It was clearly ordered by the people of the eagle country. However, Qin Guan asked the ambassador of the eagle country to come over and let the other party willingly pit lion city together to let lion city know that the people of the eagle country are unreliable!

Every time Ambassador green came on his own initiative, but this time, he was called by Qin Guan. Now, Ambassador green came quickly when he heard that Qin Guan was looking for him. At the same time, he was still beating drums. What is it, a good thing or a bad thing?

"President Qin, nice to meet you," said Ambassador green.

"Well, Mr. ambassador, I called you here this time because I suddenly thought of a way to help you. The just war of the eagle country now needs a lot of money. Aren't you worried about military spending now?"

In a modern war, that is to burn money. Hundreds of thousands of missiles will burn up in the sky. Can we not spend money? Now the finance minister of the eagle kingdom is probably worrying about money every day. Now, Ambassador green was excited when he heard Qin Guan say, "so, are you going to provide us with war funds?"

The war is just and has passed the international authorization. However, the war was mainly initiated by the eagle people. Therefore, the main funds are also provided by the eagle country. Even after the war, the water free country can give them money. That's what will happen in the future. Now, they are already stretched out. They have increased military spending and issued national debt several times to let the Han country buy it, President Qin doesn't want to. Now, is there a turning point?

Let them give money directly. It's estimated that they don't want to buy treasury bonds. Should it be ok? Otherwise, why call yourself here? They still figured it out.

Eagle yuan is an international currency. Any international transactions are settled through Eagle yuan. Exporting countries such as Han have a large amount of foreign exchange, and the retention is also shrinking, because Eagle yuan is also depreciating. If you buy eagle's national debt, you can make money. Why not?

The Han people have no reason to refuse.

"Of course not. We don't have that ability." Qin Guan rebuffed him.

No, then why did you call me? Ambassador green was puzzled.

"President Qin, what do you think?" ambassador Green said.

"It's said that there is a financial giant named Soros in your country. He likes to operate in the money market and has gained a lot. Not long ago, he broke down NiuGuo's Bank with his own strength, which has a great reputation." Qin Guan said: "he can make money. Maybe the government can earn some military expenses through him."

Soros? Ambassador green was stunned. What does president Qin mean? Is this too transferable?

Yes, Soros is a commercial genius. In Eagle country, it is not illegal to use money to make money. Going to other countries and making money by artificially manipulating each other's money market is an illegal action under the legal framework. When he completes an empty handed white wolf, he will return with a full load, while the other party will be plundered with chicken feathers.

Qin Guan's intention is obvious. He uses this guy to attack the financial system of a country, and then rolls up all the money of the country.

Under Soros, there is a famous Quantum Fund. As long as the state invests money and buys the stocks of the quantum fund, it can get high returns. How Soros controls it is none of the state's business.

As for the target of sniping, of course, lion city suffered heavy losses in the financial storm in 1997. Now, Qin Guan will not disturb other countries. He will use Soros's talent to make a lot of money and roll lion city into his pants!

Qin Guan is this idea.

Now, just referring to Soros, Ambassador green couldn't help shaking his head: "President Qin, you don't know that Soros is not in the same camp as our president. Now he is even raising funds to prevent our president from being re elected."

Qin Guan was stunned. He could not have expected everything. Therefore, he did not know that Soros did not like the current president. He must drive the president out of office.

The president did not succeed in re-election. I don't know if it is due to Soros?

In that case, what else does Soros use?

"Oh, I just didn't make it clear." Qin Guan said, "I mean, you can make money in Soros's way."

Since you can't use Soros, Soros's routine is very clear. Snipe at the currencies of various countries and directly confront the Central Bank of others. The premise is that there are enough funds on hand. In this way, it will take away all the foreign exchange reserves of the corresponding countries.

"You just need money. Some countries have money, so it's not normal for us to operate it?" Qin Guan said. "If you have this idea, you can come to me at any time. We can work together to do a big job."

Ambassador Green left with puzzled eyes. Obviously, this kind of thing has gone beyond his personal power and needs to be reported to the high level of the eagle country.

However, he forgot that he didn't ask Qin Guan which country's currency he was going to snipe.

"It seems that they have concerns." after Ambassador Green left, the scholar said to Qin Guan.

It seems that they haven't done it in the way of the state before. However, Eagle country belongs to capitalists. Capitalists do it, that is, the state is doing it. Are they willing to do it?

"Don't worry, just wait." Qin Guan looked like a strategist.

I'm helping them. They lack funds. Let's work together to find a national central bank and get all the wealth there. In this way, the problem will be solved. If they don't want to do it, someone else will come. For example, after the news is spread, Soros will certainly come to me!

The lion city people finally found that it was the eagle people who were biting them. That's enough. The taste of being betrayed by others must be the most painful. As for themselves, you can tell them openly that you have to play tricks behind your back. This is the price! If you do business with us well, we will win-win cooperation. If you play tricks behind your back, you will be disabled!

You can't afford to play this international game in lion city. It's enough to be your second dealer honestly.

"Now, where are we going?" the scholar asked Qin Guan about his next itinerary.

"Go to grassland city." Qin Guan said, "I have several new cars that I plan to give to he ribala for production."

The trade with Eagle country is normal. Next, SUV is a good breakthrough to enter the international market, win the praise of all peers and seize the commanding height.

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