The situation of the two countries is different. There is no way for a country without water. Their land area is too small and their population is too small. Otherwise, the date country will not have the idea of annexing them.

However, the happy desert country has a vast territory. The country's economic strength and military strength are very strong. In fact, they also have the idea of competing for hegemony. Such a country can protect itself without the protection of the eagle people.

It seems that the eagle people also know this. Therefore, the eagle people's garrison in the happy desert country does not even sign the contract, so they directly depend on it. How can the happy desert country drive away the eagle people?

This is the case now, and Qin Guan has provided them with a plan. Are you going? If we don't go, our forklifts and excavators are going to start up. We need to shovel these flat!

In this way, they forced the eagle people to leave.

How should Eagle people choose? In short, it's certain to have a conflict with the happy desert country. No matter who wins in the end, it's good for the Han country.

When King Su heard Qin Guan's words, he thought deeply. Yes, this scheme sounds very good, but he doesn't know what the possibility is? What if the eagle people disagree? What if you put pressure on the happy desert country?

"If you don't get tough, you will be scolded as soft bones by the people of the whole region." Qin Guan said, "how to choose depends on your own. My trip is about to end. I wish you all the best."

King Su's body moved, and the last sentence really hit their key. The people of the eagle country were let in by them. If they don't drive them away, they will be scolded as soft bones in the future.

It's hard to do anything!

No matter how each country chooses, it will become a mess in the future. The source of the disaster here is that there is a lot of oil below. This black wealth will be coveted by countless powerful people. Qin Guan sighed in his heart. Their biggest weakness here is that there is no modern industry. All their modern weapons are bought, By buying, you can't buy real national defense at all!

Look at the date country. Once it is blocked and all those advanced weapons are consumed, will the date country still have strength? No, the jujube country soon lost its air power, its air supremacy and the possibility of victory.

Fortunately, it was a draw in the end. I like it very much!

Qin Guan must go now. He knows that his daily safety problems have worried countless people over the past few days. Even if he can ensure his own safety, he still affects the hearts of countless people. If he comes out, he will not give you any more trouble.

Go back!

On the returning plane, Qin Guan entered the weapon system and exchanged the insufficient 200 MiG-29 planes needed by the date country from the cemetery. This time, the most advanced mig-29smt was gone, leaving only the most common mig-29m fighters. Therefore, it is certain that it needs to be improved in the later stage.

However, it is only in the early 1990s after all. Although these aircraft are not comparable to those of the Han country, they are actually quite good fighters in this era. It is no problem to help the date country defend its airspace and have a small fight with the aircraft invaded by the eagle country.

The ability to exchange in different places is really great. Qin Guan doesn't need to show up there, so he can better keep his secret.

On the plane, Qin Guan continued to deal with the accumulated things, the arrangement of various orders, priorities, the development of some equipment obtained, and other things.

Qin Guan's revenge is inevitable. Yes, it's not a derogatory term. A gentleman takes revenge. It's too late for ten years. If he has revenge, he will take it right away. In this war, lion city also wants to trip the Han country. Therefore, lion city must know how powerful it is!

After going back, it's time to start this thing. If you don't have help, you can do it yourself. In the past, there have been brilliant achievements again and again. Let Lisa be a military teacher for yourself. She must be able!

However, just thinking of this, I felt bad. Sure enough, Lisa's voice appeared in her brain: "Hey, you think of me? Call me when you need me, and throw me aside when you don't need me. What do you think I am?"

What are you? I can trust my subordinates, but I must not cross the minefield. If not, we could have been good friends. As a result, I treat you as a friend, but you always want to sleep with me!

It seems to feel Qin Guan's idea. Lisa is a little dissatisfied. Have you always been so wary of me?

"Forget it, I won't tell you anything else. Soros has decided to do it, but Soros doesn't plan to do it to lion city. He plans to do it to Romania." Lisa's voice is lazy: "he thinks that lion city's foreign exchange management mechanism is too strict to do it, so he plans to win a vote from Romania."

Qin Guan immediately felt his eyelids jump badly, Luo Guo? The relationship between Luo state and Han state is good, so Qin Guan never thought of hollowing out Luo state, but Soros is not. In the eyes of businessmen, there are only interests. Of course, he hopes to do a suitable job.

This is the famous financial crisis that swept the whole southeast region, ah, affecting many countries.

wait! Qin Guan has come back again. This guy is uneasy. It's not just Luo state. I'm afraid he really aimed at the Oriental Pearl. He even planned to get a ticket from the Oriental Pearl.

I thought he was a comrade in arms. Who knows he is an ambitious!

Qin Guan's mind was rapidly thinking about countermeasures. Under the current situation, how should he position himself? Help Romania resist the financial storm?

It's not necessary. Although it's a friendly relationship, it's only limited to reminding. How many people can empty their pockets to help other good friends?

Even when a husband and wife encounter something, they fly away, not to mention friends. There are only interests between countries.

Moreover, once the Luo state is stirred and begins to spread around, it will also impact the lion city. Soros does not intend to start with the lion city. He is not ambiguous. In that way, he can also hide. After all, Soros is the one who starts. Even if the lion city is robbed, it can only be counted on Soros's head, and he is even more hidden.

With the currency cemetery, you can get a steady stream of foreign exchange at any time, and the domestic foreign exchange reserves are also quite large. So, what are you trying to do?

Of course, it is to make the economy of lion city suffer a heavy blow! In short, anyone who wants to make an idea about the Han state must pay a price. This is Qin Guan's principle.

When you get back, step up your deployment!

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