When Yuri got off the plane, he still felt dizzy.

After flying all night, it takes a lot of physical energy. In particular, the crew of the plane has four people, and they can share some. Now, it depends on him alone.

This is the same as the passenger plane. With the gradual advancement of technology, in fact, only one pilot can fly the passenger plane, but the passenger plane must at least have a double driving mechanism, which is actually for two people to have psychological dependence, especially for long-distance passenger planes.

After flying alone for so long, it is very difficult. Flying at night, formation is also a serious test. If it is close, it will collide, and if it is far away, it may fall behind. How to maintain the formation is also a serious problem. Fortunately, he did it. He piloted the plane and followed the front fleet. He has been following everyone and landed here.

Then, he just wants to sleep now.

"Let's go and have a rest first." at this time, Mikhailov was greeting everyone.

Yuri followed the guide and walked towards the dormitory building, but the more he walked, the more he felt something wrong.

I've been to Tula base. It's not like this at all.

Tula is a small city. From the base side, you can see the city's buildings, especially those spires. It looks very clear, but now, he looks at the past, there are Gobi Desert everywhere, and there are Populus euphratica trees in the distance. In any case, it can't be Tula base. It's different at all.

The climate is also different. There is no warm and humid wind, only the cold and dry north wind. The weather conditions are so bad that it is not suitable for people to survive.

"This is not the Tula base at all!" Yuri shouted to Mikhailov, and then began to greet others: "let's see where this is. We've lost our way. The place where we land now is not any base we've seen!"

When Yuri shouted, more people found the problem. In fact, they all flew over this voyage quite nervously. Now, they are very tired. They want to eat and rest quickly and don't pay much attention to their surroundings. Until now, Yuri woke everyone up, and everyone found something wrong. Yes, this is not a base inside the bear country at all, They haven't seen it!

Just then, the sound of cars sounded outside. Several northern heavy trucks started and almost stopped next to them. Then, a team of armed officers and soldiers came down from above and soon surrounded them. As long as you look at the military uniform, you can understand.

"It's Chinese!" Yuri's eyes were tense. How could there be Chinese?

A veteran general walked through the crowd and walked towards them. Then he looked at each of them severely: "where did you come from? Why did you enter our airspace without authorization? And landed on our secret base?"

This man speaks the fluent language of the state of Xiong. Naturally, he is general Lin. at this time, general Lin will sing the black face first according to the instructions of Qin Guan.

"Yours? We have come to the kingdom of Han? No, no, this is a misunderstanding. We have no intention of offending your airspace. Let's go now," Yuri said.

"Go? Do you know where this is? This is our secret base. Since you have come, you can't go!" general Lin said, "because you have seen our secret."

Secret base? They looked at the runway in the distance and found a huge monster taking off slowly from there. The roar filled the sky. It was really a secret base!

They were escorted by MiG-29 fighters and landed here at ease. But now, MiG-29 has disappeared. At this time, their pilots are all depressed. Did they really fly to someone else's secret base?

All countries have secrets. The eagle people have their zone 51, where they experiment with many confidential military projects, such as the legendary goddess of dawn, which comes from there. There are also bears, and Han is no exception.

"I see. This is the northwest base of the Han Dynasty, and the hydrogen bomb was tested here." Yuri suddenly understood. Looking at the Gobi desert, he could guess something. He just felt familiar. Now he understands that he flew to someone else.

Now, the trouble is even greater. In those years, people experimented with hydrogen bombs here, and now they experimented with other secret spacecraft here. Their own side landed here, which is violating the other side's secret.

"Yes, it seems that we can't let you go." general Lin said, "come and take them all to prison!"

"No, we haven't committed a crime. Why should we be detained?" Mikhailov shouted loudly: "we didn't mean to. Please inform our government immediately and take us back."

"Inform your government?" general Lin said, "this is what we are most worried about. Who knows if you will reveal the secrets here. You are ready to stay here all your life!"

"No, no, we don't want to stay here all our life." Mikhailov said: "you can't do this to us. It's inhumane. We know that Han is an ancient civilization and stresses credibility. You should speak of international law and give us humane treatment."

General Lin said with a black face: "humanity? Not all places will follow the rules. However, we are indeed a friendly country. In this way, give you a plan, join us immediately and promise never to reveal secrets. In this way, we will give you a certain degree of freedom. You can choose not to put you in prison."

"Damn, is there no other choice?"

"Of course not. If you reveal the secrets here, I will be sent to the military court. Now, this is your last chance. How to choose depends on your own, guard!"

As soon as general Lin shouted, the guards held their guns in hand. The sound of clattering was neat and uniform.

"I, I agree!" Mikhailov shouted, "I choose to join you and promise not to reveal secrets. Please give me freedom. I don't want to go to prison."

Mikhailov was the first to surrender. With him, there were the second and the third. They were forced to do multiple-choice questions when their spirit was not normal. The whole thing was confused. It would not be realized until after the collapse of the bear state and their complete freedom. I see.

But at that time, there were not many complaints, because living in Han country was much better than living in Xiong country. They were used to it.

Now, many people have made a choice. Yuri bit his teeth and looked at these people. Finally, a sentence came out from the corners of his mouth: "so, what about the fighter we flew?"

Forget others' tu-22m, but he flew over Tu-160!

"Aircraft, all detained!" general Lin said mercilessly, "our base can only enter, not leave!"

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