Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 1726, Tianxian

"Shangxian, if you want to be the world of Daning, please allow the small person to give a power, and must have died for you to die."

Montenegro paids have thought that Li Xiuwen's purpose, the whole person is exciting, and finally can be separated from ban, and restore freedom!

Although he pays is freedom, it is not anyone who can do a powerful fairy dog ​​leg. This averse demon king has no chance.

"A potential world, I am not interested in gaining the door to do what Laush World."

Li Xiuwen's mouth is a mouth, and it is disabled.

If the cultivator in Daning World can also fly, he is a bit interest.

Maybe it will touch the hub, go to the so-called fairyland to see a look, clear, and weaker in this fairyland and the Westward World.

It is just that the flying rising channel will be disconnected before the millennium, and Li Xiuwen's wishes cannot be realized. Naturally, I will not see the world that is going to decline.

This this?

Montenegro is very surprised, I didn't dare to talk, and I didn't dare to ask. What kind of world can let Li Xiuwen look.

At this moment, Montenegro is full of loss. It is very self-defeating. I didn't expect myself to cherish the world's domineering. In the eyes of the cactus, such as the dirt, even bending, I am too lazy.

Li Xiuwen glanced over shocked Montenegro, shakes his head slightly, this is a typical insufficient sense of knowledge, the born heaven and earth bonds, it has become the best example of the frog in the bottom.

If it is in the world of the Westward Journey, the courage to occupy the mission of the martyrdom of the city, maybe there is a chance to achieve six-order Tianxian, a list of people.

But in the world of Daning, Montenegro n't dominate the side, and other ghosts compete for the vain of the king.

Li Xiuwen looked up and said to the air in front: "Tiandao, I want to be a transaction with you, and quickly appear."

After a tea time passed, there is no movement, the sky has neither Wuyun, and there is no beautiful rainbow, as always, the calm.

"Shangxian, in fact, our Datun world, no one can communicate the heaven, this is the case hundreds of thousands of years."

Montenegro is afraid that Li Xiuwen is angry and angry, and the anger is sent to his head, and it is busy explaining the reason.

Not your old man is not awkward, but the old days have always contacted anyone, just like an ignorant stone.

"That is the people in the big Ningdom can't."

Li Xiuwen said smiling.

The heavens are selfless, maintaining the huge world operation, if each monk can communicate the heavens, the world order is failed, and it may even become a civilization.

Montenegro is listening to this, and my heart is going to attack. I have to comfort myself: I have reminded it before, I have no reason to leave anger to me.

"A senior world coordinate with big Luo Jinxiao, I'm not yet, I will go."

Li Xiuwen is slightly smashed, and it is necessary to leave the legs. The Baiyun Palace under the feet quickly flew toward the world's barrier.

In fact, there is still a saints in the West Tour, which is more powerful than Dali Jinxian, but Li Xiuwen is afraid to scare Daning World Tiandao, lest the transaction.

It is not every world of heavens, I want to go to the world of saints to sit in the town, and life and death are not.

The black mountain old demon shocked, and the eyes stared at Li Xiuwen. The look is excited. I can't wait to get the coordinates of the advanced world immediately.

As long as you get the coordinates of the world, Montenegro has not passed the flying channel, or you can directly break through the world's barrier into the darkness and no sea, go to the world.

Of course, this is very dangerous. The world and the world are in the world, enough to make any monks who are about to rise.

But in the case of the flying rising channel, leave Daning to go to another world, and only this road can go.


The air of the empty, suddenly vibrating, endless bright rays condensed into a face blurred figure.

At this moment, the three hundred miles were like the East, and the aerial flying in the air became extremely active, blooming a blossom lotus, and there was a rainbow between things.

Heaven and earth are joy, welcome the emergence of heavens.


Montenegro looked up, and looked at the movie, suddenly painful, quenching hundreds of years of ghost kings had a trend of breaking, feared to pole.

Fortunately, there is no too much attention, and it will fall on Li Xiuwen.

The black mountain old demon immediately felt the drama, with a chance of wheezing, hurriedly repaired the ghost king body.

Tiandao, a deafening, a deafening, thunder: "I know that you are from a senior world, the transaction can continue, so what price I need?"

Li Xiuwen must be sure, I feel that I have been steady this time.

Datun world really has a problem, it is likely to face a huge crisis, and it is now urgent need for a senior world asylum, which is the basis of negotiations.

"Five so many world origins."

Li Xiuwen is not polite, raises his left hand, showing the world of the walnut size of the walnuts.


The face blurred Tiandao directly pointed out that the origin of Li Xiuwen from the Daming World, in fact, from Daning World Tiger.

If you haven't pursued Li Xiuwen today, it is already a large number of widths, and it will not pay five times the source.

Li Xiuwen Zhen Zhen is arguing: "If you will completely digest the big world, I can't get so much source. So, with the right thing to grab the owner, what to do?"

Montenegro is a strong last immortality. The world's two big men, like the low-level monks in Xue Xianfang City, and I don't dare to listen to the eaters.

With the lessons of the past, he didn't dare to go to the sky, and only listened to the two big men came to me.

This kind of thing, there will be no monks to believe in any monks! The heavens and cactors are like a hawker. For the source of a walnut, it is half an hour.

Montenegro's old demon mobilized everything heard, intended to record in jade bones, and show someone to others in the future, shocked the big teeth of those people.

In the end, Li Xiuwen won the world's source of the three walnuts, and at the same time divided the breath of the Westward Journey to the heavens, ending the transaction that dragged for a long time.

"You'd better not make too much movement, otherwise I will expel you."

Tiandao threw a threat before leaving, deeply saw Li Xiuwen.

Li Xiuwen nodded very much, this is full of gains, he doesn't want to have a branch of the country, and there is a bigger thing.

