Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 439 Enhanced Pharmaceutical Experiment

"Okay, the intern is kicked, and now I can tell me the truly use of the fire star."

Li Xiuwen looked at Xiong Hui forced to go off the line, and he could no longer hear his conversation with the Grand Theft through the game helmet. Suddenly said.

Before this, he didn't know the knowledge of the Grand Theft, which was so deep, and can analyze the genetic material DNA of the test of Mars.

In Li Xiuwen, the main body of the Grand Theft has always called the wind in the network, and he did not expect to start experiments to not lose from researchers.

There is only one explanation, that is, the Grand Theft Auto has learned the biological knowledge disclosed on the earth. There may be more than creatures, other subjects such as physics, chemistry, and mathematics should be learned by it.

Li Xiuwen thinks this, there is some eye red to the grabbore, I can't wait to copy myself directly from the network.

Earth's technology is getting more and more advanced, and the big evergreen-level scientists in each discipline are not intensive to learn other disciplines, not unwilling but not enough.

Li Xiuwen feels that if there is such a quick study of equipment, scientists will definitely grabbourge to buy, instill more knowledge in their heads.

"Boss, I found that Mars Ants adapt very well, and the harsh environment can survive in Mars. Don't look at it is only 2 mm long, the growth potential is huge, as long as there is enough food, you can quickly grow up.

You look at this Martian ant, after eating 50 grams of bread slag, the body has risen to 1 cm long, this growth rate, exceeding most of the global organisms.

I suggest to cultivate a lot of Mars Ants, selling it as a special product to the earth tourists, may be a nice business opportunity. "

Li Xiuwen thought for a few seconds, refused: "Still calcul, we will not know the characteristics of the fire star, sell it out to take risks. So small things, there is no need to report it."

He won't be a little money, and he will take the unknown creature of the fire star.

"I just opened a little joke with you, the biggest value of Martian ants did not act as specialty, but as a main raw material to strengthen the human body. I used the super supercomputer simulated for a long time, got a recovery of the human body, You can increase the physical quality of a person twice. "

"You haven't joked it! How can I have this recovery of the human body in the world? You can study Mars a few hours."

Li Xiuwen felt that he was like crossing the world, and the Earth people studied for decades, and they did not find some kind of medicament. It can increase the quality of the body to four or five times.

The top of the top athlete can be said to be the current human physiological limits, and they don't dare to say that their body is five times better than ordinary people.

Thousands of short runners only need more than 9 seconds, the level of ordinary people 12 or three seconds, the former is reluctant to exceed half of the latter.

Weightlifters have a lot of strength, and can raise more than two hundred kilograms of barbells. Ordinary people can also give more than 100 kilograms, not five times more.

If the medicament can increase the quality of the human body to five times, everyone can raise a half-ton weight, which is terrible, everyone is a small superman.

"Inspired, the result came out."

The grace said, "In fact, it is too strong, it is better than the earth, it is better than the earth, so it can make a result. Boss, give me a more powerful host! It is best to be super Quantum computer, "

Li Xiuwen turned over the eyes, and this world manual intelligence also touched.

"Since Mars Ants is so useful, build a farm first, breed it. As for the enhanced form, do not launch, first do animal testing."

Li Xiuwen said with cautious, not intended to announce the enhancement of the formula immediately.

He still has more concerns, this strengthening the formula has long-term injury to the human body, or affecting what human reproductive, it is simply disastrous.

Because everyone is eager to become more powerful, it is difficult to endure the temptation of enhanced formula. He admitted that there was a moment that just hit his body immediately.

In short, Li Xi Decision is decided, and the study of Mars cannot leak out, and the content is not good!

Fortunately, he does not have to worry about scientific research man less exclusive exposure, the Grand Theft the Theft Auto, the top 100 top bioisters.

The assistant can be acting as a fashionable robot, and there is no possibility of leak.

"Well, the United States, China, Russian India also rushed to discover the canyon of Mars. Cannot let them get a fire star ant, one more dangerous."

Li Xiuwen suddenly remembered that three spacecrafts rushed to Mars.

Through the American satellite on the Mars satellite track, he saw the spacecraft of the four countries has landed near the canyon, and it seems that I have already got the fire star ant.

One step later, I hope that these people have also developed without strengthening the formula!

Li Xiuwen is somewhat annoyed, but soon, I will put it down, and the four scientists will not be so smart, and the intensive formula is studied as the Grand Theft.

Moreover, he can't say directly to the four countries, you don't have to study the firear ants, and give them all the people!

That's directly to intervene the four national policies, meaning and the game is almost.

Li Xiuwen thought about it, and the instructions were issued to an idle spacecraft.

Thirty hours later, a spacecraft that emergently came from the earth, landed near the robotic factory, and there were various animals. Among them, there are many experimental animals such as small mice, rabbits, dogs, orangutans.

Li Xiuwen looked at the school to do experiments and felt very interesting.

A small mice with 20 grams, after being injected with Mars Ants, in the glass box, like a mad, constantly impact glass with his head, and screaming in his mouth.

Grand Theft Auto puts a lot of food, and the mice immediately rushed up, and it was five times the weight of 100 more minutes.

Belly, the mouse, the same as the peak, the digestive ability seems to have also enhanced a lot, no belly is flat, and the body length has increased half.


Xiaoban Mouse seems to feel very narrow in the glass box, two front paws continue to smash the glass, make a dull sound.

"In the past two hours, the power has been doubled, and the attackability is also improved. This needs attention."

Grand Theft Auto wrote experimental records, and recorded the performance of small mice.

A probe penetrated into the muscles of mice, and went out to some blood and muscle tissue, leaving a needle eye.

, .

Various instruments have run for a while and spit out the results on the paper.

"Well, the number of red blood cells was 30%, and the diameter of the muscle fibers increased by 50%. The white blood cells were more than 10% ... It's amazing, but the physical quality of the mice has become strong, and the immune ability has also been significantly improved!"

Grand Theft Authority said.

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