Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 796 Soul Fusion

Not long, Doma was held by Harm, which was held in the universe, and the Audding holding a green flame light tree, which was placed on the ground like a dog.

"Are you still awkward?"

Li Xiuwen stands in front of Domam, which is high, and I ridicule.

Domum struggled to raise his head, and the eyes were dead. Li Xiuwen was very unwilling to say: "Hey, it is unfair! They hold top treasures in their hands, but I have two hands."

He hated, and he complained: "We will step on your feet, it is better than the dog."

Li Xiuwen admits that those words are a bit, and Her has no universe, definitely not Domum's opponent, so that two of them are gone to compete.

But the reality is the case, people and people are not equal, envy and can't change the facts.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry to hand over Tor's soul, or I will let you know what is not as good as death."

O'Don's alone shoots fierce, and the tone is extremely difficult.

"Hey, look at this kind of appearance, I really make me happy."

Doma is a few times, not worried about his own life, as if there is any reliable relationship.

Li Xiuwen looked at these eyes, no opening, and he rushed to a curious.

This is the time, Domarn has a basement? Sure enough, it is an old fox.

Herrowow is slightly, and the pretty face has a little curious, and the eyes are deeply staring in Domam.


When Odin lifted the right foot, he was repeated on the Domam's head.

Li Xiuwen listened to your dull steps, and his teeth were calculated. How much power is.

Especially he saw Domam headed, the shackles of the depressed were some sympathetic.

Although Li Xiuwen is clear, his mercy is not necessary, Domarn this guy did not know how many wisdom civilizations were invaded, and how many tragems were created.

In this way, Li Xiuwen soon abandon unnecessary conflict heart, and started to mention this scene of Damum torture.

The temper of O'Din is really irritating. Ray God Tor should be inherited his character.

"Tor's soul, where did you hide?"

Odin did not hear Domam answered, and stepped on the back of the latter, almost stepped on it.

Even if this is, Domum is still not honest, enduring the tenderness of the smile: "Playing, try hard! I want to die, you will watch Tornes."

During the year of Asa King, Ododia can tolerate such a arrogant provocation, plus Domum is not a general person, generally tortomesis will not be fatal.

O'Dodin did not raise his feet, but his soles were rotated, and heavy friction of Domam's face.

Not long after, Dofam's face fell a layer of skin, showing bright red muscles and pale yellow fat, but did not bleed.

"Hahaha, you think that I am now using which person is it? I used to have an self-explosion, Her and Li Xiuwen have seen it."

Du Mam, who suffered tortured, and suddenly throw a problem.

Li Xiuwen stunned, there is a bold idea in the brain, and it is a bit sympathetic to look at the old god Wang Oden.

Hull, Audding's reaction is equally very fast, and the face is quickly sunny, and the sight is gloomy.

"Damn, you deceive us!"

Oddin's eyes shot the raging flame, lifting the feet hard and gently put it down.

...... Modified immediately

Not long, Doma was held by Harm, which was held in the universe, and the Audding holding a green flame light tree, which was placed on the ground like a dog.

"Are you still awkward?"

Li Xiuwen stands in front of Domam, which is high, and I ridicule.

Domum struggled to raise his head, and the eyes were dead. Li Xiuwen was very unwilling to say: "Hey, it is unfair! They hold top treasures in their hands, but I have two hands."

He hated, and he complained: "We will step on your feet, it is better than the dog."

Li Xiuwen admits that those words are a bit, and Her has no universe, definitely not Domum's opponent, so that two of them are gone to compete.

But the reality is the case, people and people are not equal, envy and can't change the facts.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry to hand over Tor's soul, or I will let you know what is not as good as death."

O'Don's alone shoots fierce, and the tone is extremely difficult.

"Hey, look at this kind of appearance, I really make me happy."

Doma is a few times, not worried about his own life, as if there is any reliable relationship.

Li Xiuwen looked at these eyes, no opening, and he rushed to a curious.

This is the time, Domarn has a basement? Sure enough, it is an old fox.

Herrowow is slightly, and the pretty face has a little curious, and the eyes are deeply staring in Domam.


When Odin lifted the right foot, he was repeated on the Domam's head.

Li Xiuwen listened to your dull steps, and his teeth were calculated. How much power is.

Especially he saw Domam headed, the shackles of the depressed were some sympathetic.

Although Li Xiuwen is clear, his mercy is not necessary, Domarn this guy did not know how many wisdom civilizations were invaded, and how many tragems were created.

In this way, Li Xiuwen soon abandon unnecessary conflict heart, and started to mention this scene of Damum torture.

The temper of O'Din is really irritating. Ray God Tor should be inherited his character.

"Tor's soul, where did you hide?"

Odin did not hear Domam answered, and stepped on the back of the latter, almost stepped on it.

Even if this is, Domum is still not honest, enduring the tenderness of the smile: "Playing, try hard! I want to die, you will watch Tornes."

During the year of Asa King, Ododia can tolerate such a arrogant provocation, plus Domum is not a general person, generally tortomesis will not be fatal.

O'Dodin did not raise his feet, but his soles were rotated, and heavy friction of Domam's face.

Not long after, Dofam's face fell a layer of skin, showing bright red muscles and pale yellow fat, but did not bleed.

"Hahaha, you think that I am now using which person is it? I used to have an self-explosion, Her and Li Xiuwen have seen it."

Du Mam, who suffered tortured, and suddenly throw a problem.

Li Xiuwen stunned, there is a bold idea in the brain, and it is a bit sympathetic to look at the old god Wang Oden.

Hull, Audding's reaction is equally very fast, and the face is quickly sunny, and the sight is gloomy.

"Damn, you deceive us!"

Oddin's eyes shot the raging flame, lifting the feet hard and gently put it down.

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