Vertical takeoff and landing fighter, the most dangerous is the takeoff and landing phase.

Ordinary fighters are also dangerous to take off and land, but it is not so dangerous. During vertical take-off and landing, the jet is downward to push the fighter up, and then the nozzle is backward and slowly turns to level flight until sufficient speed is accumulated to balance the gravity with the lift generated by the wings of the fighter, so that the engine only provides thrust. In this process, There will be problems at any time. If a nozzle does not provide thrust according to the scheduled plan, it may turn the aircraft over. A gust of crosswind may destroy the balance of the aircraft, and so on.

Therefore, this time is the most dangerous. At this time, the pilot needs to concentrate on operating various switches. For example, when taking off and landing, the most mature harrier fighter also needs the pilot to highly concentrate on completing multi-channel operation procedures one by one, controlling the rudder pedal, lever, throttle valve, nozzle angle control, etc, Every complex device has an accident, which may have terrible consequences.

This is the sorrow of the era of mechanical control. Like the duck layout, only telex can be tamed, and so can the flying wing layout.

When the Jacques-141 fighter was on board, the designers had realized the necessity of simplifying operation. Therefore, it used three redundancy digital telex control to reduce the pilot's burden and enable the pilot to spend more energy on taking off and landing.

However, this is still not enough. After all, it is not smart and intelligent enough to completely reduce the burden on pilots.

By the time the F-35 arrives, it will be completely intelligent. The pilot hardly needs to do any operation. As long as he tells the flight control computer system that I want to take off, the flight control system can determine a qualified thrust scheme according to the altitude and meteorological conditions at this time, and then automatically adjust the thrust nozzle angle Jet and control aerodynamics, and finally realize all aspects of intelligent control of the aircraft.

At this time, the training of pilots is quite simple. This is also the development direction in the future. Technology makes people's work easier, so that pilots don't have to take care of those complex actions and can devote all their energy to performing tasks.

Qin Guan's face was very serious: "we must fully understand the control laws in the whole take-off and landing process, write our own flight control system and make the take-off and landing process automatic. This is the most arduous task. If this task cannot be completed, the R & D of our vertical take-off and landing fighter will fail."

Of course, there is the source code of the flight control system in the huge data exchanged, but it must not be transplanted directly.

Just like turning Su-27 into J-11 at the beginning, we must not read out the control law of the simulation system and directly carry out digital to analog conversion. In this way, we can't understand the technology. In extreme special circumstances, we are bound to encounter danger, and we must really understand the technology.

This is also the biggest test for the 6601 Research Institute. After all, they don't have complete R & D experience of the fourth generation aircraft at all, and they don't even have programming experience of fly by wire flight control.

After hearing Qin Guan's words, President Gu didn't speak yet. Dongdukov couldn't help but say, "President Qin, do you mean that the engine is also under full digital control?"

If you want to be intelligent and all take-off and landing are controlled by computers, an inevitable premise is that the engine must also have full digital control to realize the powerful ability of flying fire propulsion.

At present, Xiong Guo can't do it. Take the engine control system for example. They still use the ancient mechanical control. On the RD33 engine used in MIG 29 fighter, the engine control system is a suitcase sized equipment, while on the f404 engine of Eagle Kingdom at the same level, there is only the size of a book, which is the gap.

The same is true of r79 engine. Although their Jacques 141 fighter has been controlled by telex, the engine still has to use ordinary mechanical control, so it is very difficult to take off and land. Now, Han's idea is very direct and fully adopts telex control, which will improve a large level. Can Han people do it?

"Yes, our latest engine uses this kind of control system." Qin Guan said, "this is also a technical difficulty we overcome. Flight control and engine thrust control are all carried out by computer. In the future, fire control will also be neutralized."

The fire control system is not difficult. Just transplant the fire control of the now successful fourth generation aircraft, such as airborne phased array radar, such as missiles with built-in missile compartments, etc.

"The technology of China is really too advanced. If such an aircraft can be successfully developed, it will be of great significance, which is many times higher than that of Jacques 141!" dongdukov said.

"Then, you, and some people around you, would you like to join us?" Qin Guan said.

The meeting room was immediately quiet.

We have cooperated for several years. However, the two sides are not unified leaders. The other side is from yaklev Design Bureau, and it is not a country with our own side. Therefore, it is impossible to say that there is absolutely perfect cooperation. Now, Qin Guan invites them to join 6601 Institute!

Xiong Guo's scientific and technological personnel have a prominent advantage, that is, the ability of system integration is particularly strong. Even ordinary equipment can produce advanced combat effectiveness when integrated together. S300 system is the best example. It is clear that everything is inferior to the west, but when combined, the missiles are even more advanced than patriots.

"President Qin, do you mean that we left the yaklev Design Bureau and became a member of 6601 Research Institute?" dongdukov swallowed his spit and asked Qin Guan.

Qin Guan nodded: "yes, at the same time, he also left the state of Xiong. Later, he will have the nationality of the state of Han and become a technician of the state of Han. In terms of treatment, in addition to the normal salary of the Research Institute, there is a special subsidy. As long as you join, there will be 200000 resettlement expenses, and your family can receive the state of Han to live."

Looking at these people, Qin Guan continued: "Of course, there are also restrictions. For example, it is necessary to abide by the confidentiality regulations of the Han state, and there are strict restrictions on going abroad. Therefore, you should think clearly. In short, if you come, I can guarantee that you can become the core personnel of our j-31 fighter R & D. whether you choose Jacques 141 or our j-31 depends on your own thoughts I can't help it. "

To tell the truth, Qin Guan was really worried about letting 6601 complete such a project, but with the people from yaklev Design Bureau, he was sure.

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