The Sabbath covers a large area, with rolling mountains in the north and a large desert in the south. In the west, there is a bay and the southwest corner is the main oil producing area.

Due to the threat of the bear country in the north at any time, the Sabbath country has introduced the male cat fighter of the eagle country. Relying on advanced airborne radar, it can scan ultra-low altitude flying targets under the mountains, which is also the reason why they chose the male cat.

However, the domestic political situation of the Sabbath is unstable, the king of the authorities is extravagant and extravagant, and the people at the middle and lower levels live in poverty. None of the promises made when they were in power have been fulfilled. For various reasons, a terrible coup occurred recently, the old king was overthrown, and a new regime has been established.

The old king had friendly relations with the West. Therefore, after the old king was overthrown, the new regime was not recognized by the world. Now, when the Han state said it would recognize the new government and send a delegation, the Sabbath state also attached great importance to it.

Sabbath, Capital International Airport.

The Boeing 707 plane stopped steadily on the runway. When the cabin door opened, Qin Guan immediately felt a heat wave coming.

Yes, this heat wave is very uncomfortable, as if there was a fire, which suddenly rushed over.

At Qin Guan's side, the scholar took a deep breath. The intoxicated expression seemed to say that this feeling was felt again after a long time.

What a tortured Lord!

Xiang Jing is also intoxicated. However, her fishing rod is not so comfortable.

The body of the fishing rod, motionless and lazy, seems to say that it is best to sleep in it in this weather.

Xiang Jing and Lisa walked together. On the land where they came, Lisa was always quiet. She didn't bother Qin Guan, which made Qin Guan strange. Isn't Lisa going to do anything to herself?

It's better to guard against it. Xiang Jing used to like to play with herself. It's obvious, and this Lisa, if she played with herself, must have played Yin tricks, which is more terrible than Xiang Jing.

They are a group of four. The whole diplomatic team has a total of more than 20 people.

At the forefront is the leader of the team, Zhang Lao, a diplomat of the Han country.

Under the airport, a group of people have gathered there. Countless people hold small flags and shout slogans. They speak the Sabbath language very skillfully. After that, they translate it in Chinese.

"Welcome, welcome, warm welcome."

The atmosphere is also good.

A group of people stepped off the plane, and the representative of the Sabbath state opposite, their foreign minister rajawi, greeted them and shook an old hand.

Then, everyone shook hands one by one. When they reached Qin Guan, the other party said a few words in his mouth.

Qin Guan couldn't understand it. Of course, he had to laugh. When he finished shaking it, the scholar interrupted next to him.

"He's very welcome to you. He says something like I've heard a lot about you."

Qin Guan nodded. These are polite words with little content. However, he obviously said more to himself. Does he know his purpose?

Whatever, wait until the formal meeting.

After the reception, the party got on the bus and went to the guest house in the capital of the Sabbath.

Several people take a car. With the start of the team, you can gradually see the transformation of scenery on both sides.

Generally speaking, airports are built in the suburbs. From the airport to the capital, there are more and more roadside buildings.

In this era, the Han state is still backward, and the capital of the Sabbath state, many high-rise buildings, are completely like the West. After all, the Sabbath state has a strong national strength by selling oil over the years.

However, in the streets, there are more demonstrators. They are really energetic. They protest against the eagle country every day, asking the eagle country to hand over the former king and take it back to the Sabbath to kill them.

After observing for a while, Qin Guan turned his head back. How to protest is someone else's business and their internal affairs, which has nothing to do with his own side. Now, his side is here to do business.

Xiang Jing and Lisa looked very carefully.

"Sure enough, it changed overnight. In the past, people's clothes here were quite open, and their white thighs were exposed outside. Now, look at them and wrap themselves tightly. I don't know whether it's so hot or not."

Xiang Jing sighed. Qin Guan turned his head and said, "pay attention to discipline and don't comment on these things."

These comments may bring some bad effects. After all, God knows if there is a tape recorder in the car. The driver of the Sabbath knows Chinese.

These small things may bring some reactions. Qin Guan doesn't want to be unhappy or even cause irreparable losses because of some unexpected things.

Xiang Jing tooted her mouth and ignored Qin Guan.

Don't even say it. For a person who always likes to draw a sword at any time and express gratitude and hatred, he will be in a panic.

Just then, suddenly, there was a parade in front of the crowd, cutting off the convoy from the middle.

The diplomatic convoy should have great authority. Now, it has been cut off?

There is no expression on Qin Guan's face. His brain has begun to move. Scan the spirit point and start!

These are ordinary people, venting some of their exuberant energy. There are about dozens of spiritual points, and the most is only about 100.

All ordinary people.

In their place, perhaps the diplomatic convoy is nothing, and the power of the parade crowd is the greatest.

"Deng." just then, a small voice caught the attention of Qin Guan. It was mixed with the parade crowd and had long been submerged. However, Qin Guan could clearly hear it. It was very different.

"Gululu..." the sound was obviously something rolling over. At this time, Xiang Jing and scholar also showed tension on their faces.

In an instant, they were in combat.

antitank grenade!

A grenade was thrown from somewhere. It was nearby. At the same time, the grenade was just thrown under the car.

The other party's judgment is really too accurate. Unexpectedly, just came here, he has given himself a threat.

The power of the grenade is not great, but it's absolutely no problem to blow up the car. It's just an ordinary car without any bulletproof ability. Then, these people on our side have to die.

After being injured, the other party will definitely mend the knife. These people around us will certainly suffer innocently. This bombing can at least affect a large area around us.

So, how?

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