Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 458 Crazy Wang Xiaomun

Huaxia Hangcheng

Wang Xiaomun's mobile phone alarm clock rang, reminding him that time has arrived at 9:55 am, it is ten o'clock.

He quickly exited eating a chicken game, opened the official website of Warcraft, and looked at the black video playing window, loosen a sigh of relief.

As a salesman, Wang Xiaomun is relatively free, as long as the KPI is completed, the idle time is playing games to be seen by the supervisor.

The number of online people in the upper left has exceeded 30 million, and it is still growing rapidly, and I will go.

A message in the comment area appeared, and did not refresh quickly, so that Wang Xiaomun was a bit strange.

Normally, the message of up to 10 million viewers should be squeezed that the comment area is.

He tried to send a message, just press the send button, the display popped up a small window.

The above is written: Your comments, the message will enter the artificial smart screening merger process, and the meaningless water comment will be excluded, and the comments that mean, it will be combined into one.

"I rub, so high-tech, even the review review is used in manual intelligence."

Wang Xiaomun was emotion.

The new product release has not yet begun, Wang Xiaolun took the empty a message: "Who knows what the new product will be? The Warcraft launched the big manship, it is not the thing that ordinary consumers can afford."

Fortunately, the comment directly appeared after the comment area after screening, rather than being blocked by repeating content.

"Should I still be a spacecraft of this TOB product, I haven't launched the products of our ordinary people. 3d screen mobile phones and TV, which I bought the last electronic product of World of Warcraft."

"A spacecraft can sell trillion, this profiteering business is more than selling mobile phones, TV earnings, no one will face the business, the country's business."

"I read this new product, it is possible to popularize ordinary people, otherwise how to open a network conference, attracting everyone to watch."

"Cut, there is no hammer, the whole article is guess."

At 10 o'clock, the black live broadcast is replaced by a large conference room, and there is no one on the podium, but the thousands of chairs are filled with reporters and countries. Observer.

Influence to Warcraft plants, all countries don't dare to look at this conference, so the missing observers are sitting in the first row, holding video recording equipment in their hands.

"Welcome everyone to come to Warcraft factory, and I wish friends in front of the screen to have a pleasant morning."

A middle-aged man wearing glasses, wearing white shirts, is also the vice president of administration, came to the podium.

Wang Xiaolun saw it, some disappointed.

This guy is neither Li Xiuwen, nor is a beautiful female president, and the launch will fall by 50%.

On the live broadcast of the comment area, there have also been a lot of , huh, huh, huh.

"It seems that I am very welcome, then I don't waste time. Many people on the Internet let me go in the lecture. In this case, I will listen to everyone, I will leave early."

The vice president has a wave of black, so that Wang Xiaolun is a little bit a little, and it will be more expensive for the next release.

This person is a bit interesting, love is fun, there is no time to waste my precious time.

Wang Xiaomong thought.

The vice president prescribed a remote control on his hand, and a human muscle anatomy teaching is suddenly appearing behind the large-scale screen.

After a few seconds, I changed to a bone anatomical map, followed by replacement into various national athletes, muscle tight motion.

"There is currently evidence that the evolution of human body has been stagnant, and the world record created by athletes has no major breakthrough. Some scientists believe that human beings will become a small body of a big head, like a brain height after tens of thousands of years. The developed alien is like. "

Wang Xiaomun found that this vice president really is a wonderful person, and there is no unfair, there is no practice to boast the past achievements of their own companies.

This style is simple enough, it is rude enough, the pad is also straight, and people with eyes can see that the next new product may be related to the human body.

Sure enough, the vice president took a small white bottle from the pocket pocket, said: "The new product is a human body strengthening agent. If the injection is enough, the physical quality of ordinary people will increase, and the athlete will be low."

The picture on the big screen continues to change, Liu Xian athlete with high popularity stands on the runway, looking at a black track and field athlete who is happy to rushing through the end, and the face has a large haze.

After returning to China, Liu surnamed track and field athletes, saw the World of Warcraft Enhancer Trial Trial, and signed up, even if the leaders of the Sports Bureau persuaded it.

At the beginning of the new game, Liu surnamed track and field athletes were like a martyrower, and a leading black athlete, the first one rushed over the end.

The live broadcast of the comment area is like a fryer, and a lot of comments have come out.

"I rely on the news report before this game, I didn't expect that he ran out of China's track and field athletes, which was an injection of the human body strengthening agent of the World of Warcraft!"

"This is cheating, this kind of medicine directly strengthens the human body seems to have never heard of it. It is the stimulant that is banned by athletes, often seen in the news."

"The competition organization has no reason to disable non-doping drugs, otherwise the sick athletes have to wait for death, and what medicine can't be eaten."

"The most embarrassment, the international track and field competition did not find a stimulant, which would not prove that the human body strengthening agent is not a stimulant, but it really enhances the quality of physical quality?"

Wang Xiaomun recruited, it seems to report a Huaxian track and field mobilization, but he was immersed in the news of Mr. Jin Yong, did not care about Musk.

The vice president's vice president continued: "The human strengthening agent can not only improve the strength, but also improve the bed ability! The physical quality is improved, and it will definitely keep longer."

I heard here, the reporters turned up, like a group of unprotisible wilders, one by one, may not reach the microphone into the mouth of the vice president.

"Don't stand up, sit down, I have not announced the price of the drug."

The vice president did not continue to press the remote control, but sat down to rest.

The reporters under the podium sat down one by one, but the neck stretched out, like a gray goose that only draws the neck.

1999 yuan!

, !

The reporters took a breath, not because the body's price of the drug is high, but too low!

In the gym for one year, buy the coach's course, tens of thousands of flowers still can't practice any muscles.

"Yes, it's so? The price is too close."

"Too cheap, I exercise in the gym for half a year, but only adding a lot of arm power. Other parts have not been practiced."

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