Coconut Island space base.

"If you want to quickly reissue the satellite, solid rocket is the fastest." the huge Long March 5 rocket has been launched, and it will take some time to clean up the launch pad to meet the next launch. However, there is more than one launch pad in the space base of coconut island. If you look down from the air, it has five launch pads, There is an arc along the coastline. The scale of such a space city is quite huge.

The size of the launch pad varies. Some launch heavy rockets, some launch manned spacecraft, and some are relatively small. They are used to launch solid rockets from the Han country.

For example, now, on launch pad 3, there stands a small rocket.

In terms of volume, it is indeed a small point. The length of the whole rocket is only about 20 meters. At the same time, the maximum diameter is only two meters. This kind of rocket looks relatively small. There is no booster tied below, which means that its launch capacity is very limited.

"At present, our long March 4 rocket has a carrying capacity of 700 kg in low earth orbit. Moreover, it adopts the international common satellite arrow interface, which can meet the diversified launch needs of different mission loads and different orbits. If necessary, we can also launch it into the solar synchronous orbit, and the mission load will be reduced to 400 km. Of course, this is only an initial rocket in the future With the progress of technology, we plan to increase its low earth orbit carrying capacity to two tons. "

Compared with the largest low earth orbit carrying capacity of 9 tons of Long March 2, the carrying capacity of more than 20 tons of Long March 5 and small solid rockets such as long March 4 only have a carrying capacity of 700 kg. Later, they gradually expanded to about 2 tons, which is very few. However, not all satellites are large, even the most common GPS navigation satellites in Eagle country, There are only more than 800 kilograms. With the development of technology in the future, the weight of the satellite is getting smaller and smaller. Therefore, the development of this solid rocket is also quite marketable. The greatest advantage is that it is flexible and can be launched at any time.

Now, of course, this satellite is also owned by Eagle country. It is a communication satellite in earth orbit. The launch cost is 100 million, which is much cheaper than the last launch. However, for Han country, the aerospace industry has also achieved great success. In the future, there is no need to worry about the loss of space launch. They make money!

While discussing the specific launch issue, suddenly, the scholar hurried over: "President Qin, that ault said he wanted to see you."

He wants to see me? what's the matter? Is it about the orbit of the last satellite launched? Qin Guan didn't want to see him, but he thought it was his own customer after all. He went out with the scholar.

Eagle people are not qualified to enter the space center of the Han state. They can only wait outside. Now they are in the hostel. The impatient orte finally met Qin Guan and immediately said to Qin Guan, "President Qin, we have one thing. I hope you can help."

"I'll help you?" Qin Guan asked, "do you have any more satellites for us to launch? The next Long March 5 is still under assembly and will take about half a month to launch."

"It's not the Long March 5, it's your spacecraft. We know that you have developed the Shenzhou spacecraft. Can this spacecraft dock with the Mir space station?" orte asked.

Docking with the Mir space station? Isn't that Xiong Guoren's? Even if we're docking, what's none of your business?

Qin Guan became more and more confused.

"What do you want to do?" Qin Guan asked.

"If you can dock, we hope your spacecraft can carry out a flight mission, connect to Mir, and then bring back our three astronauts."

"Your astronauts are on Mir?" Qin Guan was even more surprised.

After the end of the lunar exploration program, eagle and bear took a different path. Eagle vigorously developed the space shuttle, while bear built the space station. Although bear also built the blizzard space shuttle, it didn't catch up with the opportunity and didn't succeed, bear disappeared.

Now, Xiong's space station technology has developed to the third generation. The Mir space station is the pride of Xiong. It weighs 123 tons and has a volume of 470 cubic meters. Xiong's astronauts often stay in space. It is often the time of last year. These are incomparable to the space shuttle.

In recent years, the relationship between bear and eagle has eased. Although there is hegemony and cooperation in space, for example, the two sides have docked in space, shook hands symbolically on each other's spacecraft, and their space shuttle has docked with Mir. However, now, Qin Guan was surprised that the astronauts of Eagle were on Mir.

It's not scientific.

"Well, our space shuttle grubia has some faults. In order to avoid danger, our space shuttle grubia has docked with the Mir space station of bear country. Temporarily in the space station, we intend to rent a spaceship of bear country, but it can only accommodate three people. Therefore, we intend to rent your spaceship and save the rest Three people pick it up. "

Qin Guan opened his eyes: "what are you talking about?"

At first, Qin Guan used his own system to replace those satellites of Eagle country with space garbage. He just wanted revenge. He didn't expect that there would be so many benefits in the future. It was acceptable for Eagle people to ask their own side to help launch satellites and make a lot of money. Now, Eagle country actually wants their own side to help pick up the crew of their space shuttle, This is unthinkable.

You really dare to use it. Our spaceship has only launched two unmanned spaceships. Now, although the third one is preparing and planning to go on board, it has not been officially tested after all. Are you really going to rent it?

The Mir space station is a giant. It has a spaceship docked on it all year round, which is also very normal, because astronauts must come in a spaceship to go to the space station. When they leave, they leave in a spaceship. When they work, the spaceship stays outside. Because astronauts have been on it for a long time, So these spacecraft often hang in outer space for a year and a half before they come down.

Under normal circumstances, there is only one spaceship on Mir. The eagle people want to rent it, and the bear country has to launch another one. However, this second ship can not be used by the eagle people, and they have to keep their astronauts. In case of an accident on the space station, the astronauts have to evacuate urgently.

A spaceship can only accommodate three people. The eagle people's space shuttle has six people on board, so they have to use another one.

So they thought of the state of Han, which surprised Qin Guan. How dare you? A car has not been tested yet. Who dares to drive it?

Eagle people, must have encountered a big problem?

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