Strength comes first. The last cross sea landing exercise has shown the strength of Han. Now, the display of this bomber has shocked everyone. Han is already strong and has the ability to crush anyone's conspiracy!

Of course, intrigues and tricks are still very easy to use.

Date country.

The war has passed, but there is no dawn of peace here.

Although the yezao state failed in the last war, the yezao state was still proud of its defeat because they killed and wounded a large number of enemies. Many of their war examples were explained as classic war examples in the world.

Now, they also continue to accumulate their own strength. As long as the eagle people's army is still stationed in the waterless country, they can't accept this situation. They will never allow the eagle people to pollute their own land!

For them, what they need most is weapons and equipment. When their fighters consume too much, they will not be able to fight anymore. Now, they are accumulating their own strength.

In the dark night, there was a rumbling sound on the border. At this time, the officer in charge of receiving here was immediately happy, and another batch of tanks arrived!

Because of some pressure, the Han country could not directly export the advanced tanks of the Han country, but the Han country did not give them up. The Han country searched the world for other tanks and sent them.

The fat Ali stood there, his eyes full of expectation. In the last war, his tank troops made contributions, and he became a classic example under the bed. He also became a key general of the army of the date country. This time, he came to meet him in person, because it is said that the quality of these tanks is good, which was obtained from the elite troops of the bear country on the front line.

The roar is getting closer and closer. At the same time, the nearby field radar vehicles are also working vigilantly. In case there are Eagle planes sneaking over, they should be shot down at the first time, otherwise, these tanks will be dangerous.

Finally, in the dark, tanks started. After unloading at the ports of neighboring countries, they were transported on the train for a period of time, and then started directly.

As the tank approached, Ali also felt something wrong. He didn't hear the special clatter of the tank's diesel engine. Instead, he heard the sharp scream of a fighter engine.

Close, closer. When he saw the outline clearly in the dark, aliton was surprised. This batch of goods was actually T-80 tanks!

This kind of tank is the elite of Xiong's tank army. Only the most powerful Legion can equip it. Gas turbine tanks have strong power. Moreover, there is no need to worry about heat dissipation. The only defect is that the fuel consumption is a little high. As long as the domestic refineries in yezao can produce stably, the oil problem doesn't matter.

"It seems that this is really a good batch of goods." Ali watched the tanks drive past him one by one, stopped, and then replaced his own driver with a sigh on his face.

"Well, we have delivered this batch of goods." at this time, a person in charge opposite is also relieved. They have been vigilant since they were secretly attacked in delivery a few years ago. They are always worried that similar situations will occur again. However, they can't retreat because they are making this money.

Now, they have completed another task and got a new income.

"Also, there are a batch of special goods in our goods this time." the person in charge said, and several people came down from a BMP infantry combat vehicle nearby.

"They are all just soldiers. They are willing to join your army and fight together," the person in charge said, pointing to several people behind.

These people are tall and muscular. They look so strong and powerful. They are born soldiers. Looking at these people, Ali is very happy: "great, very welcome."

With the end of the war, people will occasionally ask to participate. However, it is very rare for someone to join them in the ranks of arms traffickers. No matter who comes to join them, they are welcome.

The person in charge secretly laughed. These people are really simple minded. Moreover, the special injection of the KGB is very easy to use.

Basaf, vayev, these people were originally chechin people, but now they don't remember anything. They only know that they are a group of soldiers. They voluntarily go to the date country to help the people here and drive away the people of the eagle country.

Boris was bold enough to deceive these people. He said that these people were chased and killed by the CIA of Eagle country. Then Boris saved them, but they all soaked in the water for too long, resulting in hypoxia and coma in the brain. Therefore, they all lost their memory. They thought so, so they came voluntarily.

The eagle people want to kill them. Of course, they also want to fight with the eagle people.

Although their memories have disappeared, their kind of toughness still exists all the time. In particular, the special way of fighting in their bones is inevitable.

"Are you going to join our tank force?" Ali asked.

"No," basaf said, "please send us across the border. We go to the waterless country over there. The eagle troops there are abominable. We have to make trouble for them."

Make trouble? Ali frowned: "what are you going to do? How do you want us to cooperate?"

"Provide us with funds and some vehicles, and then wait for our good news," basaf said.

In fact, these special fighting methods were also introduced to them by Boris. Boris and the eagle people also have different hatred in the sky. When smuggling arms in those years, they were almost blasted into slag by the eagle people's plane. Fortunately, they got back a life. Now, they make trouble for the eagle people, which is what Boris expects most.

Moreover, this was inspired by Qin Guan, and it was also the most important part of Qin Guan's strategic decision. Of course, Boris would not be aware of this, and now basaf would never know that a new mode of operation has been practiced under their hands. In a good packaging language, this is called transfinite war.

Small and broad, it can transcend various limitations and focus on asymmetric operations. This is a quite creative mode of operation. After the emergence of this operation theory, it has also aroused strong repercussions in the world, because it accurately predicted 9 / 11. In that parallel time and space, it has been regarded as a classic military theory by military academies such as West Point.

Now, for these crazy guys, an era for them has come.

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