Director Pan's heart suddenly beat very badly, as if he had found a bosom friend.

In January 1930, director Pan was born in the south. After the outbreak of the war of resistance against Japan, pan Jingfu, seven, had to escape to Huating in a small boat with his family.

When he arrived at Huating in the evening, he saw a light. They were all island people's warships and foreign ships, and there were no big ships and warships of the motherland. At that time, although he was very young, he was thinking, if only he could build warships when he grew up!

However, when he applied for the University, he could not see the way out for the ship design major, so he had to put his dream aside for the time being and chose the electrical engineering department with good job prospects at that time.

Therefore, for half his life, director Pan sometimes ridiculed himself. He was a monk on the way.

After graduating from University, he was engaged in electrical design, and his childhood dream seemed to have drifted away. Unexpectedly, three years later, he was arranged to work in the ship design department.

Therefore, from that time on, the fate of director Pan was closely linked with the warship.

In the early 1960s, type 65 artillery frigate began to be developed, which is the first type of ship developed in China. Director Pan presided over the electrical design.

At that time, director Pan began to show his talent.

At that time, DC was used on all domestic ships and AC was used on shore. As soon as a warship comes to the dock, it must be connected to shore power. It is necessary to use special equipment to turn AC into DC before lighting. Once it is connected incorrectly, the electrical equipment will be burned, causing great trouble.

Director Pan presided over the development and put forward a new idea that alternating current should be used on the frigate.

The AC system is stable and reliable, the price is cheap, and the incoming power is also very convenient. Moreover, foreign countries have gradually turned to the exchange system since the 1950s and 1960s.

At his insistence, this type of frigate became the first ship in China to change from DC system to AC system. Since then, all surface ships and ships in China began to use AC system.

Director Pan gradually became a leader in the ship design step by step.

Small warships can't satisfy his appetite. He aims at large warships with a displacement of at least 1000 tons.

In 1966, director Pan, as the main member of the design leading group, began to preside over the design of the first generation 051 missile destroyer in China. It was not easy to design and build such a large warship of more than 1000 tons on the basis of extremely weak scientific research and backward industry at that time. Starting from the hull design, many difficulties followed.

He overcame all kinds of problems and finally completed the design of type 051 destroyer. On December 31, 1971, the first domestic missile destroyer was delivered and completed, and the Chinese Navy had a surface ship with ocean combat capability for the first time.

Now, more than ten years later, the domestic ship design is about to climb a new peak again and start building missile frigates!

Although it is a frigate, its displacement is definitely not low from more than 2000 tons to 3000 tons. You know, the standard displacement of our 051 destroyer is more than 3200 tons.

He knows how difficult his side will face.

One of the most important, of course, is the integration of weapon systems!

The entire warship must have integrated weapons, naval guns, anti-ship missiles, air defense missiles and near anti rapid fire guns. It is very difficult to integrate these weapons into a 3000 ton warship. It can be said that even the interference of two kinds of radars may perplex them for a long time.

He knows the challenge is great and the significance is great.

Up to now, the Chinese Navy still has not realized the domestic shipborne air defense system. Domestic destroyers can only fight against ships. Air defense and anti submarine are slag. Once the design of this frigate is completed, it will become a balanced frigate of its own side and the main weapon of the Navy.

"As for the funding, you don't have to worry. This frigate is temporarily positioned as a foreign trade warship, which is in the charge of our northern industrial company. Now we are receiving the down payment of orders one after another, which is enough for us to carry out the design and R & D of this warship," Qin Guan said.

Why is there no new frigate designed and built in China? One is technical, the other is financial.

Technically, many key air defense and anti submarine technologies do not have customer service. The financial problem is that the country is undergoing economic transformation. The army should be patient. The navy has just bought four new four King Kong. What else do you want? Nothing has to wait.

This is the case. In this case, it is impossible for the navy to develop new frigates without funds.

Now, Qin Guan will solve the problem of capital. First, it will be determined as a foreign trade type. When the R & D is completed, a few years later, when the navy has money, it will naturally order.

Hearing what Qin Guan said, General Zhao nodded: "yes, our navy can only look greedy now. However, our Navy should participate in the whole process of the research and development of this warship."

Even if the Navy does not order, the Navy also needs to know clearly. When the Navy orders in the future, it can quickly place orders without worrying about any problems.

Director Pan took over the model in Qin Guan's hand. Although it was a model, the overall design was quite reasonable.

"The main goal of our first generation destroyers is to deploy huge anti-ship missiles. Now our navy has a new c801 anti-ship missile. This missile is very small and only occupies a narrow space, which greatly facilitates our deployment of other weapons."

From a professional point of view, warships have to fight, so his first idea, of course, is the deployment of weapons. It is quite appropriate to deploy behind the mast in the middle, and the front and rear space flows out.

"However, with such a side arrangement, the missiles fly towards both sides. When we shoot, the warship needs to complete a turn, but such an arrangement saves the most space," director Pan continued.

In the past, missiles were launched directly towards the front, but now they are launched towards the side. For warships, this is a good solution, that is, just turn the ship body. There is no need to pursue it deliberately.

"We mainly use c801 for foreign use. In a few years, when we use it at home, there will be c802 missiles with turbine engines, with a range of more than 100 kilometers," Qin Guan said.

For domestic use, it must be more advanced than foreign ones. Qin Guan said so. General Zhao nodded repeatedly. Of course, it's good.

"The air defense missile in front looks very special," director Pan said. "It is very similar to that of Eagle country."

"Yes, we just want to imitate the sea sparrow of Eagle country and use our own existing thunderbolt 11 to transform, that is, haihongqi 61. The relevant technologies will be developed by the corresponding departments."

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