The engine of the challenger's tank began to make a strange noise.

As tank drivers, they are very different from ordinary car drivers, because they belong to absolute blind operation, just like hitting the keyboard. When they operate the tank, they don't look at all kinds of operating levers and instruments of the tank.

If they are driving normally, they will stick out their heads and expose them to the outside, so that they can have a wider field of vision. Otherwise, they can only drill inside the tank and look at the road by relying on the periscope used for observation in front. At this time, the field of vision is narrower and there may be danger if they are not careful. Therefore, they must always stare with their naked eyes, How can I have the opportunity to look down at various operating systems.

It would be even more uncomfortable if the tanks in bear country were even half lying down.

Therefore, they will not know that now the engine has begun to heat up. Just after a high-speed operation, the engine temperature is rising rapidly, and the radiator is not enough to emit all the temperature, so the temperature is getting higher and higher, and soon approaches the red line area.

The heat dissipation of the engine is very important. If the temperature is too high, when the piston is running in the cylinder barrel, due to thermal expansion and cold contraction, it will lead to poor operation. In serious cases, the piston will get stuck with the cylinder barrel. This is the cylinder pulling that makes people smell discoloration. Once the cylinder is pulled, the whole combination of the piston cylinder barrel will be scrapped.

This is the case now.

In the European environment, this situation is impossible. After arriving in the desert, all natural conditions are against them.

The only thing that is not afraid of high temperature is the gas turbine. That kind of power originally works under high temperature. However, the gas turbine, a monster that drinks oil, can not be used by ordinary countries.

After the abnormal sound of the engine, the conductor noticed it first.

"Look at the water temperature gauge!" shouted the conductor.

"Damn it, the engine is hot!" the driver's foot released from the accelerator pedal. Now the engine must idle for a while.

In fact, the best thing is to turn off the engine, open the rear cooling window and wait for the engine temperature to be normal before walking, but this is obviously inappropriate. It's definitely an act of death to stay in place on the battlefield.

They can only move forward slowly.

Just as the speed slowed down, the front was already filled with smoke and dust. When he saw the tank troops in front, the commander immediately exclaimed loudly: "find the enemy's main tank troops, come on, armor fragments, ready!"

The yellow and orange armour fragments were stuffed into the gun bore.

NiuGuo is an old brand country. As an old brand, they naturally have their pride. On tanks, they took the lead in changing 120 mm tank guns, but this kind of tank guns is completely different from the trend.

The rifling inside the tank gun is called rifled gun. This rifling can make the shell fly out in rotation and increase the stability of the shell. For a long time, it has been the mainstream. The 105mm rifled gun, the main force in the western world, is like this.

At the same time, there is no rifling, that is, smooth bore running. Although there is no rifling, the tail of the shell can be carried with the tail wing to maintain stability, which is the same principle as the arrow. Because there is no rifling, the resistance inside the gun chamber is smaller, the speed out of the gun chamber is greater, and the wear of rifling is avoided. You know, Even if some processes such as internal chrome plating and self tightening of the barrel are adopted, the rifling inside the rifled gun will be bald when 200 shells are fired by the rifled gun, but there is no such restriction on the smooth bore run, and it is even more difficult to clean the bore.

Therefore, the wire bore gun has been eliminated. The mainstream 120mm gun and the 125mm gun of Xiong country are smooth bore guns, while the armored soldiers of Niu country are stubbornly equipped with wire bore guns, which is also to reflect their long inheritance.

At the same time, only the wire bore gun can use the special bullet of armor fragmentation bullet. Up to now, the armored forces of NiuGuo still retain the special bullet of armor fragmentation bullet.

In the current mainstream shells against armor, there are mainly two ways: one is to forcibly impact the other side's armor by relying on kinetic energy, knock a hole in the other side's armor, and then drill in; the other is to burn through the armor by using thin molten metal based on the principle of metal jet and shaped charge warhead.

In addition to these two methods, there is also a non-standard one, which is the armor fragmentation projectile. The principle of this projectile is very special. It does not need to puncture the opponent's armor. When it hits the armor, it will collapse the inner layer of the armor and kill the enemy by sputtering these metals. This is the principle of armor fragmentation projectile.

You can kill the enemy without breaking through armor.

Now, it's time for this kind of shell to show its power!

The gunner began to aim, and when his laser rangefinder began to emit a laser beam, he immediately encountered the same problem.

Unable to range!

The long-distance precise attack depends on the accurate distance value. If you don't know this now, you can't attack accurately. What's the matter?

The gunner shouted anxiously, "the rangefinder is broken. Now change to manual mode!"

Since laser ranging is impossible, even if it is rough, he can only aim visually. His eyes are close to the sight. His hand starts to turn the gear and press the opposite tank, and then fine tune it carefully.

Before firing, I saw the opposite tank firing!

The tankers of yezao country opened fire earlier than them!

At a distance of 2000 meters, the tungsten alloy armor piercing bullet flew out of the gun bore and came this way. The captain shouted, "come on, brake!"

This is a choice that almost all car captains will make. Moreover, their current engine can not run at high power, so there is no way to avoid the attack by accelerating. They can only brake.

Just as they braked, they heard a huge metal impact coming from behind.

Damn it, they are surrounded. There are not only interceptors in front, but also pursuers in the back. The tanks they chased are back!

At this time, the distance is 2500 meters!

Even the 79 tanks pursuing behind never thought that they fired at such a long distance and even hit them. The accuracy of the fire control system of the Han country is terrible!

Of course, there is also the element of luck. If the other party doesn't brake, the shell can't hit the other party's tank at all, but now, with the other party's sudden braking, the shell just falls to the tail and onto the engine compartment. Where can the thin steel plate block the attack of 120mm tungsten alloy long rod armor piercing projectile!


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