In history, the chicken state did give the parameters of their flying fish missiles to the cow state to interfere tit for tat. That is their friendship with the western world, which has nothing to do with their own side.

Of course, we can't give it now. This missile will be a sharp weapon for our own export. It will be available to silver countries, such as date palm countries, etc. many of them are hostile to the West. Even if the export-oriented c801 missile leaks, it will cause great difficulties and hinder the export.

Therefore, if we can't give, we will resolutely not give. Is the relationship between us good enough?

However, if it was completely denied, Niu Guo would be quite angry and embarrassed. Therefore, Qin Guan simply put forward another aspect to deceive the other party.

We agree to some of the terms you put forward and refuse some. Is that right?

Now, Qin Guan has put forward a special electronic jammer.

It is obvious to all that the electronic technology of the Han Dynasty is powerful. When Qin Guan said about the electronic jammer, these people trembled in their hearts.

No, of course not. If silver country gets an electronic jammer, its radar will become blind and those sea mark gun missiles will be useless. In this way, if the other party's missiles fly over, will its fleet still have a way to live?

Be sure to stop!

"Mr. Qin, you must not give this electronic jammer to silver country!" Gerald said, "please be sure to suspend this transaction!"

Hearing Gerald's words, Qin Guan frowned: "you may not know that our electronic jammer is originally invested by silver country. Our R & D is very expensive. They have invested US for half a year. We have completed the modification on the basis of our own Flying Leopard fighter bomber and will send it to silver country soon."

"No, absolutely not!" Gerald and James almost shouted in unison: "President Qin, if you provide this electronic jammer to silver country, we will think it will be a declaration of war on our cow country. Yes, it is a declaration of war!"

If the electronic jammers are gone, they really can't fight. Considering the loss of their land, the Han country should bear the greatest responsibility. "However, there have always been technicians from the silver country in that workshop. They know the progress." Qin Guan's face is also full of sadness: "otherwise, it's no problem for us to delay."

Gerald and James thought hard. Finally, after waiting for a few minutes, James said, "maybe you can fake it once. For example, you can set a fire to the factory and burn down the plane. The silver people can only stare."

When he finished saying this, James was also shocked. What bad idea did he mention? Can the other party promise?

Hearing James' words, Qin Guan said, "we set fire to our own factory? Mr. James, are you testing our IQ? Don't start a war to scare us. For many years, we have been self reliant, and we have never been afraid. Now our technology is not weak, and we are not afraid of anyone."

At this point, Qin Guan was angry and took us for what?

Looking at Qin Guan's appearance, Gerald hurriedly said, "Mr. Qin, calm down. We don't mean to force you, we just suggest."

He was afraid of angering Qin Guan. Once he fully cooperated with the silver country and continuously provided weapons to the silver country, it would be really difficult for his own side to fight this war. That would be a loss for his own side.

After this incident, the state of Han is still the state of Han. The eagle state also tries to rely on the state of Han to contain the state of bear. How can it really make enemies with the state of Han.

It can't be counterproductive. Han has never been afraid of external sanctions. It's not as easy to bully as it was a hundred years ago.

What should I do? What should I do?

"Of course, we will bear all the losses caused by the fire. Is that all right?" continued Gerrard.

"Hum, it's easy for you to say. Do you know how big the loss is? Many of the above circuits are unique. Once burned, they have to be re developed. We used the funds of the silver country to develop this kind of aircraft. We originally planned to develop it successfully. We also equipped many aircraft for our northern defense line. Once burned, at least our electronic technology A year's pause! "Qin Guan continued.

"You can make a backup in advance," James said. "You can burn only one finished product and then build it again. It's just a delay in progress."

I'm not asking you to burn everything. Just burn the prototype.

Qin Guan frowned: "even so, the loss is huge, at least hundreds of millions of Eagle yuan!"

When Qin Guan mentioned the word, James and Gerrard felt the muscles on their faces trembling. They gradually understood that the other party was a lion's big mouth and wanted to blackmail from their own side!

A plane, that is, 10 million, plus the modification cost, that is, 30 million, but the other party needs hundreds of millions!

In this way, our side can't promise. Where did our side get so much money? Especially now, we are about to start a war with the silver country, and the Treasury has long been in deficit. If the war continues, we don't know how many holes are waiting to be made up.

Then, Qin Guan continued, "if the plane burns down, what about the plant? What about the equipment? Well, give you a discount and we will suffer a loss. It will cost 500 million Eagle yuan."

James felt that a mouthful of old blood was about to spit out and became 500 million again?

Think about all these years, the biggest project in doing business with China is the nasby engine, which is only 550 million Eagle yuan. This is to spit out all the profits.

"Mr. Qin, we came here with sincerity, and please show your sincerity." Gerald said, "you don't have to be embarrassed for a third world country and the whole western world?"

"Can I understand that this is a threat to us?" Qin Guan asked, glancing at general Ye nearby.

We will not be afraid of the threat of imperialism. General Ye is the biggest backer.

"No, no, it's not like this. President Qin, the price is too high for us to afford." Gerald quickly explained. He sang white face and red face for a while, which was quite uncomfortable.

He can't harden.

"However, this proposal to burn our factory was put forward by you. You don't intend to compensate. We don't need to build our own factory for an irrelevant war?" Qin Guan said, "why don't we let the world comment?"

The whole world will know this judgment. The silver country will certainly take away the fighter immediately, which will be in trouble.

"President Qin, please give us an alternative. As long as we can accept it, we will do it."

After talking for a long time, it was enough to tease the other party. Now, looking at the other party's sincere attitude, Qin Guan said, "there are alternative ways."

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