Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 1558 Rebaked

"Okure City is not where your alien spacecraft is wild!"

The bright god looked up over more than 300 meters long, the flagship spaceship of the Malaysia, and he snorted, grabbed before the other God.

The endless sun comes together, the golden can't look straight, becomes a round ball in diameter, exudes amazing heat, and the air is baked dramatically twisted.

The light in the party is seeming to disappear, and hundreds of thousands of citizens in Okuli City are black and felt early in advance.


Endless sun gathering golden balls, straight rushing up, instantly crossing thousands of miles, approaching flagship spaceship.

This time does not have Carter ordered, the combat staff launched ten intercept missiles, go straight to the golden ball.

The missile has not touched the golden ball, the shell is like a fire, and the nano-molecular level of heat-resistant paint quickly evaporates, like the ice cream under the scorching sun.

Tens of thousands of high temperature transverse collision, invading the internal precision components of the missile, melting them into a mixed liquid, and then detonating the explosives of the missile blasting.


A more beautiful red flame group appeared, issued a thunderous sound, deafening, and the citizens outside the more than a dozen miles heard.

"General, our missile will intercept anything hit ... flyer."

The assistant voice did not fall, as seen from the monitor screen, a golden sphere passed through the flame of the missile explosion, hit the belly of the spaceship.

In the extremely vibration, the spacecraft is like a huge wave, but it is stunned, up and down, and there is a smashing metal twisted.

A lot of precision instruments have exploded blue electroices, rising gray black smoke. The lamp is now extinguished, and only a few is still insisting on illumination, but it also flashes a dark, like a ghost.

"Warning, the lower part of the spacecraft is seriously damaged, the abdomen armor is damaged, some weapons are damaged, and the combat capacity is 34%, please stop in the maintenance workshop as soon as possible."

The flagship command room lights red light, and the spacecraft management system also issues a serious warning.

Carter didn't care about the assistant, the whole collar, the face showed the look of death, and he said: "As a soldier, it will work hard to play! I authorize, implement the ultimate annihilation plan."

...... Modified immediately

"Okure City is not where your alien spacecraft is wild!"

The bright god looked up over more than 300 meters long, the flagship spaceship of the Malaysia, and he snorted, grabbed before the other God.

The endless sun comes together, the golden can't look straight, becomes a round ball in diameter, exudes amazing heat, and the air is baked dramatically twisted.

The light in the party is seeming to disappear, and hundreds of thousands of citizens in Okuli City are black and felt early in advance.


Endless sun gathering golden balls, straight rushing up, instantly crossing thousands of miles, approaching flagship spaceship.

This time does not have Carter ordered, the combat staff launched ten intercept missiles, go straight to the golden ball.

The missile has not touched the golden ball, the shell is like a fire, and the nano-molecular level of heat-resistant paint quickly evaporates, like the ice cream under the scorching sun.

Tens of thousands of high temperature transverse collision, invading the internal precision components of the missile, melting them into a mixed liquid, and then detonating the explosives of the missile blasting.


A more beautiful red flame group appeared, issued a thunderous sound, deafening, and the citizens outside the more than a dozen miles heard.

"General, our missile will intercept anything hit ... flyer."

The assistant voice did not fall, as seen from the monitor screen, a golden sphere passed through the flame of the missile explosion, hit the belly of the spaceship.

In the extremely vibration, the spacecraft is like a huge wave, but it is stunned, up and down, and there is a smashing metal twisted.

A lot of precision instruments have exploded blue electroices, rising gray black smoke. The lamp is now extinguished, and only a few is still insisting on illumination, but it also flashes a dark, like a ghost.

"Warning, the lower part of the spacecraft is seriously damaged, the abdomen armor is damaged, some weapons are damaged, and the combat capacity is 34%, please stop in the maintenance workshop as soon as possible."

The flagship command room lights red light, and the spacecraft management system also issues a serious warning.

Carter didn't care about the assistant, the whole collar, the face showed the look of death, and he said: "As a soldier, it will work hard to play! I authorize, implement the ultimate annihilation plan."

"Okure City is not where your alien spacecraft is wild!"

The bright god looked up over more than 300 meters long, the flagship spaceship of the Malaysia, and he snorted, grabbed before the other God.

The endless sun comes together, the golden can't look straight, becomes a round ball in diameter, exudes amazing heat, and the air is baked dramatically twisted.

The light in the party is seeming to disappear, and hundreds of thousands of citizens in Okuli City are black and felt early in advance.


Endless sun gathering golden balls, straight rushing up, instantly crossing thousands of miles, approaching flagship spaceship.

This time does not have Carter ordered, the combat staff launched ten intercept missiles, go straight to the golden ball.

The missile has not touched the golden ball, the shell is like a fire, and the nano-molecular level of heat-resistant paint quickly evaporates, like the ice cream under the scorching sun.

Tens of thousands of high temperature transverse collision, invading the internal precision components of the missile, melting them into a mixed liquid, and then detonating the explosives of the missile blasting.


A more beautiful red flame group appeared, issued a thunderous sound, deafening, and the citizens outside the more than a dozen miles heard.

"General, our missile will intercept anything hit ... flyer."

The assistant voice did not fall, as seen from the monitor screen, a golden sphere passed through the flame of the missile explosion, hit the belly of the spaceship.

In the extremely vibration, the spacecraft is like a huge wave, but it is stunned, up and down, and there is a smashing metal twisted.

A lot of precision instruments have exploded blue electroices, rising gray black smoke. The lamp is now extinguished, and only a few is still insisting on illumination, but it also flashes a dark, like a ghost.

"Warning, the lower part of the spacecraft is seriously damaged, the abdomen armor is damaged, some weapons are damaged, and the combat capacity is 34%, please stop in the maintenance workshop as soon as possible."

The flagship command room lights red light, and the spacecraft management system also issues a serious warning.

Carter did not care about the assistant, the whole collar, the face showed the look of death, and he said: "As a soldier,

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