Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 372 Monkey Edition

Pand went into it, suddenly frowned, and the face rose.

The energy center of the spacecraft is a nuclear reactor, which is early in his expectations, but the volume is kept so small, and the speed of the spaceship can be raised to 5,000 meters per second, and it has exceeded the current manufacturing capability of the United States.

This is still, especially let Pandade is difficult to do, the surface of this column profile is smooth, and it is integrated.

In this case, it is necessary to break the reactor surface for in-depth research, and you must break the outer protective layer, which is very difficult.

If there is a problem in the research process, this ship can't take off, and Pander wants to get out of the private room.

Ye Hua looked at Pand, who was tangled, and smiled and smiled: "Right, if this reactor is intentionally damaged, it is not within the warranty, this is in advance to remind you."

Pud didn't have a sound, and the bitterness on his face was getting stronger.

Obviously, the Warcraft plant has seen the purpose of the US purchase of spacecraft, it will be studied, which is prepared to take a good shirk in advance.

As long as it is scientific research, it is impossible to destroy the spacecraft, so Pander felt that the spacecraft is a big pit.

For the long-term interests of the United States, he and other scientists know that it is a pit, but must step on it, this taste is really bad.

However, the US Asian scientist said it was opposed: "How can this! We spent a trillion bought spaceship, but your Warcraft factory does not provide three-year warranty?

unacceptable! I bought TV on your Huaxia e-commerce website, not a year of replacement, three years warranty? Is the Warcraft factory is not as good as others? "

"I said, people deliberately destroy the spacecraft, not within our warranty. It is clear enough, as long as you abide by the conditions, Warcraft is still warranty."

Ye Hua Wei slightly, cold voice said, "If you can't accept it, this transaction can now be canceled."

Pud and other American scientists hope to see each other, after discussing, decided to pay according to the plan, first buy the spacecraft.

No matter whether there is no warranty, at least buy the spaceship, run dozens of asteroid belts, earn costs back, this is the conditions for Congress agreed.

If Pandoo they are in trouble, the court must not play, and the members of the Congress will not play their mouths, one is fierce.

"Who said to cancel the transaction, we pay the payment. Gold is ready, in the military camp outside the one kilometer, crude oil is deal with the form of the Middle East Oilfield."

Pudan carested other scientists, and then turned around to say to Ye Hua.


Ye Hua nodded and didn't feel trouble.

Six thousand tons of gold is a shocking wealth, and everyone will be careful, and they are definitely very safe in the military camp.

"You wait until you have panicked, I call the second spacecraft and carry gold."

Ye Huadia reminded a sentence.

Pander and others, suddenly envyed. If you can shout the second spacecraft, this is called the wealth!

But they also know that in order to buy this spaceship, the gold in the treasury is about to dry, don't want to buy the second ship in a short time.

There are a lot of gold in the folk, and the number is probably reaching tons of tons, but you want to collect from private hands, it is not a short time.

"Hey, the data of this spacecraft seems to be a bit wrong."

After reading the study of the reactor, Pander knew that the thinking has gradually returned from the shock, and then the data introduced before Ye Hua was suddenly confused.

"Oh, what is wrong?"

Ye Hua blinked, a pair of unfair look.

"You said that it can drag a twenty-five thousand tons of meteorite, how do I remember that you dragged back in front of you, with a weight exceeding one million tons!"

Ped said, heard his teeth, and his eyes were murdered.

"Yeah, I think it is, what you said is indeed 25,000 tons."

"Fax, it's too disgusting, your Warcraft factory actually imperesses the export version of the spaceship performance,?"

"Returns return! Never buy this inferior spacecraft."

The people of other US people are drumming, and one of the scorpions is strictly asked.

Don't say that it is rational, it is no longer able to make things, Americans have always bullied others, not to play this Middle East country all day, is to conduct economic sanctions in a country.

"This is not to learn from you, sold to all the warships to shrink the performance of Three or 4%, such as the Zeus Shield warship sold to the Japanese State ... Example can also mention ten, do you want to listen?"

Ye Hua is not half a bit of shame, and the vibration is not said, but also expressed it entirely with American.

In fact, he hasn't said that the free spaceship is not only shrunk, but the original laser gun, the electromagnet can be removed, but the spacecraft system has also established a ban on adding weapons.

Once the spacecraft system detects an increased weapon, it will crake the blue screen, which is studying with Microsoft.

Ye Hua deliberately did not say, just want to give Pander's scientists a surprise.


Pud and others are so angry, but they can't revoke it, because their country is indeed doing.

"Finally, ask you once, do you want to buy? If you don't buy me, you have to go, and other countries are buying spaceships."

Ye Hua's face is a bit impatient, it seems that I don't want to drag too long.

Pud estimates he is acting, but it is not possible to expose this. In the end, I will temporarily press the grievances, and the cold says: "Such a big thing, I want to contact the White House and respond to this situation."


Yehua agreed that the eyes were very obvious, as if they were all kinds of people.

In the mobile phone of Pander, the President Tang Dao Deng 's roar: "You are a stupid, being taken by others, what is a head?

Others look at Pander, which is encouraged by spirit.

Ten minutes later, Pud's face of Pando, who hang up the phone, a pig liver, anger of the flaming, and did not know who is in his heart. May be curse Yahua, or it may be targeted by Tangzhe, maybe two are all.



Ye Hua did not engage in moths, directly agreed.

He is worried that if you continue to stimulate Pand, will you give this person to the past? He is here to come here, but it is not a gas, but accepts gold and crude oil, and it is necessary.

The transaction is smooth, and Ye Hua has a second spacecraft, all the rights documents of six thousand tons of gold and ten oil fields, flying quickly.

He didn't say that he was not false. The EU set a spaceship, and he needs him to hurry to host transactions.

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