Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 845's Times

Xiandhen Emperor Zhu Ciyu took the father and emperor, let him go back to the wall, no longer like a beach, comfort: "We still have hope, as long as Star Jun shot."

"To the right, if the Star Jun pulls us, you will not lose the rivers and the ancestors!"

After Chongzhen returned to God, he fell toward Li Xiuwen, but was blocked outside three meters away from a invisible air wall.


The forehead was hit by a big bag of Chongzhen. It was completely unnecessary, asking: "Star Jun is on, as long as you keep the Daming Jiangshan, you will let the country to establish Datong Junjun, let the whole world The people are all worshiping the star. "


Li Xiuwen is slightly moving, as if it is very interested, his eyes do not flash.

"Snind this, I don't want to fall!"

Chongzhen seems very worried that Li Xiuwen returned, and sent a poisonous vow. "If there is no do it, let it die by Tianlei."

"Star Jun please wait, this condition is also available."

The top floor of the star building has a young stranger, no one in Dol.

After he heard the conditions proposed in the door, he couldn't calm down, rushing it directly, , loudly.

"Now the entire Jingshi said by me, this two are not halfway to you."

Doluzi glanced at Chongzhen and Zhu Ci, and said with a chest.

"Are you scorless? There is no qualification to represent the capital of the capital, they will not serve unconsciously."

Zhu Ciqi instead of the Chongzhen who can't say anything, and whispered.

"Oh, this is said."

Dorr is cold, "If the Jingshi people are resistant to what you said, this king has not encountered several resistance."

After he finished, he said to Li Xiuwen's high-channel: "Datong Xingjun is on, when the Daqing rejuvenated Damage Daming, it will certainly love the people, establish a gods all over the country, so that everyone will pray. "


"Don't be infatuated, the Star Jun will not promise! You are a barbaric ignorant scorpion, it is dirty, there is no qualification to enter the main Central Plains."

After Chongzhen spit out a bite, the scream said, like a frightened owl, constantly eating the voice.

Dual ,,

"This is a bit difficult, and your two parties have conflict."

Li Xiuwen's glossy chin, slightly frowned, as if encountered an uncomfortable thing.

Ming and the end, because Zhu Yuanzhang is the first plan to plan the Ming Dynasty system, there is a problem, naturally defective. For example, the eight strand of textbooks, brain damage neglect, etc.

If there is a qualified emperor hosting the political affairs, the country can still maintain it, such as Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Xi, a diligent.

It turns out that willingness to put energy in the Ming Dynasty, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty in the Ming Dynasty is still very small, and it is an endless level of the Xunxian's day.

Even the highest leaders are in this class, the power of the Ming Dynasty is constantly expanding, eroding the empress, leading to the more taxes of Daming, the ultimate financial collapse.

The last ancient imperial court is not used, and the number of questions is not clear. With a small rhizo, Ning and Youbang are not inhanding with domestic people, culturally closed imprisonment, and leave a large inequalities for future generations.

From the Ming Dynasty, Huaxia's technology is behind Western Europa, there is still a chasing hope. Just replacing the Daming Dynasty, it is more than the mud. It is more stinky than the mud.

Therefore, Li Xiuwen does not want to save, Damu, decay to unhautable rescue, and of course, I don't like the eight flag of Bai Mountain Black Water, leaving a country of East Asia.

It's really trouble, just a crisp fast knife is alive! Since both are a very bad court, let them have a problem, and the results are separated.

Li Xiuwen's eyes swept through Dolu and Zhu Ci, shook his head, tone and cold: "It's awkward, you treat me as a Bodhisattva to be in the district? The martial arts of the district will be a small thing. Are you going! "

Then he felt a little, Dant's Zhu Ci, Chongzhen three people felt an invisible vigorous, holding them outside the star building, and there was a sentence in the ear.

"From today, anyone who dares to make large-scale killing in Da Ming will die, and the scorpion is destroyed."


The sunny sky is thunder, and a blue lightning spread around, and it will be infected with a Leihai in a half sky.

Danl is full of white sweat, behind the sweat, the eyes are hilarious to the sky.

It's a big sunny day, the previous thunder is getting smaller, and it is possible to brighten the lightning of the human eye disappeared, as if never appears.

If Dore is not seen, the same wolf is a rider of Chongzhen and the face of Zhu Ci, maybe it will really regard the sky as an illusion.

"Come, grab them, and stay firm!"

Danole suddenly lowered, and the line of sight was in the two people who were in Chongzhen and Zhu Ci.

As long as you master the two emperors, he will order the world, become the most powerful country of the world, rather than sleeping in the northern cold and soil.

In order not to make a big move, the star is angry, Dotle has only brought a small amount of deighters to enter the palace, which can't grab the smashing Zhu Ci.

More than a dozen mortar silent scorpions, it is never successful toward Chongzhen and Zhu Chao. After living in the palace for more than ten years, it is very familiar with the environment, it is easy to get rid of the troops.

"Save it! Where is the people who rushed?"

"His Majesty has come over, there is a one-hundred defensive soldiers."

Some of them are too big, and they are rushing to Chongzhen and Zhu Ci.

Zhu Ciqi is still a hot heart, like a cold ice water: damn, who makes you speak loudly like this? I caught the scorpion, will you resist them?

Chongzhen and Zhu Ci, the father and son eventually escaped, but it is a bit of a bit of feeling.

The Jingshi is a scorpion everywhere, and the momentum is moving back and forth in the street. The eyes are red, and a person who chooses people want.

"It's been, you still have your mother's sister, all in the palace, will not be grabbed by scorpion."

Chongzhen hid in a big house, and he is worried.

The original owner of this home is Wang Chenghe, covering an area of ​​two acres, and there is a simple ornamental ornamental outside house.

"Nothing, Star will not let the thing happen."

Zhu Ci bite his teeth, not very grasped. But he knows that he can't panic, otherwise it will make a wrong decision.

"Yes, there is a star jun."

Chongzhen nodded, like a breath.

"Their most important goal next is to take the capital."

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