"I remember that there are several TVs in the air space, directly and outside monitoring cameras, open it, you can know what happened outside."

"Yes, we have been too anxious, forget to open TV."

After a while, the TV screen lit and showed the situation outside.


The outer situation is very good, the factory is still complete, unlike a missile attack.

However, there is no number of workers, and the factory is very quiet, dead, and there is no more vitality.

"Look, the sky!"

All TV screens are immediately switched to the surveillance camera against the sky.

I saw a few vague highlights in the sky, and I was very high-speed.

The missile is coming!

Everyone holds breathing, and the general is no exception. The whole god looks at the TV screen and quickly becomes large.

A red laser rosted the screen, like a big net, pocket the missile of the ground.

Boom, bombard.

A series of thunderous explosions sounded, and there was a lot of deep red flames in the sky.

Even if the air defense cave in the underground fifty meter, many people feel a little vibration, and the ground is shaking.

In fact, there is no vibration on the ground of air defense caves, shaking is the scene of their brain, there is no practical.

"Worse, there is still a missile that is not stopped!"

In the flames of the half sky, suddenly two highly bright light spots, the volume is rapid, and it can be found to be a black object.


A block of air missiles dragged with long tail flames, formed a last interception network.

At this time, the speed of the middle and long-range missiles, exceeding 30 times sound, so as soon as lightning, it is very difficult to intercept.

The big net of the hundreds of ground-air missiles, but there is one of them, and the remaining missile explodes in the southeast corner of the spacecraft factory.

After a grouped flash, the ground has shaken a few times, and thousands of square meters of buildings become ruins. The large number of machines were blown up, and they were still seriously injured.

"Can be evil! If you are a little bit, you can intercept all the hit missiles!"

He always looks at the factory that has smoke, and it is not willing to say.

The faces of other workers are all unsatisfactory, and the missile caused by major losses is full.

The built spacecraft is damaged, and the repair will not be repaired, which will be given up directly, re-build a spacecraft.

Because the spacecraft is in space, flying at a high speed of 2,000 meters, the hull should endure the great tensile, and a little accident will cause extremely bad consequences.

In order not to let the astronauts driving a lot of spacecrafts, the damaged spaceship is not repaired, and the labor represents the labor of all workers in the past, there is no value.

"The damn stick, they have been crazy, they dare to launch missiles towards us! Be sure to give them a profound lesson!"

"Yes, the proud of the pride must bear our anger, and since they dare to do this, we have to return to the ten missiles."

"I think the stick should not be so big, behind the United States is finger."

"How about it, the missile is launched from the stick, we don't find them to retaliate, is it going to find American trouble? Don't speak."

"Yes, as long as the sticks admitted to the US pressure, and anti-biting the United States, you can temporarily spare them, otherwise it will bear our retaliation."

There was always no talk, listening to the anger workers talking about returning action, sighed in my heart.

Eye people can see that there must be a shadow of the United States behind the stick, but Huaxia can't be directly turned to face, and at most indirectly.

It is better to be like this, and I have to endure first, I have to find a suitable opportunity to secretly revenue, and some wretched action.

The international community can not pay attention to civilization, but the jungle battlefield, everything talks with strength.

Huaxia is currently not the opponent in the United States, can only be embarrassed. There is enough strength to suppress the United States, you can act directly, don't worry yourself.

The results of the work are the same as the ashes, and they are secretly swearing in their hearts. Be sure to make the post-level spaceship as soon as possible, improve the country's strength, and scare the United States.

The performance of the American dog hasty, just explains that they are afraid, fear, the spacecraft.

The best retaliation is to make the opponent feel scared and do what they fear. If you can do it, you will be able to produce a sea space.

The Huaxia Foreign Ministry responded quickly, and immediately asked South Korea why launching missiles and destroying a number of buildings, causing huge economic losses.

However, the face of the sticks of the sticks are poked, and a statue of just informed: "What, there is such a thing, first investigate, then pay again."

"If you don't even control the mid-range missiles in a thousand kilometers, it is better to directly disband the country, and there is no need to exist."

"You are saying, I don't understand."

In the face of the stupid behavior of the sticks, Huaxia directly took action, announced that the next six months, prohibiting the tour group from going to South Korea, adding 25% of the imported base items.

The rustic sticks are synchronized, and the import tax of Huaxia commodities is to implement peer.

After the saliva, the two countries directly moved the knife and gave each other.

However, Huaxia's physical style is ten times the stick, just like a giant and gnome, the gap is huge, and the same big wound is nothing.

Moon, Warcraft Factory Base

"The situation is like this, the war will probably not happen, but the economy mutual sanctions may last long. Especially after accepting the US aid, I can't see the hope in a short time."

The lush waving a small fist, said excited, "It's really addicted, I really want to see the stick, but the United States is in the back!"

"This is normal, isn't it. South Korea's economy is actually controlled by Wall Street. Samsung, modern monopoly money valve equity, the United States is mostly occupied, and the benefits of massive volume will be harvested every year."

Li Xiuwen swept passed the computer screen and looked at the top ten shareholders of Samsung's shareholding, there were eight US companies.

"Let me have a breath for the motherland."

He ordered the Jiasia, " NASDAQ, New York Exchange an hour."

"Yes, the boss."

When the Grand Theft Auto, I have made Nasdaq and New York Exchange all computer blue screens, and they cannot match stock trading.

So the United States's shareholders and institutional investors, stunned, stocks on the securities account can not sell, and buy stocks do not enter.

All stock messages are stagnant, like frozen, there is no half point change.

"Oh, buy it, what is going on?"

"Worse, Nasdaq was black, stopped all transactions."

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