full, countless concrete fragments, four splashes.


Mao Mu loudly roared, flying into a ten-meter shop, hiding under a thick counter.


A bathtock of concrete fragments fall from the sky, pulling the ground a half-meter hole, raising countless dust.

Mao Mu Wei saw, secretly surprised, his previous position is there, if there is no time to avoid, it has become a scarlet sauce.

Some people have tricks, let a fist big concrete fragmented block, and suddenly blood flow is asked, falling in a coma.


I just flew over the sea, my face was calm, and I didn't panic, and the concrete pieces of the shell were avoided.

Caught the female clerk of her arm, scare the diaper, and call the little in the air.

Everything is settled, Wang Xing, and Mao Mu Wu are coming out from the avoidance, rereading the high-standing cliff.

After eating a big loss, no one would be again, and dare to stand below the edge of the cliff.

After eating a big loss, no one would be again, and dare to stand below the edge of the cliff.

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