Qin Guan must be careful when he speaks. He may be joking, but others have taken it seriously.

Qin Guan certainly remembers that on a certain occasion, he once proposed the idea of an aerospace fighter, as if he had put forward the theory at that time, that is, using a supersonic transport plane to hunch into orbit. As a result, song took it seriously.

Now, the fourth generation machine has been developed. Of course, the Institute will engage in the next project. What project? It must be a fifth generation machine.

If we really want to do it, the investment will be huge, but we can't stop it because of the large investment, because if it is done, it will be of great benefit to the country.

This will significantly increase the country's deterrence! This kind of plane can fly around the earth in two hours and change its orbit at any time in space. No weapon can intercept it. It can perform military tasks such as reconnaissance, bombing and so on.

Even in civil use, it has many uses. It can travel freely between heaven and earth. It can be said that it can do almost everything that the space shuttle can do. For example, sending satellites into orbit, recycling satellites in orbit, destroying other satellites, transporting various materials to the space station, etc. it can be said that it is another effective form of manned spaceflight.

The investment is huge, but what is this investment for people who own money cemeteries like themselves? Maintaining the advantages of technology is the most important, and now it is a real positive R & D!

Qin Guan's brain was thinking rapidly. At the same time, old Lu continued to grasp the problem: "moreover, if you want to develop such two aircraft, you don't have that strength at all."

"We can work together," Song continued. "You can develop transport aircraft. Let's develop aerospace aircraft."

"Why didn't you develop the transport plane?" Lu Lao looked unhappy there.

"Because you have fully mastered the variable swept wing technology, perhaps this supersonic transport aircraft can use the variable swept wing technology?"

"Lao song, you thought you would use us, didn't you?" Lu asked.

They laughed.

Qin Guan also understood that old song was of course aware of the technical difficulty of the new generation of aerospace aircraft. Therefore, old song did not want them to undertake the research and development independently. They had to find another helper. In this way, it was a strong alliance. After the research and development of the fourth generation aircraft project was completed, there were new scientific research tasks.

If there is no scientific research task, the development team may be scattered.

So far, Qin Guan has finally begun to affirm the plan. Since we want to study it in advance, let's do it happily.

wait! What did Qin Guan think of.

Now, there is another opportunity to take advantage of, that is, the talents of bear country.

Seeing that the state of bear is about to disintegrate, the huge talent team of the state of bear will flow all over the world, and what about its own side? Of course, our side also depends on good relations. We can quickly go to Xiong country to rob talents.

Those talents of Xiong state will be used by its own side. In particular, Xiong state has a good development plan of aerospace aircraft.

Xiong Guoren's vision is more original. They have started this plan since the mid-1960s. The project code is spiral. The result is MIG 105 fighter. This fighter looks like a small Blizzard and a large boot.

For example, the wing can rotate, but unlike the backward rotation of variable swept wing fighters, this wing rotates vertically. Although it can not turn the wing to 90 degrees of the vertical tail, it can also turn to 60 degrees. In this way, during high-speed flights such as take-off and re-entry into the atmosphere, the angle between the wing and the horizontal plane is 60 degrees, which plays a role of vertical stability. After the speed decreases to subsonic speed, the wing turns to horizontal state to increase the lift.

Another feature is that its skid landing gear is incorporated into both sides of the upper surface of the fuselage, making the thermal protection of the landing gear easier. Below it is a flat bottom sled like appearance, so it has the nickname of "wooden shoes".

Xiong Guo has also studied this project for a long time. The hypersonic mother plane has never been implemented. This aircraft has entered the prototype stage, but it has only carried out the unpowered gliding stage.

MgO Young's Design Bureau has made unremitting efforts to make this project survive. Even at the beginning of the development of the blizzard space shuttle, it plans to use the blizzard space shuttle to launch. Like the wheel launcher of a heavy bomber, five MIG 105 are hung on one launcher.

Xiong Guoren, but take the Star Wars plan seriously.

It still exists. The project is still in progress, until the end of the Bear Kingdom disintegration. In fact, many of those who study the snowstorm are transferred from the spiral plan.

Well, digging these people over will be of great help to our research on this aerospace plane!

Robbing bear country is not only the wealth and equipment of bear country, but also the talents of bear country! Even, talent comes first.

At present, there is no space shuttle in China. Qin Guan has never been interested in that kind of equipment. It is enough to develop spaceships step by step in China. Then, can we transition to space shuttle?

"OK, I agree to this project." Qin Guan finally decided: "however, this project must do sufficient pre research. Moreover, we must build a higher speed wind tunnel and lay the foundation first."

After all, from Mach 0 to Mach 25, it needs spacecraft that can meet the needs. The ultra-high speed wind tunnel plays a great role in the research and development of such spacecraft. Without the wind tunnel, it can only spend a huge amount of money on practical experiments, which is not worth the loss.

"On the other hand, our engine technology needs a breakthrough."

After a turn, he returned to the engine again. If there is no advanced variable cycle engine, he can only rely on the ordinary liquid rocket engine and return to the old road again.

We have just solved the problem of turbofan 15, but it has not been solved yet. There will be various problems during the test flight. Now, new challenges are in front of us.

This is a new process of cocoon breaking and rebirth. If this project is completed, Han's aerospace technology will be at the most advanced level in the world!

"Yes, Mr. Qin, we will try our best to complete the task." Mr. Song was very happy to hear that Qin Guan agreed. Even if 6611 Institute has strong profitability, it is impossible to promote the development of a new project by themselves. It must have huge investment and Qin Guan's support.

Now, their project has been affirmed by Qin Guan!

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