Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 430 Mars

"Boss, is there anything I need to do?"

The flying saucer only heard Li Xiuwen promised, and he didn't tell it, and his heart was uneasy.

It can not forget that he is stared by the Grand Theft Auto and Abai. It is a newcomer. It is a way to stand firmly and foot.

"Do you want to do something?"

Li Xiuwen finally removed from the computer screen and looked at the aspiration projection floating in the air.

"Yes, what is wrong, or tell me."

"That ... go to the exploration of Mars, see where it is suitable for building large cities, the surrounding mine is rich, but also remembering the space in the future."

Li Xiuwen thought about it, Masque took a few days a few days, and should start building a Mars city plan, and he can't slow down.

"Okay, I will have it now."

The UFO cancels the projection. After returning to the body, there is no direct takeoff, but contact the Grand Theft.

"Hey, I took a task of exploration Mars, you can't do it yet."

"Great to a fart, I am not like you is a newcomer, even if you don't do things a year or the most trusted artificial intelligence of the boss."

"Hey, wait to see it, the boss will eventually find that I can do an electronic intelligent life for him."

UFO hangs up the phone, the diameter is rising, and it is flying toward the Mars.

It didn't think that the Warcraft plant actually had mature nuclear fusion technology, and the reserves of the squid were very rich. One breath made the material warehouse filled with , can last for ten years.

When the US military is bonded, its warehouse is not a gram of , is a hungry ghost that has not eaten in a seventy year.

Esi looked at the flying saucer left, came to Li Xiuwen office, curiously asked: "When you let it leave? Maybe it comes back from Mars, follow the alien warship."

"Don't worry, the body of the flying saucer is no longer the previous one, I have changed a new one. If it dares to be dynamic, I will immediately make it immediately. It is enough to be safe."

Li Xiuwen said with a smile.

"That's almost."

Eating is then letting down.

"Playing a piece of" Jianghu "?"


After the two, the back is heavy, the chair is automatically placed, and the transform is a single sofa, the massage function starts.

Li Xiuwen's shoulder, back, neck is massaged, not light, comparable to excellent masseur, is very useful for muscle soothing relaxation.

Put on the holographic helmet, the eyes are bright, no longer a massage chair, but come to a peak of Qingshan, surrounded by Baiyun, is like a fairyland.

Before entering the game, he abandoned the previous character, handed over to the main brain control of the game, and choosing to re-enter the rivers and lakes, as a new adventure.

Although this game of Jianghu can build a person yourself, like other online games, most players like randomly, not to create itself.

Because the character is very common, it is a civilian and qualifications are also general, like the Prinches.

The random attachment is different, it may become a martial arts, may also become a disciple of martial arts, and even the prince of the court is not possible.

In the game forum, there is a son with a player with a product, an ordinary martial arts cheat, the valuable herbs should be, and it is also possible to pay a big martial art, which is directly over most people.

Li Xiuwen this luck is average, which is attached to a pharmacy apprentice in Hengshan City, and the martial arts will only have a large rushing and fundamental law.

The clothes on the body are also very ordinary, the gray shorts, hands with brown yellow yellow, all dyed by the medicine juice, and also exudes a strong medicinal material.

Although the characters created by is a civilians, but it is still beautiful, it is a rare beauty in Hengshan City.

She found a pharmacy, looked at Li Xiuwen, who was reprisoned by her physician, smiled and said, "Haha, I didn't expect you to transfer into a pharmacy apprentice. Do you want to choose once?"

Ordinary players need to spend more than one thousand, in order to re-enhance, and only one month can only re-selection five times. Li Xiuwen wants to come back, naturally does not need to pay.

"Hey, how is the apprentice, can be a rivers and lake heroes, write a legend!"

After Li Xiuwen arrived until the physician left, he came to the gerbera and said hard.

He has just been abandoned, has been mixed into a three-run master, and it is a rare role that ordinary players seeks to seek, but the martial arts is too common, and it is difficult to improve.

Although the starting point of this apprentice is now low, at least the qualifications are good, and the potential is much larger.

"Let's go, unless you really want to be a pharmacy apprentice."

"Wait a minute, I might be white, I will take a hundred years of ginseng in the pharmacy."

Li Xiuwen returned to go back, pulled a hidden drawer on the wall of the most corner, put the people wrapped in silk into the arms.

"what are you doing!"

The pharmacist came out from the interior and shouted with his eyes. "Come on, my apprentice stolen!"

Li Xiuwen doesn't care, flourif out the curious crowd, mix into the people in the ancient street.

"Catch her, the two are a group!"

The pharmacist saw a hundred years of participation by Li Xiuwen, anxious like an ant on a hot pot, seeing the gentle eyes, and reach the hand.

Esce is dark, Li Xiuwen, does not give a secret number, flying on the ground, flying to the roof of the street, step on the black tile.

"Ah, haven't you come yet?"

The pharmacist glanced at the embankment of the embankment, and he knew that she escaped leaving. The 100-year-old will not be more chasing, and a heart is like falling into ice water.

"Take a thief!"

The thunder is in two hands, and finally squeezing the crowd and came to the pharmacy door.

After listening to the pharmacist, he didn't say two words. He came to the roof on the wall, chasing the past.

His two hands will not work, will not be light, even if the most rude grass is flying, can only look at the back of the boss disappeared.

The physical strength of the embansical, running out of two hundred meters, Dantian's slightly internal force consumption is clean, and I have to jump from the roof.

At this time, the thunder came up, took out the horizontal knife between the waist and saw: "Stop!"

call out!

A snow-white knife lights to the back of the embossed.


In the hands of the fever, I hold a steel sword in my hand, and I blocked the knife, but I took three steps after it, my hands were slightly shaking.

"Let's take it, otherwise don't blame me!"

The thunder is slowly walking forward, forcing the embarrassment to surrender.

In order to catch Li Xiuwen who steals herbs, he needs a living port, so it is necessary to resist the sexuality.

"You are too selling, don't make a catch head that can be mixed over, isn't you want a centuries?"

The lush is gently smiled and expresses the true face of the thunder.

"Give me down!"

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