Qin Guan nodded: "yes, at present, their rocket technology is still very weak. However, they have great potential. As long as they have funds, they will have great development prospects."

"President Qin means we provide funds?" Shahid said. He soon understood what Qin Guan meant.

Qin Guan nodded with satisfaction: "yes, that's right. Your rocket development can be divided into three steps."

Qin Guan has made a perfect plan for them. Now, with a sense of interest, he said it.

"First of all, if you want to make trouble for the people of the eagle country, only the date country can't do it. The Sabbath country will certainly join in. If you let the eagle country clean up the date country first and then turn around to clean up the Sabbath country, it will be cold. It's better to find trouble for the people of the eagle country now.

Use anti-ship missiles to block the Strait and let the eagle people know how powerful! Conventional anti-ship missiles are enough.

Now, more than ten years later, the eagle strike 81 missile has actually fallen behind. The technology of Han country is constantly developing. In addition to the eagle strike 82 missile with turbojet engine, there are also the further developed supersonic missile Eagle strike 83. Since the eagle strike 81 has fallen behind, it is logical to sell the production line now.

Find more opponents for the eagle people and let them take care of one thing and lose the other, so they won't be able to find trouble in the Han country.

"In addition, you can further introduce our stealth missile boats and adopt maritime guerrilla tactics." Qin Guan continued his own sales. Such arms sales are no longer in Qin Guan's eyes. He can sell to each other in person. It is absolutely in the face of his old friends.

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