Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 377 encounters

"This can't, it is my flagship, the first space sailing can only be manipulated by me."

Li Xiuwen said his head and refused Ye Hua's request.

What jokes, Ye Hua driving the performance of the big veteran spacecraft, in the solar system, only on the matte spacecraft, can hang the export monkey version of the spacecraft. Is this not satisfied?

"Normal people will be between the aviation carrier and the small boat, choose the former good. I said that you won't be so generous, drive me the Dapeng sign, it turned out to secretly hide a more advanced spacecraft."

Ye Hua hugged a sentence.

"Oh, no matter what you say, this spaceship is mine, you are still old, I'm really opening the big man."

Li Xiuwen returned to a sentence, let Ye Hua Yuyu are incomparable.

Escery Station looks at this scene and smiles.

"Little two, now take off, the purpose is the asteroid belt."

Li Xiuwen will order.

"Yes, the boss."

I can't move like a small second, suddenly talking, scared, and Ye Hua jumped.

They took a closer look for a long time, and finally confirmed the little two of the speech. It turned out to be a phantom, there is no real body!

This effect is not too magical, beyond the imagination of most people.

At first glance, it feels like the magical magic of the Western fantasy novels, which can turn the prince to frog, and can also manipulate the shadow to illusion.


The matte spacecraft slowly fooled, the dome above the top of the head, revealing a large hole in diameter of more than two hundred meters.

After coming out of the warehouse, the Yaudi vessel speed accelerated quickly. In a few seconds, the moon was thrown away, and it became a big pellet.

Ye Hua looked at a huge monitor that became a wall that was shocked: "I am jealous, this spaceship is better than Dapeng!

It's really incredible, it's amazing, only one explanation, it must be the product made by aliens, is it? "

"Yes, yes, it is the alien spaceship I found."

Li Xiuwen point head should be said.

Under the circumstances of the system, it is very troublesome to explain that he is simply in the argument of the alien product, pulling a small lie.

In order to change the angle, however, however, however, it is considered an alien product, so the Yaudi-speed spacecraft is called an alien product.

"I will say, the current technology is impossible to make it."

Ye Hua said that it was like a victory.

No way, the impact of the Yaudi-speed spacecraft is too big, it seems that there is something wrong, and the mind is difficult to calm down.

Ya-ray vessels can not increase speed to 0.5 times the speed of light, otherwise it is a huge threat to the solar system.

At this moment, its speed is only 0.01 times the speed, that is, 3,000 kilometers per second, then step by step, the speed is getting faster and faster.

At this time, the outer view of the giant screen display is not a normal starry sky, but a tangible meteor.

"I last driving Dapeng's spaceship, I haven't seen this landscape!"

Ye Hua stared at the beautiful landscape for a while, and asked Xiaos, "How much is the current speed of the spacecraft?"

"0.02 times the speed of light, the asteroid belt will be reached after two hours."

Xiao Er exposed a smile, decently answered, like a training-friendly service personnel, is very gentle.

"What? Such high!"

After Ye Hua listened, he took the tongue, and it would be immersed in the shock for a while.

The third universe speed of the solar system is only 16.7 kilometers per second, compared with the speed of the spacecraft, that is, the snail is as slow.

Even if he drives the Dapeng sign of driving, spending a few days to go to the speed of the asteroid belt, and it is far from can't be compared to today's speed.

"Mom, I am not dreaming, I have come to a spacecraft that can measure speed with speed."

Ye Hua even he saw that Xiao Second answer, still difficult to believe in the spacecraft of his foot, is moving in 0.02 times.

"Alien products, quality is really super-global spaceship!"

"This is not nonsense, it is someone who knows."

Li Xiuwen slammed his mouth, and can come to the aliens of the Earth, must be a lot of strong earth, or how to cross the dark space.

Hollywood's human beings defeated aliens' stories, watching it, it is a brain into water.

The aliens have across the years, and even the dozens of light years come to the earth, the scientific and technological level is definitely very powerful, the weapons and fire sticks of the earth are not different.

"The boss, gravitational radar detected a signal of a spacecraft, which is the one you sold to Huaxia."

When the child was verified, I found an interesting news. I feel that I can let Li Xiu Wen more pay more attention to myself and tilt the resource.

A blurred picture, the export monkey version of the spacecraft, there is a bright five-star red flag.

"Rely, everyone says that it is good to go to the asteroid with mining, how can China steal in advance?"

Ye Hualu said a word, and it reveals a cold light.

If it is not an Ya-ray speed space, he will probably wait for the spacecraft to arrive, and then go to the asteroid with the mandes.

Ye Hua made Xiaodiao down the speed of the spacecraft, and then sent a public electromagnetic wave toward the Huaxia spacecraft: "You don't talk about it, steal in advance."

"Who are you? There is no message in this spaceship in the database, can't find your identity."

On the other side of Huaxia, I will ask, put out the bottom of the chasing.

At present, the speed of the sub-speed spacecraft is reduced to the export version of the spacecraft, and the previous one is close to two coils. Otherwise, the Ya-rapid spacecraft will be able to throw behind the inland spaceship.

However, they are two completely different products, put together with speed, the Huaxia spacecraft can only take the bottom.

"I am Ye Hua! Do you hear my voice?"

Ye Hua is a little angry, these people, how can they always remember their voice.

"No, your flight ship should look like my spaceship, now it seems to be different! The three-meter Dapeng-level spacecraft is like a gnome next to you."

There is a question on the side of the spacecraft.

If you don't want to look at it, you can see that the two spacecraft is not the same, definitely not the same.

"Since you don't believe, let's open a video!"

"It's really Yehua!"

On the other side of Huaxia, I finally determined that there was an acquaintance in a strange spaceship.

Then they ask Ye Hua, the new spacecraft is used to do, how the energy center, how fast, etc.

"Okay, you will fly slowly, I have to take a step first, go to the asteroids to search for high-value meteorites."

Ye Hua said that a few words were impatient, and after he greeted, let the spacecraft quickly left.

In those problems, many issues involve the core secrets of the World of Warcraft, it is difficult to answer.

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