Taking a wind disaster does not mean that he really becomes Tianxian, but also put the foundation of the virtual float, supplement the mana to the lowest level of Tianxian, otherwise it is a large five-way fairy.

Tiandao's blurred figure, abrupt collapse, turned into a bright spot.

Montenegro is glaring, tears, like a puppy abandoned by the owner: How do you see me? Is it a ghost king, nothing in the eyes of Tiandao!

The sad monoshan old demon, watching the spot, hidden in the air, disappearing, no trace, such as never come to the same.

Li Xiuwen perceived the rich and sad emotions that Montenegroads spread, completely did not care.

Who cares about the mood of the captive, why be desperate? I am afraid that only people who have a full support will waste precious time on the captive.

Li Xiuwen stepped on the Baiyun Palace who stepped on it, and the latter immediately accelerated to the world barrier.

In the case where the heavens are unintentional, the Baiyun Palace is very easy to leave the Daning World, come to the empty, and the darkness is in the sea.

"Shangxian, you have to return to the fairy name called the Westward Journey, it is so good."

Montenegro is looking back, Daning World is thrown behind, getting smaller and smaller, narrowing from can't see it.

With him, there are hundreds of white bone ghosts, Donghai Black Deyan and so on, can only stay in a small Daning world, in a lifetime, see the big sky in Ding.

Thinking of this, Montenegro's old demon chest has a lot of proud, and the arrogance is naturally in the face: those guys, I am afraid I have never really coming!

For these ghost kings, the world outside the world is an extremely terrible environment, just like the mortal walks in the vast wilderness, the crisis is four.

"Shut up! There is no one in the future, you can't say a word."

Li Xiuwen suspected that Mount Mountain was too noisy, and the plate was ordered.

Montenegro's demon buning, it can't say that he didn't even say that the arrogance of his heart was like a foam.

The Baiyun Palace is ringing, the body is constantly shrinking, as if it is lost in the acid and suffers strong corrosion.

Li Xiuwen not only did not repair the palace, but accelerated the mobility of it across the billions until it stayed near a unknown brown world.

Is it one of the spirit of the old monster sleepy sleep, is this going to enter a brown world? I finally got rid of the darkness of the darkness.

I can't see anything along the way, it is too boring!

Li Xiuwen stayed outside the world's barrier and did not enter it. The eyes worn away from thick barriers and carefully observed the interior of the world.

Brown World is lower than Daming World, the only spark on the civilized civilization just sprout, only a group of furry orangutan model, holding stone, hunting and war.

The Montenegro looked for a while and felt that it was particularly meaningless.

What is good for Miha, the brain is not well developed, and the language is not in the system, only wow wow.

Montenegro, who has been severely reprimed, did not dare to interrupted, he had to make the doubt in his heart.

Li Xiuwen looked at these original, and did not form a civilized wilder. The face showed a smile, nodded from time to time, and a big name.

"Do you know why I am deliberate to this low-level world, observe and study?"

Montenegro's old demon shook his head, what but didn't say it.

He knows that he does not need to answer it, as long as you do a listener's role.

If possible, Montenegro would rather cover the ear, nor does Li Xiuwen tell the reasons, explained in detail.

Montenegro knows that you can understand Li Xiuwen's hidden secret, the more you don't have a good place. It is best that I can't hear anything, and I can't see it, it is more likely to live.

Li Xiuwen didn't care what I thought in Montenegro, "Do you know, you have to replace the world's heaven, promote civilized development, this is a day word in Tianxian. What is better than observing civilization, better entry ? "

Montenegro is more wanting to poke his feat, you can't hear a word is best.

The secret of Tianxian seems to be very high-end, but Montenegro's identity of the ghost king that occupies the dead city, barely as a fourth-order fairy, and the sixth-order Tianxian also has a five-way people.

It's too distant secret, in fact, there is no great use of Montenegro, listening to a sound.

Time has been in a long time, and the black mountain old demon is fascinating, and I found Li Xiuwen's gaze through the world barrier before going to sleep.

After waiting for Montenegro, I found that Li Xiuwen was still the posture. One finger didn't move, and I looked at the world, from the spirit of the stone era, the orangutan.

At this time, the orangutan has a big change, and the dense hair of the body is much more like a person.

A dirt wall, the hooded house appeared on the earth, the hegemony of the tribe, is being intense.

The wise man in the orangutan finds that there is a certain special energy, which can improve the body. After long-term absorption, it will make people awaken some kind of special ability.

For example, the flame, aggregate is ice, and the plants and so on, and it is beginning to appear in the crowd.

The wise people summarize the study, found that the special frequency of breath can be better awakening, so the monodies have appeared.

Montenegro is here, exclaiming: "Is there a few thousand tens of thousands of cultural practitioners in Daning, Daning, is also a born in roughness?"

...... Modified immediately

Time has been in a long time, and the black mountain old demon is fascinating, and I found Li Xiuwen's gaze through the world barrier before going to sleep.

After waiting for Montenegro, I found that Li Xiuwen was still the posture. One finger didn't move, and I looked at the world, from the spirit of the stone era, the orangutan.

At this time, the orangutan has a big change, and the dense hair of the body is much more like a person.

A dirt wall, the hooded house appeared on the earth, the hegemony of the tribe, is being intense.

The wise man in the orangutan finds that there is a certain special energy, which can improve the body. After long-term absorption, it will make people awaken some kind of special ability.

For example, the flame, aggregate is ice, and the plants and so on, and it is beginning to appear in the crowd.

The wise people summarize the study, found that the special frequency of breath can be better awakening, so the monodies have appeared.

Montenegro is here, exclaiming: "Is there a few thousand tens of thousands of cultural practitioners in Daning, Daning, is also a born in roughness?"

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