Mikhailov carried the flight chart to the huge tu-22m bomber.

Just from the appearance, this kind of aircraft seems like a tactical bomber. The huge rectangular air inlets on both sides and the single vertical tail at the tail don't seem to have great momentum. However, only after approaching, can you feel its greatness immediately. This is an aircraft more than 40 meters long. If you jump from the tail, One can stand up directly in the tail nozzle. That kind of small fighter can't be compared with it at all. It's a bomber with a takeoff weight of more than 100 tons!

Now, there are no weapons inside the fuselage, but they are filled with fuel. Mikhailov looked at the western sky as he walked, and it was getting dark.

He had a strange feeling, like someone defected a few years ago, but the feeling just flashed in his mind and disappeared.

How could he be like that? His flight mission was assigned to him by the base commander. In addition, there was another aircraft with him. Although the mission was highly confidential, it was coordinated by the base commander. If he defected, would so many people help him?

Besides, it's not that he won't come back. After performing this task, he will come back. At the same time, there will be a large amount of money in his account.

The whole army has long been terrified.

The situation in Xiong Guo is not optimistic. It is common that ordinary people can't pay their wages. Even in the army, although there is no such thing as not paying wages for several consecutive months, it is the most common that only half or even one third of the allowances are given each time.

They need money, especially his daughter, to go to college in Hans, and they need tuition.

The plane has four crew members, but now he is the only one, because according to the plan, the plane has been eliminated and needs to be flown to the aircraft cemetery for storage.

In this case, it's not a battle. One person is enough.

Following the gangway, Mikhailov climbed onto the plane.

Some of the entry modes of large bombers are different from those of fighters. For example, the windshield of the cockpit is closed and cannot be opened. If it is to be opened, there is only one case, that is, it has ejected and escaped.

Generally speaking, this kind of bomber enters from the gangway at the position of the main landing gear in front, but unlike figure-22m, the cockpit cover can be turned to both sides, climb in from the gangway, and then fasten the cockpit cover.

Mikhailov climbed down the gangway into the cockpit and began to prepare for takeoff.

He skillfully pushed each button, and the two nk-22 engines at the tail soon roared. He looked at the display of various instruments. After becoming normal, he skillfully contacted the tower and slid onto the runway.

The huge wing has been expanded. Although it is called figure-22m, it is completely different from the original figure-22. This is a newly designed aircraft. The design principle of the whole aircraft is to expand around its variable swept wing. Tupolev Design Bureau has carefully determined the position of the wing rotation axis and the relative area of the fixed wing sleeve and the movable outer wing, After all, this is the first variable swept wing bomber. This complex design ensures that the deviation of the aerodynamic pressure center when the wing is reset does not exceed 2% of the average aerodynamic chord.

Like other variable swept wing aircraft in this era, its variable swept wing is manually controlled. Xiong Guo has no way to automatically adjust the position of the variable swept wing according to the flight speed. It can choose four wing swept angles according to different flight modes.

Among them, 20 degrees of sweepback is used for take-off and landing, 30 degrees for the start of climb and long-term subsonic cruise, 50 degrees for low altitude transonic flight to break through the air defense line, and 60 degrees for supersonic cruise.

Yes, for the first time, this large variable swept wing bomber has realized the expected capability of Xiong guoair force, supersonic cruise. It reduces air resistance after the wing sweeps back, and realizes its supersonic cruise with a powerful engine at the tail. Although it will consume a lot of fuel, it has long been prepared. The bomber weighs 58 tons and can carry 54 tons of fuel when fully loaded, which is enough for supersonic cruise.

Now it is taking off, so at the position of minimum sweep angle, the wing is straight, and in the huge roar, the huge bomber flew into the sky.

At this time, it was dark, and the navigation lights under the wings flashed.

Behind it, another bomber also took off. The counter fire bomber, which once made the whole western world tremble, now, under the operation of the arms dealer Boris, finally flew to another destination, the Han country.

The first half of the voyage was always normal, but later, when they were on the route closest to the Han country, the two bombers suddenly and quickly fell off the altitude, as if they had encountered a sudden bad airflow. Then they called in the radio and flew from ultra-low altitude to the Han country.

At this time, on the border of the Han Dynasty, an air police 2000 early warning aircraft was cruising at a normal altitude. The electromagnetic wave radiated towards the other side of the national boundary and searched the distant sky. Soon, two bright spots appeared on the screen.

The counter fire bomber was once the most troublesome weapon of Han for many years. After the friendship between Han and Xiong, the main purpose of air defense of Han's air force is to intercept the counter fire bomber!

This kind of Bomber can fly at ultra-low altitude. Due to the lack of qualified pulse Doppler radar, it is difficult for the Han country to retrieve the target of ultra-low altitude flight, and the other party can drive straight in, and even fly all the way to the capital of the Han country to throw bombs. In that special era, a large number of fighter planes deployed by the Han country were intended to intercept by impact, The mission of the jian-8 is also to intercept such bombers.

Now, the fate makes people sigh. The Han country has become strong. There is no need to be afraid of this bomber. At the same time, the Han country still has this opportunity to get the counter fire bomber. Although the way is not good, it is like a thief, but the opportunity is rare. Since there is one, we must get it!

The counter fire bomber plays an important role in the Han country. The Han country can't just rely on the bomb VI improved by figure-16, and the j-bomb VII can only be a tactical bomber. The name of bomb VIII has been occupied by stealth bombers. Therefore, Qin Guan can't wait to give this bomber a number of bomb IX.

In that parallel time and space, there have been many statements that the state of Han wants to buy counter fire, but it is just a statement. At the beginning, perhaps the state of Han really wants it, but the state of bear will not sell it to the state of Han. After all, it may threaten the state of bear itself. Later, when the state of Xiong really wants to sell, the state of Han is not rare.

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