Super Warcraft Factory

Chapter 854 Evil Festival

Palace Test Building

Li Xiuwen released strong sense of perception, seeing the Daqing Military Camp in the northern suburbs of Jingshi, the bloody giant bear and Wang Jun are fiercely fighting.

One person, a bear's defensive power is high, and the sharp knife gun is cut on the poke, and it is not possible to leave some wounds.

But Wang Chenghe still fell on the wind. After all, the giant bear has three feet high after all, the body is five times more than him.


Wang Chenghe was flew like a baseball, fell like a baseball, falling in more than 20 meters.

But he quickly stood up, there was a serious injury to the fracture of the dragon scales.

Next, Wang Chenggen has played agile advantages, no longer harmed the blood giant bear hard, fight, the battlefield enters garbage time.

Sitting in the death goddess of Li Xiuwen, playing a yawn, half-eyed, said: "It's boring, let's find fun, gambling who will win."

Li Xiuwen looks at her camouflage, one of the world's creation of the world, will actually go to the yawning of lack of sleep? This is the god less than I have seen.

He slammed his mouth, and his face was helpless: "You are staring at the belief of the spell network. Why don't you personally create a belief, the Western hundreds of millions are not enough?"

The death goddess said, "Since you are successful, why should I repeat again. Anyway, there is not much, I can't make my hand."

"Not bet."

Li Xiuwen shakes his head and extinguishes the idea of ​​Xiaopeng.

After the last lost to her, Li Xiuwen got an idea and didn't open her.

"I didn't expect you to be so conservative."

The death goddess glared at a pair of big eyes, surprised.

Li Xiuwen is secretly imagined: just don't want to give you, you think more!

He didn't expect that he didn't even collect the beliefs around the Jingshi, but he saw that the indigenous people made a dragon sword, a bloody giant beaker and other monsters.

Ordinary people's power, relative to their two monsters, it is definitely not to be happy.

Today's era is barbaric, moral binding, so that the indigenous people have mastered the dragon sword, summoning the blood giant bear, such as the murder, just like the original person gets the same danger.

If you do not apply the equivalent power constraint, Li Xiuwen suspected that there will be a civilized extinction.

"No, this collapse is not what I want to see."

Li Xiuwen whispered a sentence, determined to change the status quo of this malformation, at least to let ordinary people master a little counterproduction.

He is going to increase an aggressive spell, increasingly on the spell web, and confront the overline power such as the dragon sword.

The original plan, Li Xiuwen will add attack spells after half a month, used to mitigate the dramatic changes in society, so that Ming people are better adapted.

Li Xiuwen's first attack spell is a fireball.

He has played dozens of online games, as long as there is a mage, Taoist and other remote attack careers, there is a fireball.

Whether it is or using a wand, it is always indispensable, and the fireball is always indispensable.

Li Xiuwen is a short while, it adds fireball on the spell network over the capital, and is priced as five spiritual copper coins.

He thought about: "This is the price of the price, it should be able to reduce the number of fireballs."

In Li Xiuwen's setup, from the killing power, a fireball can seriously hurt the wild boar, and the power is not very big.

If you use it, you can throw the fireball into the fragile part of the wild boar's eyes, the nose, etc., and you can even kill.

It's just that the fireball can kill the wild boar, and the four or five hunters can do it. The latter does not need to spend five spiritual copper money.

In this way, fireballs become a large spell consumption, the effect is small, and the average person can not use it.

After all, kill wild pigs or enemies, and the knife gun can do the same thing.

Only when I encounter Wang Chengne, Wang Jian, who is strengthened, or the bloody giant bears who got off after sacrifice, and fireballs have used Wu.


Wang Chenghe, who is in the state of the dragon, perceived a long-term super member, and immediately discovered that the spell network above the capital increased new spells.

Find way to deal with this giant bear!

Wang Chengn fully finished the ground, stepped on a big pit, and rushed to ten meters away, temporarily got rid of the bloody giant bear after the fall.

This inexplicable giant bears are very difficult, and he is unable to deal with. If there is a team around, you will win the opportunity to win the fireball.

Wang Chengn knew that he would stay a little, the huge terrible blood is chasing, but he will not catch up with the bearish.

"When you meet next time, it is time to kill you."

Wang Chenghe rushed to the city gate of the capital, leaving a sentence in the battlefield.

The bloody giant bear roared, until it was like a tyrannos, like a tyrannos, and the fear of retreat.

The rear of the soil high platform.

Dollee pointing at the butt rising giant bear, gloomy face: "Black deer wizards, this is the spirit of the bear summon? It is not possible to have a rumor."

"It's too useless, and we tear a covenant with the Chahar tribe."

"The blood and life of 10,000 people, the current results cannot be satisfied."

The generals such as Aji, Multi-Many, have attached to it.

For a time, the black deer wizards of the unmanned people were in the middle of the referendum.


The black deer wizard smiled, and the eyes were cold and swept away from the Aizug, Many others, and the voice was hoarse: "You seem to have a mistake, now you ask me to deal with the monster of Wang Jian."


The bloody giant bear roared, came over, from the earth, and the huge body of the three feet was stepping on the ground.

"you wanna die?"

Apiger took out the cutting dagger on the calf, took the back of the black deer wizard, and whispered, "let it stop!"

"Hey, there is no control, Tianxiang's spirit will kill everyone, including you."

The black deer wizard exposed a crazy smile, the wrinkles on the old face were stretched, and the red shining.

Aisg knows the same wizard as this old madman, and the threats say that they don't necessarily happen, but he does not dare to gamble.

"keep it!"

Dollee command gave the steps going down.

"The wizard adult, we divide two defeat, no need to turn over."

Dollee smile, tone and hustle.

Wang Chenghe, who entered the Jingshi, did not know the enemy behind the rear.

After he entered the city, he saw the scorpion and killing, soon all soldiers who combed money mouse tailed out of the city.

Wang Chengwen in the secret home, after finding Chongzhen, kneeling on the ground: "The slave did not complete the mission of the emperor, requested to punish."

"Wang Yi, you are doing very well. There is no scorpion, dare to stay in the capital, this is your credit."

Chongzhen helped him and said.

"Now, we go back to the palace."

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