Although there are mountains everywhere, the real 6624 and 4460 factories must not be really in the deep mountains and forests. Apart from others, they open factories, want raw materials and transport finished products. They can't do without a suitable traffic environment.

They are located in a basin among the mountains, with convenient transportation and good environment. Moreover, the climate is pleasant all the year round.

Especially in summer and winter: in summer, because it is in the mountains, the weather is cool and it is a good place for summer vacation; In winter, because the latitude here is very low, there is no cold current from the north, and there is not much moisture, so winter is also quite comfortable.

In those years, after the outbreak of the war on the northern Treasure Island, a large number of military enterprises began to transfer to the third line, and almost all the military enterprises here were established in that period.

"We warmly welcome the arrival of President Qin." the helicopter landed on the open space of 6624. Looking around, the buildings here are mainly bungalows, and the main building is a three story building. It seems that there is the main office space.

Such construction, of course, can ensure that it is unobtrusive to the greatest extent. Viewed from the sky, it is no different from other places and will not be discovered by the enemy.

Although Mr. Wu has not been here in recent years, he has also supported construction here a few years ago and is familiar with the comrades here.

Looking at the person talking opposite, old Wu immediately introduced to Qin Guan: "Lao Kang, the person in charge here, when it was just established, we went abroad to buy all kinds of equipment and worked together."

The man called Lao Kang also looks more than 50 years old. He has some white hair on his forehead and bright eyes behind his black framed glasses.

President Qin, who doesn't know all kinds of military organs in China?

Now, President Qin has finally come to his own side. His own research institute will usher in a great leap forward development!

Qin Guan looked at each other and stretched out his hand: "all comrades have worked hard to adhere to scientific research for the military industry of the motherland on these three lines."

Qin Guan came on the spur of the moment and did not take the leadership of the air force. However, now the air force also attaches great importance to Qin Guan. The air force does not praise the projects promoted by Qin Guan.

The air force doesn't have to pay, take care of technology or sales. How can it disagree as long as it nods? The air force is not a civil aviation. There are not so many crooked ways. As long as the domestic equipment of the air force develops, the air force can purchase new equipment at any time. Why not?

It can be said that Qin Guan represents the air force.

"Mr. Qin, please follow me."

They greeted the people and went all the way into the three storey building. They sat down in the conference room on the third floor.

"We're just walking around this time," Qin Guan said. "I don't know what new projects we 6624 have."

Qin Guan didn't immediately explain his intention. After all, in Qin Guan's eyes, competition can be dynamic. Even the current high thrust engine project is actually competitive between plant 4410 and plant 4430. Now, it seems that plant 4410 is just competitive.

As for the China push project, it is not easy to compete. The only way is to hand over the project directly here. What if they don't cherish it?

Qin Guan had to look at the actual situation first.

"Mr. Qin, thank you for your great contribution to us in the aviation field. After repeated demonstration, the superior has determined that the idea of developing an engine for a model is wrong. With the efforts of our two experts, the Ministry of aviation agreed to study the most important high-performance engine technology research mode in the history of Eagle Aviation and carry out the pre research plan of high thrust weight ratio engine Row. "

Hearing this plan, everyone was in front of them. Yes, this is the correct scientific research step!

This plan is the first time in China to carry out basic research on all links of aeroengine composition from scratch. Moreover, this is the first basic scientific pre research activity without any finished engine or designated configuration model aircraft. It is also the first time in China to adopt the contract system and undertake the scientific research task.

"This high promotion plan is to master the design and production technology of foreign third-generation aeroengines, and the top priority is the three major parts and core aircraft," Lao Kang continued.

Qin Guan knows that the so-called three major parts refer to the high-pressure compressor, combustion chamber and high-pressure turbine, which are the technical basis of an engine. These three major parts determine the basic performance and technical level of the engine.

The core aircraft is the core part of the jet engine that can operate independently. The core aircraft is different from the specific engine. It is the heart of the engine. If it is equipped with different front and rear power output components, it can become an afterburner turbofan of a fighter, a large bypass ratio turbofan of an airliner, a turboprop engine, or even a turboshaft engine of a helicopter.

Now, we finally stopped making rash progress and began to do research in a down-to-earth manner. Only in this way can we make the engine step by step and have a solid foundation.

"At the same time, we can also expect that our research will take a long time. For example, we are now studying three major parts, including the compressor. Although we have introduced Spey's technology, there is still a big gap from the real engine of the third generation. We need a breakthrough in technology and structure."

"OK, Lao Kang, you are studying for us. What we need now is the processing of advanced titanium alloy blades. I'll give it to you!"

Old Wu was very excited.

Lao Kang's face is hard to look at. It's not that easy!

"After studying the three major pieces, we will design a core machine," Kang continued.

Maybe there is no specific development goal for the three major parts, but if we want to build a core machine, there must be a specific goal. "What is the goal of this core machine?" Qin Guan asked.

"Design a high thrust to weight ratio turbofan engine with a thrust of 8 tons with a thrust to weight ratio of 8." Kang said: "If we are more specific, it is aimed at the current f404 and rb199 engines. Now, we call the model in this plan turbofan-12. Of course, it may take ten years to develop to this level. We are prepared."

Ten years is not enough, which is still an ideal situation.

This is the result of the development of gaotui.

"The thrust is 8, which belongs to the category of medium push. Why don't you make a big push?" asked Wu.

Kang Lao looked embarrassed: "Lao Wu, you are a national key project. How much money do you need? You are full men. I don't know that hungry men are hungry. If we push, can we still have food?"

This sentence is correct. They have to compete misplaced.

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