The relationship between the holy state and the Han state is friendly, which is reflected in many aspects.

It can be said that what the Han Army has, the holy country can have, and what the holy country has can also be handed over to the Han country for research. For example, after the holy country was equipped with the F-16, it once handed over one of them to the Han country for research.

A few years ago, a Boeing 707 crashed in Shengjie country. Experts from Han country studied it for a year or two. Later, these experts formed the R & D team of Yunshi.

Now, Qin Guan finally decided to fight a big battle. F404 has been matched. Isn't there a avionics left? Can't we solve it with advanced radar? Well, let's get it out now!

Qin Guan can take out all kinds of radar data from the weapon data cemetery, but after all, it can't appear out of thin air. What he needs now is just a sample. Before that, the Han state had never officially contacted the advanced radar prototype.

Now, it depends on whether the other party is willing to take risks.

After all, if the state of Han has developed advanced radar, the West will investigate it and will certainly investigate it to the holy state. It wasn't the holy state. Who was it?

At that time, the holy state will shake its head and refuse to admit it. What can they do to the holy state?

In history, the super seven project has been tossed for nearly ten years only through round-trip negotiations. Even at the end of the negotiations, the holy state has withdrawn from the project, which is 6611. Finally, it decided to raise its own funds for development, and finally got the aircraft out. Qin Guan knows the hardships.

Later, when it came out, the holy state joined again. There were too many ups and downs in the middle.

Now, Qin Guan will not see such ups and downs happen again. Just solve the avionics! Solve the avionics, then the engine is left!

The problem of this engine should also be solved within five years. After five years, this aircraft will have no export obstacles. At that time, that is, in 84, the Su-27 was just equipped with xiongguo. Most countries use backward second-generation aircraft, and there is a great demand for replacement.

Qin Guan finally made up his mind.

The other side was quite cautious about Qin Guan's statement: "can the state of Han imitate it?"

This is sophisticated electronic technology. Now, even Niu Guo has no ability to deal with advanced radar. Does Han state have this ability?

"We have to try. You should know our breakthrough in general-purpose processors. In fact, we have already begun to reserve technology. With the east wind of reform, we are bound to soar to the sky," Qin Guan said.

The godson-1 general-purpose processor produced by Han has advanced performance and has spread all over the world. It is said that even eagle's chip company is anxious to catch up.

In terms of electronic systems, Han might really be able to do it?

"If we can get in touch, can you come to the holy land to study?" the other party said.

It's too risky to get the radar to the Han country. It's better to let them study in the holy country. In this way, the risk is smaller.

Qin Guan nodded: "no problem."

After going back, I went to the domestic radar station to have a look. It's time to make up for this short board!

Qin Guan couldn't wait.

"As long as the radar is given to us for research, we will try to copy it within three months," Qin Guan said.

Three months is quite a bad time, but at the same time, the time can't be too long. It's too long and there are too many variables. It's better to rely on yourself.

Qin Guan thought secretly.

In fact, this study of Eagle people's radar is just an excuse. When you go back, you will directly get out the J-10 radar!

Suddenly, in Qin Guan's mind, something came to mind again. Yes, if we want to talk about foreign cooperation, in addition to building Eagle people's radar here, our own side has a new choice.

The development of the J-10 had much to do with the "Lion" fighters of the kingdom of David. Our side can also go to the kingdom of David to learn lessons at an appropriate time.

At that time, there is no need to drag down the holy country. It is the technology from the kingdom of David. What can the eagle people do to their own side?

In this way, the model imitated by our side has nothing to do with the an / apq-159 radar system, and will not arouse the suspicion of the outside world.

Qin Guan's weapon system can get advanced weapons at any time, and it's not a matter of data. As for the chips in the electronic system, because they should pay attention to the ability to resist electromagnetic pulse, they will not adopt particularly advanced technology, and the existing production line can be used completely.

I'm afraid the main one is the dual-mode grid controlled TWT in radar system.

When it comes to radar systems, some people will say that Xiong Guo has always been engaged in electronic tubes, which is too backward, while the western world has begun to enter the era of integrated circuits, which is advanced.

In fact, for radar, in addition to phased array radar, ordinary pulse Doppler radar must have a component similar to electron tube, which is called traveling wave tube.

It is used to radiate electromagnetic waves. Its performance directly reflects the performance of radar. As for the front flat slot radar antenna, it transmits the electromagnetic waves of traveling wave tube through this antenna.

The so-called dual-mode grid controlled TWT means that it consists of two control grids. When only the outer ring grid works, it can transmit pulses with high duty cycle, which is the high pulse repetition rate (PRF) mode. When the two grids work together, it can modulate the pulses to obtain medium and low PRF modes with low duty cycle and high peak value. In this way, the radar is equivalent to having two transmitters, The performance of the radar is greatly improved.

At present, the radar in the Han Dynasty is only a single pulse Doppler radar, but the functions of modern airborne radar are increasing. In order to meet the requirements of radar multi-function, the radar needs to adopt a variety of pulse PRFs, that is, when the radar detects the whole airspace, it is required to use different PRFs alternately to overcome the limitations of different PRFs, which can work at peak rate The medium and low PRF modes with low working ratio can work in the high PRF mode with high working ratio. In a sense, the airborne radar can have real multi-functional characteristics only after using dual-mode grid controlled TWT.

This thing can be obtained from Davidson, and the processing technology of flat slot radar antenna can also be obtained from Davidson, so that it will not cause doubt.

Yes, that's it!

Qin Guan has made up his mind. When he goes back, he will completely solve the problem of radar!

Phased array radar is not available yet, but advanced pulse Doppler radar must be made. The supporting project for our Raptor should also be steadily promoted.

I don't know if the Raptor can make its first flight by the end of this year.

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