Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 364, Meteorite Threat

International Space Station

Astronauts from the United States Emma, ​​put on cumbersome aerospace, put the safety rope in the waist, then put the helmet and completely seal.

Her thumb and index finger beat together, erected three fingers, said: "I am ready."

"After installing the latest Solan telescope, remember to take pictures, I want to release it on the NASA website. This is the most advanced telescope, which can quickly capture the meteorite of 10 million meters."

The current webmaster at the space station is also from Hanks from the United States.

This telescope is targeted by the sun, instead of shooting a few among the teenagers in the year, the volume is not very large, can be directly connected to the space station.

If you want to see the star outside the year, you need a very large telescope. The telescope does not use astronauts to install, directly to the space.

"Reassured, my photo technology will definitely record the beautiful shape of the Solun telescope."

Emma gently squats, the body floats, like a fisherman, flexiblely passing through the instrument, small cabin, and comes to the ventilation chamber.


The isolation chamber and the outside cabin are opened, and a gas stream leaked out, and Emma came to the space station.

From this moment, she and the space station have only left the safety rope in the waist.

Even if I have a lot of experience, Emma still felt fear when I felt into space, just like standing opposite a lion, I sent it in my heart.

I took a deep sucking a few oxygen, Emma scored the panic to the bottom of the heart, pulled the safety rope in both hands, floating toward the tail of the space station.

The telescope of the big head is actually hanging on the tail of the space station, waiting for her to install.

The whole process is not complicated, and the difficulty is not difficult to repair the car than the workers of the four S shop, but the astronauts are eligible to be owned.

It took more than three hours outside, Emma finally got a Solun telescope, and started to apply for test - that is, just place it to a position, see what impact can be captured.

"Hanks, I want to apply for power-on test."

Emma said in the public channel.

"Okay, this starts testing."

Hanks promised, and turned on the Solun telescope.

The telescope slightly turned, adjusted the lens orientation, and aligned the Mars.

I don't care about it, there is also a dedicated red Mars. If you can't find a small flirt, you can include it in the range of shooting.

The telescope searches around the space, did not find anything, empty.

"Emma, ​​telescope did not find the star, the next step of the test could not be done, we have to align the camera."

Hanks is still calm and acts in accordance with the plan.

Emma urged: "Know it. It's time to finish it. I don't want someone to stay in the dark lacquered space, even the figure can be seen."

The lens of the telescope slightly turns a small angle, soon automatically pair.

"Fork, what is it?"

On the public channel, Hanks was screaming.

Not just him, there are several other national astronauts scream, continuously sound, like a large ensemble.

Emma was shocked, asked: "What did you see? Say it, I am dying."

No one answered her question, and a sound is still constant.

Amma's heart ischy, I can't wait to immediately rush into the space station, stare at the screen with my colleagues, watch the things that caught many screams.

Just she is still barely obeying the rules in the space station. When the task is not completely, it should return after the task can be returned.

"What did you see?"

Emma once again asked.

She didn't get an answer, I thought of a way, that is, a small display at the bottom of the telescope.

At the beginning, she felt that this design was very brain-disabled, and the big display of the Paba could not see something, and it was a cumbersome.

At this time, Emma will love to die, and I feel that the designers are really great, considering too careful.

Open the insured cover, she saw the display on transparent resin protection.

A white small high-speed moves, the lens of the telescope is chasing, and does not let this small point fly out of the lens.

"Meteorite, what is worth it."

Emma started a bit unlikely, but she thought that the number of meteorites that colleagues had seen, how could they be surprised to even if they were shocked.

Zoom in, then zoom in, until the image taken by the telescope can no longer continue to zoom in, she looked at the things on the small display, and said that they can't say it, the mouth can be able to put into football.

A small, aircraft in a diameter of 30 meters is flying in the earth.

This is enough to be surprised. I only heard that the aircraft is flying out to the solar system. I haven't heard which country will recover such aircraft.

Because energy, chemical fuel is not sufficient to support the aircraft recycling; the energy supplied by the nuclear battery is too small, not enough.

"The following seems to be a meteorite?"

Emma identified a while, confirmed that he didn't have eye.

She knows that Hanks and other colleagues, why not answer their questions, because the things dragged behind the aircraft, simply too uncomprising.

The Solombian telescope is the latest, the technology is very good, directly measured the diameter of the meteorite behind the aircraft, with a weight of about one million tons.

Now I don't know the texture of the meteorite. If there is a heavy metal in it, it is also very likely that the weight exceeds 2 million tons.

Emma calculates according to the speed and distance of the aircraft, found that it will come to the Earth after half an hour.

"No, you must report to NASA!"

After immersing in shocking, Emma thought of an important thing.

Unidentified aircraft, dragging a meteorite at least 30,000 tons close to the earth, a serious threat to all humans and countries.

The you come to prepare, the safer is safer, and you can't waste it in a second.

"Hanks, do you inform the ground NASA?"

Emma shouted five or six times on the public channel, finally heard Hanks's answer: "No, I will inform them, I hope that no one will take coffee on the desktop."

"I don't know what the power is dry, I have dragged a big meteorite."

Emma looked at that constantly close meteorite, and he was in his heart.

If the meteorite flies directly to the land, it is possible to destroy hundreds of square kilometers, falling in the sea, can set off a big tsunami.

"It is definitely an alien. In addition to they can do it. If it is a revenge for the giant crocodile of the South Africa, is the earth going?"

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