"Fax, it is a mad! I said that I didn't kill your son."

The O'KCP is full of face, and the whole person is very solemn, and the whole enemy of the opposite air is absolutely unpredictable.


Jin Cancang, a hundred meters, has a width of more than a dozen meters, the power is heavy, and the air is cut out of the water wave, and the mourning is called.

" sheltered."

Speaker under the handle of the black umbrella handle, flashed the colored pain on the face, and the black umbrella will be blocked before, and the mouth is low.

His foot at the foot of the city, every citizen flew out the colorful light of the star, attached to the black umbrella, and finally formed a colorful umbrella cover with a diameter of 30 meters.

Looking far away, the tall taller held a huge umbrella cover, like an ant raised a biscuit, making people amazed.

David just got a look at the seven colored umbrellas, it was a horrified discovery, and his line of sight was also moving again. Even if he hated him immediately closed his eyes.

The eyelids lost control not to say, but also David is afraid of fear, and the surprised fear in his mind is like a gorgeous colorful parachute cover that is quickly flowing to the air.


David struggled, a pair of sights was like a solder dead in the colorful umbrella cover, how couldn't be cut, but the heart was shocked, but it gradually became out, and there was no expression toward the face.

At this moment, David felt that she became the existence of the corpse, and she could not decide independently, but was manipulated by others.

Fortunately, at this time, David's chest has already been cold in the chest, and it has been out of a dead cold flow. It quickly wrapped around the whole body and contacted an abnormal situation.

David found himself to restore the first time of the body control, immediately kneel on the ground, forehead nose close to the ground, even if you breathe it, it is not careless.

Is this the true power of the higher level mystery? It's terrible!

David was in the heart of the battle, and the pride of the concession of the strong deep sea bones was like a soap bubble, and there was no trace of no trace.

Originally, he thought that he would become a marine hegemony with a deep-sea bones, and it would be very ridiculous, not enough O'Kea, and the giant Kakkah has been packed.

David did not doubt, the life and death of hundreds of thousands of people in the city of Oco, even between the idea of ​​the speaker, this incredible great force is like the gods.

Speaker, Kaipin has a strong existence, it is far from God, then what is the power of the real god?

David thought that he looked up at Li Xiuwen's back, and his heart was full of joy. He hugged this at the thigh of the god, and the future will definitely be a bright Avenue.

Collapse, collapse, collapse!

Sharp, the 100-meter golden sword that broke the air, was blocked before the colorful umbrella cover.

The vast idea of ​​the ocean, the tens of millions of plates are wrapped around the golden sword, although it is broken, it also weakens the momentum of Jin Guangjian.


When Jin Guangjian is in the colorful umbrella cover, the speed is slower, and it is straight by the umbrella cover.

"Reverse the god!"

The Aokhi president drunk, and the black umbrella in his hand is like a black stick, the golden giant eye that is a big city in the distance.


A invisible fluctuation crossed thousands of meters away, and hit the golden giant eye, like a waves and shore, all the hit, splash countless water flowers.

Golden giant surface regular flow of dazzling light hysteresis, followed by conflict, completely disorder, as if the eggshell of a egg emerges a crack.

, .

The golden giant surface, the large piece of gold is falling off, and there is no stop at a moment. It is like butter falls into the hot pot to melt, and finally reveal the top, two meters high tiger waist people.

"Kahakin lost, we can stop the new threat."

The Okuli Long's mouth persuaded that he kept, but his eyes looked to Li Xiuwen on the other side, revealing deep alert.

The so-called new threats are self-defen, and they point to Li Xiuwen's nose. We must be careful that this suddenly raised guy.

The speaker is very clear, Kawee is just hurting some fur, and even if it is in the wind, I can't say it. I don't need to consume great strength and energy.

Always standing on the side of Li Xiuwen, in the expectant, the poisonous snake hidden in the grass, at any time will come out to he want him to threaten.

Speaker, I would like to combine with the Kaipin who has already gone, and I don't want to have a mystery, like Li Xiuwen, who is coming out of the stone, dealing with the .

"He didn't matter again with my death, and I don't want to transfer my attention!"

Kaoyin's hands, the whole body of the golden light gathers between hands, forming a long sword of a shining human eye, but the eyes are always staring at the spectacle.

Li Xiuwen observed for a long time, roughly figured out the strength of the thirteen and Kaipin, slightly shaking his head and looked down, strongly plugging a sentence: "You are too hard, is it all the mysterious materials, forgive You will return. "

, .

Unparalleled, it is emitted from Liquan, rushed to the high-altitude to tear the white clouds, and it is like a boundless ocean, shrouded the entire Okuli City.

The city occupied by dozens of square kilometers seems to be separated from the outside world and enters the independent space.

Everyone, including David, is a horrified that a finger can't move, like a bug that is solidified in amber, and the heart of the resistance cannot be born.

Even the argumentors and Kaipin are all stress, like being thrown into the deep sea, movement is extremely difficult.

"You, is it, a sequence?"

The speaker spent half a minute, only if you only need a second, say it, said, his skin is swollen, a difficult look.

Kaikin face is blue, the eyes are full of dangerous rays, and they are staring at Li Xiuwen, just like the people who are threatened by life.


Li Xiuwen smiled, very honest, "According to your strength, it is probably the sequence zero. So you can stand directly, not shame."

The pressure from Zhongsi World Tiandao has been heavy, as if there is a thousand meters high mountains fall on Li Xiuwen, told him to stop.

Li Xiuwen is unhearer. Let's continue to increase, even if you play a half strength, you can still rush to rush the long and Kaipin two high-order mysterious people.

Of course, if the cooperation of these two people, the mysterious materials of the will come out, Li Xiuwen is too lazy to take the world to drive out of the world.

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