In his office, Qin Guan crossed his legs and looked at the picture on the big screen in front of him.

The ground battle began. It was really hot blood.

Over the years, yezao country has purchased a large number of 79 tanks, and they have operated for many years. Those tank soldiers have been able to skillfully use modern fire control systems and other electronic systems. Otherwise, if they still use optical sight and rely on luck and experience to fire 500 meters, they will never have their current achievements.

It was really lively on the battlefield yesterday.

Some war reporters risked their lives to take a lot of pictures. The war between the enemy and ourselves is really too fierce. In particular, several pictures are taken from the sky, which is even more beautiful.

Of course, in most cases, they are invincible. After all, the coalition has air superiority. No matter how advanced tanks are, they have no combat effectiveness under air attack. Therefore, in a modern war, if you want to win on land, you must have air supremacy.

"The central front played the best, especially the tank commander named Ali. He took his tanks and fought several rounds of encirclement and annihilation, eliminating many M1 tanks and Challenger tanks." the scholar said: "now, our tanks are famous."

In the past, no matter how your side publicized, someone always slandered. Now, it's impossible to slander, because your tanks have been shown to be strong in actual combat. They do not give in to the challenger and M1.

"Ali's tactics are excellent. It seems that he has mastered our training materials." Qin Guan said, "that's our essence."

"Yes, I was a little surprised to give it to them at that time. Now I see the performance of this commander, and finally understand that it is the same as our people. If people of yezao country can win, we will certainly have no problem, or even better!" said the scholar.

Tactics are formulated by our own side, so our own performance will certainly be better than the other side, especially our current tanks are more powerful.

Although what was exported at that time was the most advanced, it now belongs to low-grade products. Our own side has depleted uranium armor and depleted uranium armor piercing projectile, which is much more powerful than that exported to the date country. Our own tanks are definitely the king of land warfare! If you encounter challengers and M1 tanks in the future, you can absolutely abuse them directly.

"Yes, but after all, there is still a disadvantage in the air, so no matter how wonderful they play, they will eventually lose the war," Qin Guan said.

There is no doubt about this outcome. The date countries have no chance to win. When their air fighters are exhausted, they can't usher in a turnaround.

Now, Qin Guan sighed that air power is always the most important. Although Ali has fought several beautiful battles, he still can't change the overall situation.

In other words, why did he go after these games? Battlefield intelligence can only come after a period of time, but I'm really looking forward to it.

"Bang." just then, the door was suddenly pushed open. Looking at Xiao Lu coming in from the outside, Qin Guan was in doubt. Why are you so anxious?

What the hell happened?

"Eagle Ambassador asked for an audience."

Eagle Ambassador? Qin Guan was very strange. After scanning, he found that the ambassador was still in his embassy. Well, he moved. He should have got on the bus. He was in such a hurry that he called before he came?

"Well, when he comes, let him see me," Qin Guan said.

Then he frowned. This guy's car drives so fast. Is this a flagrant violation of traffic rules? Well, even if he is an ambassador and has any diplomatic immunity, he should abide by the traffic order here. Even if he doesn't hit people, it's not good to encounter flowers and grass. Criticize him until he comes!

"Well, turn off the elevator and let him exercise." Qin Guan said. Looking at the fruit plate handed over by his secretary, Qin Guan grabbed the grape grains on the plate and ate them. When the grapes were finished, the ambassador came. He almost ran all the way. When he went upstairs, he stepped on the stairs.

"You, your elevator." ambassador green was out of breath.

Most Westerners are fat, because their usual food is mainly meat. Now, Qin Guan glanced at each other, sweating profusely, and his clothes were soaked. He tried to keep his appearance solemn, but the sweat on his forehead fell down. Like that, he was embarrassed.

"The elevator is broken and hasn't been repaired yet." Qin Guan said, "Mr. ambassador, what's the matter? Are you so anxious?"

"General Qin, our commander, was captured by the people of yezao!" ambassador Green said, "please give me a way!"

"Commander? What if he's captured? General schwapf won't lose a few front-line commanders, so he'll throw a mouse repellent?" Qin Guan asked.

"No, general schwapf was captured, and several of his adjutants, as well as the supreme commander of NiuGuo. There are twelve generals!"

Qin Guan's eyes burst out with a happy smile. NIMA, your feelings are that your supreme headquarters has been taken out by others. The people of yezao country have done this move very hard. They have fought with the people of Sabbath country for so many years, but they are not so rebellious. It seems that their opponents are weak. When they meet strong opponents, they are strong. Well, it's still the reason of their own weapons, If the eagle country used its own weapons, it would not be so passive. It's all their fault!

Qin Guan almost applauded. Looking at the other party's anxious appearance, he couldn't say it. He couldn't gloat like this.

"Who did it? The one who fought fiercely yesterday should be a tank army commanded by Ali, not him?" Qin Guan asked.

"Yes, that's him, Mr. Qin. How did you guess?" ambassador Green said.

Qin Guan was also surprised. I guessed casually. You can't mistakenly think it was my command. My hand is not that long! Of course, Qin Guan finally knew why the other party was so anxious.

A lot of senior officials have been made dumplings by others. When this is spread, the eagle people will be completely humiliated at home. How can they be the world police in high spirits in the future?

"Well, it's useless for you to come to me?" Qin Guan said. "Shouldn't you go to yezao people to negotiate?" Qin Guan said.

"Negotiation? Of course we can't do that, otherwise, where will our Eagle face go?" ambassador Green said.

"Then why are you looking for me?" Qin Guan asked.

Ambassador green was speechless. He asked Qin Guan for advice. Then, what advice can Qin Guan give?

"Mr. Qin, how do you think we should solve this problem now?"

"If you don't want to exchange hostages later, I think it's good to cease fire now." Qin Guan said, "if you need it, I can be the peace ambassador."

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