Hearing Boris's question, Simonov was embarrassed. Qin Guan smiled and said, "let me explain. If you give them data and compare them, they will know that MIG 29K is more suitable for them."

At that time, Kuznetsov, the first real aircraft carrier of Xiong Guo, took off. During the trial voyage, various carrier based aircraft also took off. Su 27K and MIG 29K are two main fighters. After comparison, it is found that Su 27K is more suitable and MIG 29K has been eliminated, which is well known.

However, no one knows that one of the big reasons is that Kuznetsov is an aircraft carrier with a displacement of 60000 tons. It belongs to a large aircraft carrier with large deck area. Of course, it is more smooth to operate a large shipborne aircraft.

However, if the Kiev class heavy aircraft cruiser is used for transformation, it can be found that it is inappropriate to operate the Su 27K, because this kind of aircraft is too large.

The number of aircraft is small, which can be compensated by the long range and increase the blank time. However, another problem is not easy to solve.

Full load takeoff capability!

This aircraft carrier does not have catapults, but only takes off by sliding. For the white elephant people, this is more appropriate, because their sea harriers take off in this way, but at the same time, the problems brought by this are amplified. How to take off with full load.

With catapults, the fighter can accelerate and take off with full load. However, without catapults, the fighter can only take off with its own engine driven by the carrier aircraft, which puts forward high requirements for the aircraft.

Su 27K has an empty load of more than 18 tons. The fuel in the aircraft can hold more than 9 tons, the plug-in can also hang 7 or 8 tons, and the maximum takeoff weight exceeds 33 tons. With such a huge weight, it is no problem to take off on land, but it is a big problem to take off at sea.

Therefore, many data will say that Su 27K cannot take off with full load, which is of course incorrect. On Kuznetsov, there are two take-off points, two take-off runways, and one near is 105 meters long. At this time, the maximum take-off weight of the aircraft at the maximum speed of the aircraft carrier is only about 25 tons.

With a self weight of more than 18 tons and 6 tons of fuel, this data can be reached. In other words, it is almost used for training at this time. It does not hang missiles and takes off with half oil. What combat effectiveness can it have at this time?

If 9 tons of fuel is added, the self weight will reach 27 tons, and then 3 tons of ammunition will reach 30 tons. At this time, the short runway is not enough. We should use the 185 meter takeoff runway that has been extended to the landing area, so that we can strengthen the takeoff.

Three tons of ammunition. What's enough? Only one of those heavy anti-ship missiles can be mounted at most.

Moreover, taking off with that long runway will not only affect the landing operation, but also another important problem is that at this time, the taxiing distance is too long, and the aircraft carrier will shake left and right and cross wind at sea. This is the most dangerous. In the process of taking off, it may deviate from the scheduled take-off line and fall into the sea!

On board the Kuznetsov, we will face this problem. It is a super warship with a displacement of 60000 tons. The current Kiev class, even if it is improved, has a much smaller deck. A long take-off line of 160 meters is good. At this time, it is not easy to take off with a heavy load of MIG 29K, let alone Su 27K. In other words, this kind of aircraft has strong performance and long range, The mounting capacity is strong, but in fact, it can not be achieved at the same time. Either reduce the fuel load or reduce the plug-in.

Of course, there are also some problems to be solved, that is, take off with less fuel. After taking off, another one takes off with full fuel, and provide fuel to the attacking aircraft through partner refueling, so that it can be dispatched with full fuel and heavy load. However, this efficiency is quite low.

If the data is given to them, they go back to study, and then find chicken ribs. Why do they run to buy MIG 29K? Sukhoi Design Bureau worked hard for a long time, and finally made wedding clothes for others?

Of course they can't do that!

Therefore, Simonov won't give them the data. Now they come to ask for it, but they don't take the initiative to sell it.

i see! Boris understood. No wonder the Qin Association ignored the past grievances and helped the white elephant country update their naval equipment. It took a long time. It turned out to be chicken ribs.

If the white elephant country really realized a strong navy, it would be absolutely disadvantageous to the Han country. However, the Han country could not control the aircraft carrier construction of the white elephant country. Just dig a pit for them, let them waste a lot of money, and finally found that they had become chicken ribs.

"They will definitely come," Simonov said. "We have to fix the price. We want them 50 million for one. It should be a reasonable price?"

It was only in the early 1990s, and it would cost 50 million, which is not low. However, this is a double engine heavy machine. All over the world, there are no other countries except our own, Eagle country.

"Of course, if the aircraft is on board, it can be higher, 60 million is OK, but pay attention, we must use YingYuan to settle the bill," Qin Guan said.

Simonov nodded. President Qin's suggestions are in place. Now, the economy of Xiong is very unstable, and their currency is easy to depreciate. Of course, Eagle yuan is used for settlement, and it's easy to spend it. Besides, Eagle yuan is used for international trade.

"Mr. Qin, thank you very much for your help this time, so how can we repay you?" Simonov continued. There is no selfless help, only the exchange of interests. Qin Guan has brought them orders for 100 aircraft, so that their design bureau can see a bright future. How can we repay them?

"It's very simple. I want to provide the electronic equipment of these aircraft." Qin Guan said: "anyway, the performance of your domestic equipment is not stable. It's better to provide it by us. Of course, we must provide OEM service, and the nameplate on it is still from your subordinate supporting factories."

Provide electronic equipment! Boris suddenly realized, President Qin, it's so dark!

After so long promotion, President Qin helped liulika Design Bureau, Sukhoi Design Bureau and the navy of Baixiang country. What did he figure? Internationalism?

Of course not! The real purpose of President Qin is to get their equipment to the navy of the white elephant country in this way, so that the navy of the white elephant country can be killed at a critical time.

We have not forgotten that the batch of CNC machine tools provided by the state of Han were good at processing flat slot antennas. As a result, if they said they didn't work, they wouldn't work.

If the Han state provided electronic equipment and did not install a back door in it, it would be impossible. The equipment could be locked at any time, turning the naval carrier aircraft of the white elephant state into scrap iron.

So, will Simonov promise?

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