When they got off the early warning aircraft, the night was already dark. Taking advantage of the night, they came to the hangar area with great interest. At this time, the black fighter in the hangar was being maintained.

"Mr. Qin, welcome your inspection." at this time, the people inside are waiting for the arrival of Qin Guan. When they see Qin Guan, they immediately come out to meet and look at each other. Qin Guan has a joking expression on his face: "Mr. Gu, you are old and strong."

Mr. Gu had retired. At this age, he should stay at home and publish a memoir. But now, Mr. Gu is actually in the test flight academy, following the front-line personnel for test flight? This is incredible.

"Yes, now, our project is the most important time. I applied several times and returned to the front line." President Gu said: "all our three models are going to participate in this year's air show. Time is tight and the task is heavy."

Even with the participation of a large number of Xiong Guo's engineers, there are a lot of work. Therefore, President Gu volunteered to work again. Now, the plane behind them is a conventional land-based fighter.

"Well, that's good. How far has our plane gone?" Qin Guan asked.

This land-based model is simplified from the vertical takeoff and landing model, so it is not very difficult. In fact, its difficulty is opposite to that of normal aircraft development.

It is already a mature aircraft. The vertical take-off and landing fighter is only in the take-off and landing stage. At other times, it is still in a normal flight state. It can be completely transplanted. In contrast, it considers weight reduction most.

For fighters, the smaller the weight, the higher the performance. It is very important to continuously reduce their weight and improve their performance. In that year, Su 27 was like this again and again, reducing weight and strengthening, and finally came out with rickets.

"The final avionics test is now under way," Mr. Gu said. "After the avionics test, this aircraft will be finalized."

Sure enough, no matter how many years the vertical takeoff and landing aircraft has been developed, this conventional takeoff and landing model can be the first to be in service, and general Jamal is naturally more happy to hear this news.

"Only avionics test left? That's great!" general Jamal said happily.

"In fact, we have made a lot of new discoveries." President Gu continued: "this kind of aircraft should take into account the general use of the three services. Therefore, for this type of fighter with conventional take-off and landing, it is too thick. If we make it thinner, many performance will be greatly improved."

When President Gu said this, even Qin Guan couldn't help sighing. In the past, he always felt that 6601 Institute didn't want to make progress. Now, after these years of development, they have finally made progress. They know that if they don't really use their brains and work hard, they will be eliminated. They are very happy with their progress. They have begun to think from the customer's point of view.

In fact, if the customer is not equipped with vertical takeoff and landing aircraft, but only with this conventional type of aircraft, the current airframe is not suitable. The most important thing is that it is a little thick.

The cross-sectional area of the fighter has a great impact on the performance of the aircraft, mainly in terms of speed. MIG 21 can fly to Mach 2 by relying on an engine of tens of thousands of cattle, which depends on the slender layout.

However, this layout is not conducive to mobility, so on the third and fourth generation aircraft, they become a wide layout, and their own body is a lifting body. In this way, the windward area is naturally large.

Take the j-31 for example. If the aircraft wants to take off and land vertically, it must have a lift fan in front. This is the coarsest place. This is not only because the lift fan is thicker, but also because there must be air inlets on both sides outside the lift fan. In this way, it is thicker when superimposed.

For conventional models, there is no need to use the lift fan at all. Simply replace the original lift fan with an oil tank. Of course, the R & D of conventional models can be realized as soon as possible and the cycle can be saved. During production, sharing the production line can also reduce the manufacturing cost through mass production. However, this is not the best.

If the plane is slimmed down, it is like a fat woman losing weight. If the whole body is thin, the performance will be greatly improved.

If the airframe is small, the internal fuel load will certainly be small, but the windward area is small, so the air resistance to be overcome is small. The cruise range of the aircraft will not necessarily become shorter. Moreover, after reducing the windward resistance, the maximum speed and other indicators will be improved.

However, in this way, it can not reach the general purpose of the three services. It can even be said that it is re research and development. They need to waste more time and money. Therefore, it is only put forward in this way.

Qin Guan nodded frequently when he heard president Gu's words. The other party's consideration showed that they really began to think about problems. However, Qin Guan did not intend to modify them.

"Our plan is common to the three services, so we don't need such modifications for the time being." Qin Guan said: "let's talk about the avionics system first. Our avionics system also includes the control of eagle's precision guided weapons, such as Eagle's joint attack ammunition, laser guided bombs and so on."

Qin Guan's words made president Gu frown.

Yes, this equipment was developed by the Han state, and it is also intended to be sold all over the world. However, while exporting fighters, exporting supporting weapons and equipment is also a lot of money. Therefore, they do not intend to allow this aircraft to carry other weapons. This is different from the export of the third generation aircraft. After all, it is unique in the world. Customers want to buy aircraft, You have to buy matching ammunition.

Now, President Qin says he wants to increase control over foreign weapons? In particular, the joint attack ammunition, but the weapons and equipment newly developed by the eagle country, have not been exported at all. Does president Qin still expect to export the aircraft to the eagle people?

President Gu was puzzled about this, but general Jamal on one side reacted and immediately applauded president Qin's arrangement. At the same time, it was also the last insurance.

After the bombing, the white elephant people will certainly investigate, and investigate the wreckage. Finally, it is determined that the falling bombs are exclusive to the eagle country. Therefore, it means that the eagle people did it!

Anyway, the eagle people should do it. They want to maintain the world's nuclear non-proliferation treaty and maintain world peace. The white elephant people's plan to develop a nuclear bomb was exposed, and the eagle people decided to punish them.

In this way, the holy state can stay out of it.

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