Qin Guan explained that the vertical takeoff and landing model is the most complex, and the production line can only be satisfied after transformation. Especially for the lift fan, the process is still under exploration, and mass production is somewhat difficult, so the production has to be delayed. Once the research and development is successful, the factory must first produce the conventional model, which is easier to assemble.

It turns out that you are not as advanced as you think! Rafael secretly thought in his heart that your plane looks amazing. In fact, it is estimated that there are many problems. If the news is revealed to the eagle country, they should be happy.

However, this is sad enough. When will they take the difficulties of their opponents as a happy thing, because it can buy them time?

"President Qin, since we have a preliminary intention about this matter, can we have a look at this kind of plane?" lafar said: "we are all looking forward to it."

In the past, they have inspected the aviation enterprises in the Han country and seen many advanced technologies in the Han country. Now, it is very important to go to the factories in the Han country.

"Of course." Qin Guan said, "our plane is currently undergoing a test flight in the test flight academy. You can take us to have a look."

In the early stage of aircraft flight, the test flight is carried out in the factory, but the factory is not professional after all. If you want to say a professional flight test organization, it must be the flight test institute. Therefore, after all kinds of domestic aircraft are developed, they must carry out intensive flight tests in the flight test institute. If they want to see it, take them to the flight test institute.

"So, are you here to invest in our j-31 fighter?" Qin Guan asked.

"President Qin, we have another request." glassA said, "we see that your air defense missiles are very advanced, especially in intercepting ballistic missiles, and have unique advantages. Therefore, we hope to work with you to develop a theater anti missile system."

The j-31 fighters do not export any technology, and they do not put forward any more requirements on it. Even Hans can't get technology, let alone them.

However, in another case, it is possible.

Anti missile system!

The Kaishan air defense missile of the state of Han shines brilliantly in the last war of the state of yezao, which makes people envious. The people of David have long been greedy. This time, with the formal establishment of diplomatic relations with the state of Han, it is natural to purchase from the state of Han.

Kaishan missile, with a range of only 100 kilometers, can only intercept Scud short-range missiles, which is far from enough.

There are ballistic missiles everywhere around the kingdom of David. Those Scuds with a huge number also brought huge casualties to the eagle army in the last war. Therefore, the Davidians attach great importance to them.

We must have advanced air defense missile systems to support them and ensure their strategic security. After all, their territory is narrow and long and easy to be attacked by the enemy.

Hearing what glassA said, Qin Guan immediately asked, "join forces with us? Didn't you join forces with the eagle nation to build the arrow anti missile system?"

David has long been aware of the threat of ballistic missiles. In 1986, it began to cooperate with eagle to jointly develop an anti missile system, which is the famous arrow anti missile system.

Now, it's been six or seven years. It's supposed to be fruitful. Why do you come to the state of Han?

"President Qin, you don't know. The system we are developing now has many problems and can't be used at all." grassa said: "we hope to expand its performance so that it can intercept medium-range and even intercontinental ballistic missiles and become a reliable and effective umbrella over our heads."

At that time, David knew that his technology was not enough, so he developed jointly with eagle, but practice has proved that the joint research and development of the two sides is also very embarrassing.

Two years ago, they launched the first jian-1 anti missile missile, but only tested the guidance and control system without target interception.

After several tests, they finally found that, needless to say other systems, the mobility of this missile alone was not enough. When the attack missile came down at a speed of a few mach, their missile could not be stopped at all.

Therefore, this kind of missile has been abandoned by them. It is called arrow-1 missile. Now, they have begun to develop smaller, faster and more lethal arrow-2 missile.

But at the same time, they also realized that eagle's technology is unreliable. Only Han is strong enough. Han's missiles have been constantly intercepting Scud in actual combat, but their own are in trouble.

So, I'm thinking about it now.

Joint research and development!

Although the Kaishan missile system of Han is powerful, its range is far from enough and can only intercept short-range missiles. Such performance is certainly not enough. It needs to be expanded. Therefore, cooperation with David is the best choice for Han.

In this way, the kingdom of David can quickly learn all the technologies of the Han country.

Now, hearing the other party's proposal, Qin Guan frowned and showed a hesitant look, which immediately surprised grassa.

"Mr. Qin, what's your secret?" glassA asked.

Qin Guan solemnly said: "As far as China is concerned, it is firmly opposed to the development of anti missile systems, especially the interception of intercontinental ballistic missiles. This way is to create a unilateral strategic security for itself. Internationally, strategic balance is a very delicate thing. A country independently develops this anti missile system, tries to achieve its own absolute security, and then can use it recklessly This kind of unilateral thinking is quite dangerous when missiles strike others. "

China has developed a qualified anti missile system, which is only a Scud interceptor. If it is extended to intercepting ballistic missiles, the technical problem is not to mention, it is a very serious problem only for the destruction of the world strategic situation.

If you can hit me and I can hit you, we will maintain a strategic balance and sit down to maintain peace. If one day, I hold up my umbrella and am not afraid of anything, I will certainly show off with a nuclear bomb and hit others everywhere. At least the eagle people will do so.

This is disadvantageous to the state of Han, so the state of Han resolutely opposes it.

We were originally opposed to this system. Now, you still want to cooperate with us and develop it together?

"This is a serious damage to the international strategic balance. It is not advisable to just pursue their own absolute security," Qin Guan finally concluded.

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