Luo Guo has felt something wrong.

Luo baht is being sold out in various trading places in China. The currency of Luo can circulate in the market. When the Luo baht they issued before was bought by mysterious buyers, they were still happy, but now they can't laugh anymore.

Luo baht entered the financial market in large quantities, and immediately the exchange rate for Eagle currency fell sharply. In order to stabilize its currency, Luo can only buy Luo baht and stabilize the exchange rate by continuously consuming foreign exchange reserves through the central bank.

In the first battle, the exchange rate of luozhu was kept, but no one could think that this was just the prelude to the storm.

A few days later, a more violent sell-off of the Luo baht came, and the Luo baht continued to fall sharply. However, at this time, the foreign exchange reserves of the Luo country were running out. After a series of ideological struggles, the Luo country finally announced to give up the fixed exchange rate and let the Luo currency float freely in the market.

Luo baht, depreciate rapidly! On the day of the announcement, the Luo baht fell by 17%. With the decline of the exchange rate, the financial crisis in Romania immediately began. After decades of economic growth, Romania has finally learned the painful lessons brought by barbaric growth.

In the past few years, in order to continue to maintain economic growth, Luo has borrowed many foreign debts from abroad. The overheated economic growth and the expansion of non-performing assets have led to numerous bubbles in the domestic economy. Soros chose to first attack the currency of the country. That is to say, Luo's economy is the most unstable one.

Their economic development had begun to slow down and the government continued to intervene, but at the same time, the financial supervision was not in place, which made serious loopholes in their economy.

The change of exchange rate makes the domestic products of Romania unable to be exported immediately, the workers will lose their jobs, and the economic crisis spreading to the whole society will come.

The beach has become empty. After Romania's economy fell into chaos, all domestic industries were depressed, and even affected the development of their tourism.

Lisa felt the turbulence these days, and she was very moved. If she wanted to make the country's economy grow steadily, she had to have enough anti shock ability. The economy of these countries was too weak, and it just collapsed.

At the same time, because the regional economy here is interconnected, Romania's economy is turbulent and begins to spread to other countries. An economic crisis sweeping the whole region is staged.

"This time, our cooperation is very happy. The foreign exchange reserves of the central galaxy of Romania have entered our account." Soros came to Lisa again: "next, we are going to other countries to continue sweeping them. Miss Lisa, are you still with us?"

Wealth will not disappear, but will be transferred. When they sniped at the currency of Romania, the eagle dollars thrown out by the Central Bank of Romania in order to stabilize the currency exchange rate entered their snipers' pockets.

Everyone has made a lot of money. This feast is the favorite of international investors.

"We're going to go into Lion City," Lisa said to Soros.

Soros shook his head: "Miss Lisa, you are very capable. We all know that you have played a vital role in our capital operation this time. However, please listen to my advice. Our quantum fund has studied lion city. The financial stability of lion city is higher than that of all other countries. If you go there to snipe, you may lose everything."

Of course, they also bully the soft and fear the hard. Any country with small foreign exchange reserves can lose under the sniping of their international capital. It is obviously not easy to conquer Lion City, because lion city's foreign exchange reserves are too rich.

"Because of this, we will start. In this way, we will make more profits." Lisa said, "in this way, we will launch the previous snipers. When lion city is about to retreat, your funds should enter?"

Money is greedy. They refuse to take risks when there are risks. If it is a dog in pain, Lisa believes that they will not give up opportunities.

In this way, a large number of international speculators enter lion city. Where is lion city invincible? At the beginning, it's no big deal to snipe by yourself, because you have enough money reserves in your hands. Qin Guan has a steady flow of money, which is more powerful than the money printer in the eagle country. Therefore, why should you be afraid? It's impossible to fail. Lisa has never failed since her debut. She won't fail this time!

Lisa has confidence in herself.

Now that Lisa has said so, Soros can only agree: "well, we look forward to working together in the future. Now, we are going to march into other countries."

Is this against the law? Of course not. They act under the conditions stipulated by each other's laws. They are completely legal commercial means. It can only be said that the laws of those countries are imperfect. Of course, such a game can only be played once, and they will certainly make up for the defects of the law in the future.

Lion City, the foreign exchange reserves are too rich, which is definitely not what they can promote. However, Lisa is different. If she is backed by Han North Industrial Company, she really has such strength. After all, the other party has made a lot of money in recent years.

What hatred do you have with lion city?

Lion city.

This is a small city. There is almost no perfect heavy industry. All rely on import and export business and tourism to maintain the operation of the country, and these businesses need huge foreign exchange reserves as backing.

Their prosperity is due to their superior geographical location and the six Majia Strait! At least 100000 ships and half of the world's oil tankers pass here every year. This is the busiest shipping channel in the world!

Although lion city is a small place, it is the world's fourth largest financial center, the largest ship repair base in the whole region, the world's third largest oil refining center, the world's fourth largest port, the fifth largest airport and the largest fuel supply base.

Such a country, despite its small land area, also has considerable economic strength.

In recent years, the economy of lion city has been quite stable. This time, after the outbreak of the financial crisis in Romania, the economy of lion city has also been impacted to a certain extent.

"Our currency exchange rate also began to fall, but now it is not enough for us to use foreign exchange reserves." at this time, in the government building of Lion City, looking at the grand occasion of thousands of merchant ships entering and leaving the port in the distance, the economic minister of lion city said to others.

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