Navy officers, everyone's eyes, have shown their desire for aircraft carriers. Over the years, the navy has come step by step, experienced many setbacks, and several aircraft carrier dreams have been dashed. Now, seeing the aircraft carrier getting closer and closer, Qin Guan is very clear about their expectations.

However, we still need to be patient for a while. The aircraft carrier has just come here today and will become a brand-new aircraft carrier tomorrow. After saying it, no one believes it.

"It seems that we have to waste some energy." Qin Guan walked along the deck to the outside of the bridge and said to the people behind him.

"Yes, many places have been damaged, and so have the catapults." commander Zhang said, "it's not easy to repair."

"I mean, we need to build a sunshade." Qin Guan knew that general Zhang misunderstood his meaning: "building this sunshade can cover the sun above our heads. It's easy for us to disassemble here."

As soon as Qin Guan said it, everyone understood that although the aircraft carrier had no value, the eagle people would not be completely relieved. When the eagle's reconnaissance satellite passed overhead, it would come to take photos. It was very simple to block their observation. A sunshade was supported on the top of the head, so everything was blocked. Of course, It must be quite expensive to build such a huge sunshade. In order to cover up our own actions, we can only do so.

"Yes, it's hard for the workers to build a sunshade," said General Zhang.

Since the sunshade is to be built, the maintenance and transformation must be gradually started. The Navy's aircraft carrier era is finally coming. How can it not be exciting?

This aircraft carrier is not a real nuclear powered aircraft carrier, but it is good in all aspects, even better than the Varyag. After the Varyag came back, the huge deck in front was occupied by those missiles, which greatly reduced the number of fighters. It is a chicken rib. Moreover, those missile launchers are still under stress and cannot be disassembled, When the hangar is opened, it is the same reason that the load-bearing wall of the building cannot be removed.

They inspected the aircraft carrier for several hours. Finally, when they reluctantly went underground, the aircraft carrier was already brightly lit. The whole port was in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. Considering that a certain region of the world was still in war, they could feel the treasure of peace.

What does peace depend on? Of course, it depends on a strong army and strong national defense. Without an aircraft carrier, there is not enough strength to protect the motherland!

Qin Guan secretly made up his mind to build the motherland into a superpower, which should be stronger than the eagle country. When that day came, he could succeed and retire.

"Mr. Qin, a guest asked to see him." when he said goodbye to the naval officers and left, the scholar whispered to Qin Guan.

Qin Guan has a lot of guests. Now, you don't need to talk about it in detail. Just start the spirit point system and scan it. Qin Guan can know who it is.

Davidians? Qin Guan frowned.

In recent years, there has been less and less communication between Qin Guan and the people of the kingdom of David. After all, Qin Guan doesn't like the style of David people very much. They are businessmen. For businessmen, they have no friends but only interests. Qin Guan likes making friends, but he doesn't like being taken advantage of by others.

Only recently, during military exchanges, they left Kaishan missiles to them, which is why they spent a lot of money.

Now, what are the people of the kingdom of David looking for themselves for?

It must be about the Kaishan missile? Now, the David people are also facing the attack of Scud missiles from the date palm country. The date palm country launches several missiles from time to time to tease the David people and want to bring the David people into the war. In this way, the coalition forces will collapse immediately.

Although David has a system, he has very few ammunition. I guess he came to buy this? If so, David can pit again.

"OK, let them come to my room," Qin Guan said.

So, in the temporary hotel suite of Qin Guan, former old acquaintances, glasa, director of lafar Weapons Development Bureau, and lafar, general manager of Davidson aviation industry company, met Qin Guan again.

"Mr. Qin, I'm glad to see you. Your weapons have withstood the test of actual combat, which has opened our eyes. The quality of Beifang Industrial Company is indeed the best." as soon as I came up, glassA was flattering Qin Guan. Anyway, it's more comfortable to hear this.

"Well, that's for sure. Our weapon development has always been aimed at actual combat. We will never falsely mark numbers. We are different from Raytheon company," Qin Guan said.

Patriot missiles have a bad reputation. Raytheon's high R & D investment doesn't know whether it will drift. At least now, Eagle people won't believe this unreliable missile. Maybe it can be used to intercept aircraft and missiles? It is foolish to place hope on patriots.

"Then, what can I do for you?" Qin Guan said: "the production line of Kaishan missile is running at full speed. Our orders have been scheduled for the next year, and we have made delivery commitments. Therefore, it is impossible to jump in the queue to buy."

The other party is likely to buy this kind of missile. I don't need to continue to help them. I just blocked the hole directly. The system left to them at the beginning has few bullets, but now it is almost all gone.

Sure enough, after hearing Qin Guan's words, the other party was very embarrassed. It was their very important purpose to come to buy missiles.

"If you really need it, you can start from the eagle country. We are still producing their orders. You just need to discuss with the eagle people and let them transfer the orders to you." Qin Guan said, "in this way, it will not violate our agreement."

How is that possible? The eagle country now has a great demand for Kaishan missiles. After all, the Scud missiles of the date country are mainly aimed at the eagle country's army. They won't change hands to David country. After all, it is related to their life safety.

"Is there anything else?" Qin Guan asked. If this is the case, our conversation will almost be over.

"We have another demand," lafar said. "We hope to get your help in the research and development of lion fighter!"

In recent years, the kingdom of David has been committed to the independent production of weapons. They are indeed a large country in weapons research, development and production, and have successfully achieved the sound development of arms by relying on arms exports.

However, there are still defects in some fields, including fighter!

At that time, the aviation industry company of David, which was in high spirits, planned to build a fighter with excellent performance, which was lion Lavi!

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