If there are only domestic technicians, it doesn't matter to directly read the eagle version, but if there are several Xiong people, of course, we should pay attention to the image. We must not let the other party see that they are from the eagle country. We should let the other party know that this is the crystallization of Han technology.

Where did technology come from? It can be from other research institutes.

When dongdukov walked into the conference room, he was very grateful. He knew that he was just a bear. Now they are holding a plan meeting for a new fighter. The level of this meeting is very high. He was able to be invited. In recent years, the Han people really didn't treat them as outsiders.

Look at Xiong's country. It's a mess. He has become more and more fond of the atmosphere of Han in recent years.

"This time, I heard that President Qin came and was quite dissatisfied with the wooden appearance." a companion whispered to him in Xiong Guoyu.

Needless to say, President Qin is not satisfied. Even in China, few people are satisfied with Jacques 141. Look at Su 27 and MIG 29, which are the aerodynamic layout of advanced third-generation aircraft. MgO Yang Design Bureau has begun to work on the layout of fourth-generation aircraft. Look at Jacques 141, which is like copying MIG 25 and slightly modifying the rear fuselage. The performance of this aircraft, It can never meet the needs of the future.

There's no way. After all, since the jet era, the yaklev Design Bureau has been backward and quickly marginalized. They haven't come up with advanced aircraft and can only engage in vertical takeoff and landing fighters, but this kind of aircraft is not very good. Look at their yak 38. The Navy hates it, If it had not played some role in the hands of the Han people, the yaklev Design Bureau would be really useless.

President Qin has a long-term vision. Of course, he doesn't like that kind of goods.

"Well, stop talking, Mr. Qin is here." dongdukov said, "this time, let's see what he wants to build. This opportunity is too rare for us."

Qin Guan came in and looked at the people present. When he saw several Xiong people, he nodded to them, which made them feel flattered.

"Well, now let's have a meeting." Qin Guan said, "I've seen the wooden model. Even if it's a technical verification machine, we should aim at the future. Otherwise, what are we verifying? You should know what the future era will look like? This gentleman, dongdukov, tell you about it."

Dongdukov was immediately excited. President Qin still remembered himself, and he was still here to let himself speak!

"From the war of the date country just ended, we can see that the future war must be the world of stealth aircraft. With advanced stealth, we can win the decisive power in the future war. If there is no such aircraft, it will fall into the wind everywhere."

"Yes, the vertical take-off and landing we are doing here is just a way. If we want fighters to have advanced combat capability, they must have stealth. Therefore, I propose that our j-31 fighter project here be positioned as a medium-sized stealth vertical take-off and landing fighter."

The original design can't have stealth capability, which is what Qin Guan is most dissatisfied with. Now, it is positioned as a stealth fighter, which means that all previous body designs have failed and must start again.

Qin Guan opened the speech. On the screen of the projector, a fighter appeared. This is a three view, from the front, from the side and from the top. When he saw the plane at the first sight, everyone was surprised.

The first thing they noticed was the wing of the fighter, which was butterfly!

Today's fighters must adopt swept wings. Different swept wings also have different aerodynamic performance. Take the most popular ones now, they are all sharp triangular wings. The leading edge sweeps around 40 degrees, and the trailing edge is vertical to the fuselage. With side wings in front of the wings, a smooth aerodynamic layout is formed.

But now, looking at this top view, it is most clear that its wing not only sweeps back at the leading edge, but also sweeps forward at the trailing edge. In this way, it forms a special trapezoidal shape, which looks quite different.

Well, now Han has played all these things.

On the J-15, the variable swept wing is used. On the j-20, the duck layout and large delta wing are used. On the current j-31, the aerodynamic layout of the eagle F-22 is used. Yes, this wing is used by the eagle F-22!

Moreover, the configuration of the whole fuselage is very similar to that of the F-22. The nose is rhombic, and the air inlet is just below the inclined sides of the nose. It has become two parallelogram structures, which are perfectly integrated. The wings and tail wings are almost copied!

Now, the eagle people are also making every effort to develop F-22 fighter. This fighter is not as confidential as F117. After all, it is a fighter and needs a lot of equipment, so it began to be announced in the early stage.

Han people are really masters who copied the F-22 model.

Qin Guan copied righteously. After all, this kind of aircraft was originally F-35, and both F22 were from Lockheed Martin. When they designed it, they copied it. When they arrived, they copied it. If the eagle people chose the big mouth monster x-32 at that time, they would have to change it.

Although the model is very similar to the F-22, there are still many differences in details. For example, this kind of aircraft looks thicker!

Of course, this is also helpless. Although it is said to have more parts consistent with the f-35a, after all, it needs to insert a lift fan in front. If you want this aircraft to achieve the same range, you have to make up the lost space and find more places to store fuel.

If you put f-35a and F-35B together, you can find that one is slim and the other is plump, just like being a new woman and having children. The latter is obviously fat.

For a fighter, the range is also an important indicator. The jacques-38 can have a flying radius of 100 kilometers after vertical takeoff, which is definitely not enough. It must increase the fuel reserve, so it has become such a fat man.

This leads to the increase of flight resistance and the decrease of maximum speed. At the same time, it also leads to the limitation of overload in mobile combat. However, as a vertical takeoff and landing fighter, it is absolutely successful. Looking at the orders of this kind of aircraft, we know that this vertical takeoff and landing model is the most.

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