Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 433, true and false

"The World of Warcraft is really torn, I actually give the intern a game helmet! I will get the name, maybe I can get one, go to the rivers and lakes during the day, and I will enter the rivers and lakes."

"Xionghui you want to pull the brothers, if there is a recruitment plan in Warcraft factory, inquiry us in advance."

"no problem."

Xionghui agreed, although he did not think that he hadn't turned his employees, it was able to know the recruitment plan of the company's personnel department in advance.

But at this time, if he refuses to reject friends, it will definitely make relationships very stiff, it is better to agree.

In the eyes envious of the groom, Xiong Hui is lying in bed, wearing a game helmet, and the whole person seems to cross the space.

Here is between the earth!

Xionghui saw the sky of azure, suspended in the boundless dark space; it was a gray giant moon ball, which is more than 7 or eight times more than the ground, it is very large, and the crater on the surface is particularly clear. It is like a close to the camera.

He found that he was floating in space, there is no support at the feet, and it is not necessary to make it feel that it is extremely true.

This immersive virtual realistic degree is better than the network, the commented commented is true!

Xionghui found a thing. At present, this kind of truth has to make him feel that it doesn't feel half of the false, not the game helmet can do.

Two or three evaluators may lying, but they can't all people will make this true, when doing only five or six-point virtual reality technology.

Is the helmet of the internal employee of the Warcraft factory, is a special customized, realistic super high game helmet?

Xiong Hui wants to go, suddenly thinks that the company is too thick and thick, caught in a lifetime, don't let go, to ensure that you will eat it.

"Welcome to go to Warcraft factory online office."

A small robot of a cute twenty centimeter is flying from the distance and falls in front of Bear Hui.

"Online office? I will go to work here later!"

Xionghui looked around, nothing, except that small robots in front of you.

"Let you put you here, in order to let you first accept the line on the line, your real work place is on Mars. Do you want to see?"

"Go to see."

Xiong Hui looked at the small robot to grabbed his sleeves. When he was black, he stood on the red Gobi in front of him. It could not see there was no green plant. The sky was also gray, and there were a lot of solar slight blue.

Mars surface contains a lot of trival iron to let the ground show rust colors.

And the Mars is very thin, often scraping the global wind, bringing the dust into the air, like the smog of the city of Huaxia, and there is a dirty feeling of the day.

Xiong Hui couldn't help but breathe, and wanted to cough several times.

Then I find my own robot, I don't need to inhale dirty air, and I have no cough.

For the first time, Xiong Hui, who feels very strange, and always reminds everything you see is fake, in order to separate it and realize.

"Here is Mars! I feel like I am really standing on Mars, it is too real."

"In a sense, you are currently standing on Mars and see your current body, don't be too surprised."

Xionghui has a low head, and he sees a pair of silver-gray robots. The body is also the body of the steel, and suddenly it is greatly scared.

He tried to act, and found that both hands were very flexible. It was not more than half of the inconvenience, and there was no difference in reality, as if he had a robot to be divided.

"Don't stare at the robot, listen to me carefully. Your current body is a real-existing robot, and I haven't started building a Mars base. Your job is to control it, complete the task issued by the company every day, after a month It can turn it through the assessment. "

"That is to say, I really came to Mars now? Who is so talented, I want to make this low-cost construction Mars!"

Xionghui admires the guy who thinks that through the virtual reality system, people can remotely control the robot to build Mars.

If you don't leave your home, you can build people on the earth build Mars, too much resources, more than ten times more than letting employees go to Mars.

He also showed that the technical strength of the Warcraft factory is really unbearable. The earth Month is more than 100 million kilometers away. It takes two or three minutes away from this way. It is not a simple thing to communicate.

"This is the method of Li Tong thinks, avoiding your Martian staff to expect the planet that is not developing in Mars, causing psychological problems."

"Li is always too powerful, it is simply human light. I am very admired by him, pulling humanity into the Star Colonial Era."

Hey, the small robot did not speak, kept turning over the white eyes: I was a little used in front of me.

"Well, my mission is done, I will go to the next interns. Remember to wear my helmet on time tomorrow morning, come here to work."

"Good, let's go, I want to visit a circle on Mars."

Xiong Hui looked at the small machine. It disappeared, like transient leaving.

Mom, the technology developed in the Warcraft factory? Everything I have now, is it true?

If he still remembers, he put it on the bed of the dormitory before wearing a helmet, almost thinks to cross a magical world, winning a robot body, seeing the guideline instantly leaves.

If he lost the memory before wearing a helmet, he will really think it is.

The Warcraft factory has such a strong technology. If you want to unify the earth, it seems to be a little easily, and you will have a brain for everyone who has a game helmet.

Xionghui thought that he might be brainwash, and suddenly felt creepy, there was an impulse of resignation.

It turned out that virtual reality technology was in this danger. The owner's mind is evil, the hacker empire will come to the earth!

He carefully thought for a long time, decided not to resign, and be a worker who had powerful technology to be safe than ordinary people.

In case, in case the World of Warcraft, it should also need a certain human help to maintain, and as employees will definitely be limited by limited considerations.

There is a bright meteor in the gray sky, and the fire is straight to the ground.


The earth is just gently shaking for a while, soon stopping, and the violent impact in Xiong Hui is very different.

The dust is slightly affected by his sight, but he still see something that falls in a few hundred meters away, not a meteorite but a spacecraft.

There are four big words on the side of the hull: Warcraft factory.

It turned out to be the company's spacecraft!

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