"Lion city can no longer maintain the stability of the exchange rate. Today, lion city announced to give up the fixed exchange rate and realize the floating exchange rate system. So far, the currency exchange rate of lion city has fallen by more than 30%, which has led to serious economic problems in many nearby countries. A financial storm is sweeping the whole region."

Looking at the report on TV, Qin Guan nodded with satisfaction. Lisa finished very well. As long as she started, there was nothing she couldn't do. Moreover, the means she is using now are even more cruel than herself.

Qin Guan put forward the project of building a canal in Romania, but this alone is obviously not enough. Finally, the port caught fire, asked for compensation, and the additional shares of quantum fund are all psychological warfare. If lion city can persist, they must fail and have to exchange more money.

The president of lion city had a heart attack on the spot. After rescue, he was finally out of danger, but the heart disease of lion city finance was unable to recover.

These world speculators, led by quantum funds, have swept a large amount of wealth from Lion City and made a lot of money. Lisa's funds have quietly retired in advance and contributed the most, but they don't earn as much as Soros. This is a deep credit and reputation. It won't be exposed too much in the future.

At the beginning, lion city wanted to play tricks behind its back. Its own side would return the other way and let lion city taste the taste of being played by others!

At the same time, lion city has left a lot of mess. For the canal construction in Romania, their early investment has been wasted, because they simply can't continue to develop. They are discussing with Romania and asking Romania to return the unused funds to them. How could Romania be willing to have such funds, Romania also wants to recover its economy as soon as possible!

Lion city also refused to pay the compensation for the two cargo ships. Now, the international community is accusing lion city of this irresponsible act. It uses its own country's economic crisis as an excuse to refuse to bear the responsibility. In the future, who else dares to park in lion city? What if it is burned?

Looking at the lion city, Qin Guan was very satisfied.

"President Qin, according to our analysis, after the impact of the financial storm, lion city will not be able to turn over for at least five years." the scholar said to Qin Guan.

"Five years is not enough, at least ten years." Qin Guan said: "at that time, we have returned the Oriental Pearl, which can make our Oriental Pearl replace lion city."

Qin Guan did this, of course, not only for revenge, but also for deeper consideration to provide a stronger driving force for his own economic development. Han hopes for peaceful coexistence and common progress, but it will never be soft on those who stumble behind it.

In particular, the Han state is out of the way. Those who really practice knife bleeding are the people of the eagle state.

"Now, these international speculators have begun to fight against other countries." the scholar said: "President Qin, you did a really good job."

These neighboring countries are strongly hostile to Han.

No way. In recent years, the Han country has developed too fast. Although the Han country does not want to threaten anyone, these surrounding countries have long been wary of the Han country. In their eyes, they wish the Han country had been weak, and now? The Han state has consolidated its power in the southern sea area, where it has established a large base. The surrounding countries have itchy teeth. I think the Han state is stealing food from their mouths.

Now, they are being attacked, and their economy will suffer heavy losses. At this time, what will they do?

It is a good choice to launch a war abroad in order to transfer domestic contradictions. However, those countries do not have this strength, and the world has only one island state with this ability.

Then, they are left to ask for help. At this time, the state of Han can appear as the Savior. Those who want to maintain friendly relations with the state of Han and recognize the status of the state of Han in the region can provide help. If they are stubborn, let their economy continue to be depressed. In this way, attract some and attack some, We can guarantee the status of the Han state in these regions.

Now, the eagle people have fallen into the quagmire of the war with the date palm country. Although the war has ended, the eagle people have been greatly weakened. It is absolutely impossible for them to invest funds to help these countries get rid of the economic crisis. The eagle people are even investing in quantum funds and hope to search for a sum from these countries.

Now, it depends on the performance of this country!

"Come on, let's go to Haihe automobile factory," Qin Guan said.

"Yes, the special bus is ready." the scholar said to Qin Guan.

Haihe automobile factory is already a subordinate branch of the North heavy truck factory. Under the suggestion of Qin Guan, this factory has been producing vans. This yellow Haihe Dafa is already a beautiful scenery all over the country. It can be used as a taxi in the city and a truck in the hands of peddlers. It is a good helper for the people to get rich.

Qin Guan wanted to go to Haihe automobile factory. Of course, he had his own intention.

Han's cars should not only circulate at home, but also go to the world!

Heavy trucks have begun to go abroad. It's time to promote civil vehicles!

"Mr. Qin, welcome to our factory!" when Qin Guan's car drove into the gate of Haihe automobile factory, factory director Zhang waited for a welcome at the gate.

The former factory director has retired. Factory director Zhang came from the North heavy truck factory. He first became the workshop director in the stamping workshop, and now he is the factory director again.

That year, when factory director Zhang took office, he smashed several BIW with a sledgehammer, so that everyone knew that quality was life and refused any defective products to leave the factory. After that, Haihe Dafa really sold well in the country. Although there were more than a dozen factories engaged in the same products, none of them could compete for Haihe Dafa.

These are also the credit of President Qin!

Mr. Qin manages everything every day. He hasn't been here in recent years. Now, seeing the arrival of Mr. Qin, factory director Zhang is full of excitement. "Well, let me see our Haihe Dafa." Qin Guan said to factory director Zhang, "now, is there still only one product in our factory?"

President Qin's question is both a concern and a test. Factory director Zhang said to Qin Guan: "of course not. President Qin, if our enterprise wants to develop, we must constantly innovate, lie down on the original achievements and sleep, and one day it will be surpassed."

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