Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 1739 Repair

Looking down from the small world, the continental coastal zone, the rabbit civilization, which is originally used, is like a wildfire, from the remote perspective, and quickly spread towards the depths of the west side.

The separation system used by the rabbit family, plus a born semaphore, the rabbit civilization is like an accelerator, and it takes more than one million square kilometers in just four or five years.

Li Xiuwen's most intended world origin, and the speed increases with the expansion of the rabbit civilization, and it has increased a large triple, which is no civilization.

"Very good, wait until the overall of the rabbit will enter the iron era, even the steam age, the world's source will break out!"

Seeing this, Li Xiuwen feels his hard work, just like a farmer who sees lush, a high-altitude fruit saplio, that is very strong.

There are also places where he is disappointing, the rabbit civilization members are not too big, don't say gentle and lovely bunny, they are now, they are still in the limbs, only very little situation talented.

Do you want to intervene?

Li Xiuwen only considered a second, and made a decision, and must make the rabbit civilization evolution toward both legs.

It is a waste of the two front claws, and the use of sticks and stones cannot be empty.

Otherwise, he suspect that the civilization of the rabbit is likely to have a few hundred years of stagnation, never enter the stone era, not taking iron or steam age.

Li Xiuwen feels yourself, like a peasant who takes care of the orchard, it is necessary to repair the branches of the fruit tree, let it break better fruit, not to waste nutrients on excess branches.

Monthly star thin night, it is already a white-head rabbit of the rabbit kingdom, and I slept in the past, and I don't know some of the people in the outside world.

In the dark, suddenly there were more powerful, as if it was able to catch the giants of the star.

The white-headed rabbit came, looking at the giants that exuded the gods in front of the front, I feel like the ants under the foot of the elephant, and the heart is shocked. The emotions are fluctuated, and they must be separated from the dream.

Finally, Li Xiuwen is secretly shot, stabilizing the dream.

"Fortuna, you are very fortunate to meet me in the dream, so there is a reward to you."

Li Xiuwen manipulated the huge giants, talking, just like thunder, long lasting.

A slightly calm and some white bunny, two big eyes are full of doubts, I don't understand it on the face: "What is going on, you should just be the fictional thing in my dream, how can it be the mainstay, take away the control of the dream?"

Li Xiuwen did not explain and continued: "Do you want to have a good way to force the rabbits? Do you want to get a way to transform the world?"

The white bunny deliberately did not speak, but what would I do if I want to see the tall incredible giant?

Really young! I thought I didn't choose to choose me?

Li Xiuwen smiled and smiled. This white-headed rabbit has not been learned by the pop-up advertisement you have selected by the Internet era. I don't know if there is such a thing.

"Well, since you have chosen a strong rabbit itself, avoiding the wild boar mount, I will reward your one-volume weapon from mining to the smelting manual (on)."

The giant finished, the huge body broke into a piece of block, turned countless fine small spot, like fireflies, and the darkness is very beautiful.

The white-headed rabbit took the eye and was determined that a lot of seconds ago seems to have to break the dark space. It is so self-collapse and disappeared.


Long sighed, I feel that I have a white-headed rabbit that I missed a certain ancestors, and I am full of confession. This takes more knowledge in the mind.

Weaponism: The tiger wolf has claws, not strong, deer, rabbit, etc. can not be resistant, can only be their food, so this claws are the tiger weapons.

Is it invincible for the tiger wolf of a strong weapon? That is not necessarily, because the weapon is both long, or it can be transformed from the outer substance.

The white bunny saw this, suddenly excited, three flaps opened, showed two yellow-yellow big hoes.

These two teeth have always grown, if they are ignorant, they may pierce the lower lips, and they can no longer chew the blue grass and mountains.

So the white-headed rabbit and people, in addition to using the door to lick the food, they will go to the hard trees, and they are stained with iron-free trees.

Therefore, the more huangye, the more hard, and a bite of biting thumb is not a problem, and the carnivorous animals who are good at fighting don't want to use the body, and go to the two yellow door of the rabbit.

The white-head rabbit thinks that the immersion is also a weapon. Those fierce tigers, leopards and other beasts, they don't dare to force their physical strength and full of strength.

He also found that the flame of the beast is expelled, it is the non-own weapon mentioned in the book, it is from the outer object.

Stone ax: After looking hard, behind the thin block stone, tied to the thick branches and is the tool for cutting trees.

In addition to the stone ax, there are stone knives, stone tunles, etc., each is a huge power, so that the weak people also have the gallbladder and strength, to resist the hidden and distant broadcast.

The white bunny is skeptical, this stone ax is waiting for something, is it so good?

Without too much hesitation, the white-headed rabbit directly assigned to thousands of rabbits, carefully search the ground, find a suitable stone, there is no result.

The white-head rabbit will make a stone ax, a stone knife such as a weapon book in the brain.

, !

The cumbersome stone ax continuously fell, and the woods were flying in the trunk of more than 50 cm in diameter.

After forty or fifty second, the trunk was awkward, and it was broken to two, and the section was full of trees.

Usually, even if the hardest rabbit is deal with the trunk, it takes at least three or four hundred seconds to barely fall a tree.

"This is this the power of the stone ax?"

Including the white bunny, all the rabbits who saw this scene have grown up their eyes.

Obviously, since this stone ax can quickly cut the trunk quickly, the effect of cutting the flesh and blood is not going to go.

It is only the white-headed rabbit to find that the body of the body is very strong, a very tired appearance, is kneeling on the ground, two front claws have been shaking.

"It's so tired! It feels more tired than running for seven or eight kilometers, a pair of front claws will lose consciousness, it seems that I am not my own!"

The strong rabbit of the ordinary rabbit halfway is so summoned.

The white-headed rabbit face has a lot of disappointment, although the stone ax is powerful, there is not much rabbit.

It carefully recalls that it is like returning to the moment of getting the weapon manufacturing book, and the eyes are always staring at the Higher Giant's palm.

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