Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter II Warehouse

"I don't know what you want to say, you are not interested, please let the road, I have to go back to the dormitory to sleep."

Chen Zishan is shocked, and it is extremely calm, and the expression on his face fluctuates, and it is reluctant to maintain calm.

How is this guy seen? It's really damn, you don't seem to expose the horse's foot.

His heart is already in the mountains, and it is not calm.

However, Chen Zishan turned and thought, as long as this person is not the employee of Warcraft factory, his identity should not be exposed, and continue to stay.

"Cautious heart is a very good advantage, it seems that I don't want to go."

Young people wearing frameless glasses smiled, "My name is the same, I am currently doing miners in diamond mining group, the identity on the surface is almost a general worker. In fact, I am hired in the Japanese, pick up The task is the same as you, that is to find the spacecraft manufacturing base of the World of Warcraft. "

"Well, although we have the same purpose, but all the roads, don't bother me."

Chen Zishan has a certain heart, and the look is relaxed, and the anxiety between the eyebrows has no trace.

Since this inexplicable thing to find to go to the door is also a spy, the security is basically no problem, and each other has a handle.

"I think you have not progressed in these days. If you team up with me, the efficiency will definitely improve. Don't you want to complete the task, please return to the earth to make a rich man?"

Fang Xiang smiled, specially in the rich words of the word, as long as it is a clear person, I will understand what he means.

"What rich people are unobstructed, I have completed the task But I can get $ 200,000, where is it to go to the rich. Is there a heavy supply?"

Chen Zishan shrugged, "Koreans are a group of ghosts, or if I see this task failure will not deduct money, definitely will not take it."

To put it bluntly, he is a part-time spy, and he also knows that the chance of success is not very big.

And Chen Zishan also knows that in addition to ourselves, there are other people who live in Korea for a while, they have received this task.

This is what he said before returning to China, and it should be true.

Chen Zishan understood that the stick hit the idea of ​​the sea tactics, and the large area of ​​Guangsi, as long as someone captured the fish, even if it was successful. What's more, the stick will not put this important task, only give him one person.

"Yes, as long as I find the spacecraft base of the World of Warcraft, I can get a $ 10 million bonus. If you are willing to join, I can share the $ 2 million for you."

The same is also high, and huge remuneration is given directly.

"What are you talking about?"

Chen Zhan moved his heart and asked.

"Of course, it is the opponent of South Korea and the country in the electronics industry. Is it not necessary to integrate?"

Suddenly, I suddenly closed my mouth, and I walked forward in the shoulders of Chen Zishan.

When Chen Zishan was struggling, he heard the voices of the Square mouth: "Note, come!"

The two were only gone in seven eight steps, and the moon workers of a World of Warcraft were weird from them.

After the man walked away, Chen Zishan pushed the way, and his face was disgusting: "What to do, I will stay away from me later. Say, you are not a man?"

"Reassured, you can't see it, I can't see it."

When I shaken the head, I was ridiculed, I transferred the topic to the cooperation. "Do you want to cooperate with me? The Ma Lee, otherwise I will go to others."

"Okay, I joined."

Chen Zishan thought of two million dollars, and the task of the bar is ten times the task reward, and promised to have a very good.

"Well, let's explore the Warehouse of the E-T, before I am alone, no one can cooperate, I can't act. Now I have your joining, there is a chance to complete its exploration."

I immediately said a goal immediately.

Obviously, he is ready, and it is also a plan, just wait for a person to act.

I heard here, the alerts in Chen Zishan also reduced a little, and this is true, and there is still a certain harvest.

When you contact the Japanese State, there will be progress to report to the stick, see if you can deduct your money from the horses of the cavity.

"The Warehouse I set, the tourists can't go, Warcraft factory ordinary employees can't go there. There is only some management and high-level, often go there, I think there may be hidden things there, perhaps a huge spaceship manufacturing workshop, Perhaps the subway station. "

Introduced to the whisper, it will also say it.

"What is it, this is not enough to say that we are not enough to go there."

Chen Zishan said depressed.

He also thought that the spider silk mart is found, and the results only find a warehouse that requires high privileges, it is really a heart.

"Reassured, I have a way to enter, or what you do?"

Said smile and did not explain the reason.

The two people walk, the less people encountered. After turning a big bend, I walked into a cold channel, and it seems that it is not often the same.

At this time, Chen Zishan began to believe that the Japanese spy is really an important place.

Squat, squat.

In the whole passage, only the footsteps of their two, quietly quiet.

Chen Zishan swallowed a spit, his face was nervous, asked Xiao: "Since there is no a few people have permissions, will we like the Warcraft factory?"

"Hey, if you consider this problem now, is it late? There is a camera on the road, let alone the secret workshop with higher confidentiality, we must appear in the monitoring system of the World of Warcraft."

It's easy to laugh, it seems to be a mentally wisdom.

"Then take me again! What do you want to do?"

Chen Zishan stopped the footsteps, a big warning, and the heart began to regret it.

He felt that he was really fascinated by two million US dollars, and the speed of brain tendene slowed down, and he tried a stranger!

There is danger here, you must leave immediately!

Chen Zishan slowly retreated and made a ready-to-call ready.

"Andrew, we were put into the employees who were mistaken here, but they were not big, but they were warned. After we entered the Warehouse, they will really trigger alarm."

Credit, "If you leave now, the behavior mode is abnormal, you may trigger the police newspaper. Still walking with me."

"Damn! I am your trap!"

Chen Zishan didn't know when Chen Zishan didn't know, and he was applying to it!

"Come over, rapidly, don't waste time."

"I !"

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