Fortunately, the airport has not been damaged. When Qin Guan's special plane landed, the escort fighters also landed. Looking at those powerful planes, people in a waterless country are very moved.

A country with huge wealth but no military force comparable to wealth is easy to be robbed by others. They should also quickly improve their combat effectiveness!

Of course, Qin Guan came for this purpose. After the war, which country's equipment will the waterless Congress import? Eagle country? Of course not. Isn't the eagle's equipment beaten badly enough in this war? Look at the strength of the jujube country. It also depends on the equipment of the Han country!

Although many of the wealth of the waterless country has been robbed, the country's heritage is still very strong. In particular, half of the wealth of the waterless country is in the world's financial market. Even if there is no oil, people can still keep the country running. No other country around can compare it, even the giant monster like bear country, Once you leave the oil export, you will immediately stop cooking. This is the advantage of a country without water. Now, don't you learn a lesson? You should have advanced technology and equipment!

"Mr. Qin, welcome very much. We will keep your kindness to our country in mind. In the future, we will become best friends with the Han country, a country without water." the foreign minister warmly said at the airport.

"Yes, we also like friends in the Han Dynasty. One more friend means one more way." Qin Guan said, "now, when I just came here, I found that there are few flights here. Should you buy a batch of airliners? The technology of our subordinate Yunshi airliner is still very good."

Let's start from the civil aspect. For civil airliners, our side is also technologically advanced. Our side has purchased Douglas. They can import from there or directly from the Han country. In short, since they are their friends, they should also buy something from themselves?

"Yes, President Qin, you're right." the foreign minister said, "we'll consider it. Go to the Palace first. Our king is waiting for you."

There must be no drop of water in a country without water, but with huge funds, they have established a large number of desalination plants. The vegetation in the city here is still good. Unfortunately, it has been destroyed by the war.

Destroyed buildings can be seen everywhere. The roads are potholes. It must be caused by the tanks rolling directly on the road. In order to run faster in the desert, the rubber hanging on the tracks of the tanks in yezao country was removed. Therefore, after the tanks rolled over, the roads soon broke down.

As for the trees on both sides of the road, they are all crooked. This scene seems to tell the horror of war. This is the most hated war. In the war, there is nothing beautiful to keep!

Therefore, I must make the motherland strong and become the most powerful in the world. Only such strength can ensure the security of the motherland and deal with any threat! Qin Guan thought in his heart.

The Royal Palace was covered with a red carpet and greeted Qin Guan with the most noble ceremony. Qin Guan immediately thought that the president of Eagle country at this time should be quite depressed. After all, they initiated the war and they were bleeding to restore the country. In the end, it was the most beautiful scene of Qin Guan!

Most of the weapons of the yezao country, which is hostile to them, come from the Han country. They are abused by the weapons of the Han country. However, now, they have to thank the Han country. Without the Han country, I'm afraid the war will come to an end and the restoration of the country will be in the distant future.

"I just did what I should do." Qin Guan said, "after all, we have a very good relationship with happy desert country. We don't want to see war break out here. All disputes can be resolved by peaceful means. I personally love peace."

Qin Guan didn't blush at all. As an arms dealer, his favorite thing was war. Only when there was war could there be arms sales. This war once again made the weapons and equipment of the Han country show great prestige and become famous. At this time, Qin Guan was still flaunting himself as a pacifist.

"Just when I came here, I saw black smoke rising from your territory. I knew that your oil wells were on fire. Therefore, I have contacted China. We will send a special fire-fighting team here to help you put out the oil well fire. It is our international humanitarian spirit. I also hope you can coordinate one Next, it is convenient for us to carry out our work. "

what? When he heard the news, the king was so happy that he couldn't even believe his ears.

Their oil wells are on fire. Now the top priority is to put out the oil well fire. They have sent out a call for help to the West. However, there is no response. They have helped the waterless country to recover. They have paid so much and have been beaten miserably. Who wants to wade in this muddy water? Besides, this kind of fire is not easy to put out. They have no experience.

Several companies accepted the request for help, but the price was outrageous. Although the country without water had money, it had to rebuild in China. They also had to arm themselves and did not want to be ruthlessly slaughtered by the West. Now, the state of Han actually wanted to take the initiative to help, or even selflessly help. Suddenly, the people present were almost crying.

At the beginning, he still doubted others and even spoke ill of them. Looking at them now, this is the spirit of internationalism and the greatest international friendship. Looking at President Qin, no wonder they have so many businesses and have good friends all over the world.

"President Qin, on behalf of the country without water, I thank you for your help." the king said excitedly, "but how are you going to put out our oil field fire?"

It's an oil field on fire. It's not easy to put out such a fire, even with water. It's difficult to put out the oil burning, not to mention the large area now.

It is because it is difficult to put out, so foreign companies ask high prices. Not only to put out the fire, but also not to damage the oil well. After all, they have to start production as soon as possible.

"This is very simple," Qin Guan said. "We have long developed professional fire-fighting equipment in China. We have transformed a number of jet engines to put out fire with jet engines."

what? Jet engine, the ignition is almost the same. How can you put out the fire?

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