Looking at the future Navy, it has a special yun-8 aircraft. Unlike other transport aircraft, a big bag bulges on the nose of this aircraft.

This is the yun-8j maritime warning aircraft of the Han state.

The big drum bag at the nose is actually a radome, which is equipped with a NiuGuo original "air overlord" multifunctional airborne radar system.

Although the honeymoon relationship ended in the 1990s, the Han country can still import the cutting-edge technology deployed in this radar.

This "air overlord" multifunctional airborne radar system is a product developed by NiuGuo EMI company in the early 1980s. It has the advantages of contemporary technical characteristics, light weight, multiple functions, high precision, long detection distance and strong anti-jamming ability. At the same time, the biggest advantage is relatively cheap.

This radar adopts pulse Doppler system and can well detect low altitude small targets. The antenna is an elliptical feed type with a height of 86 cm and a length of 137 cm. The mechanical servo antenna can scan in the range of azimuth 270 degrees, negative 6 degrees to positive 2 degrees, and the antenna weight is 68 kg.

What's the use of it?

In addition to detecting warships and other targets at sea, it can detect small targets, such as periscope, which can provide a detection distance of about 30 kilometers, which is very helpful for searching underwater submarines.

At the same time, its performance is still not advanced enough, just to solve the problem. The radar detection ability is low, and the aircraft and surface ships lack data link. Therefore, the joint and coordinated combat ability is insufficient, and there are no more sonar equipment, so it can not be regarded as a professional anti submarine aircraft. It was not until Gaoxin No. 6, which was developed later, that it really effectively solved the anti submarine problem.

In contrast, fan hunting antisubmarine aircraft are different.

Although NiuGuo has declined, after all, it is a skinny camel bigger than a horse. After World War II, NiuGuo decided to use the body of comet 4C aircraft to develop a new anti submarine aircraft in order to replace the old piston engine "Shackleton" maritime patrol aircraft owned by the original Royal Air Force coastal command.

A magnetic anomaly detector is installed on the long tail beam at the rear of the tail wing, a search radar is installed on the nose, and an antenna of the electronic support system is installed on the vertical tail wing. The non pressurized belly weapon cabin and system cabin are newly designed, which makes the fuselage show an obvious double bubble section. The front end of the cabin is equipped with search radar. The vertical tail area increases slightly. The cockpit windshield and window are enlarged.

After all, for NiuGuo, the biggest threat is Xiong's submarine force, which has world-class submarines.

After the initial model was put into service, it began to be improved in 1975.

This type of hunting fan antisubmarine aircraft has brand-new electronic equipment and supporting equipment, and all main sensing systems and other equipment have been replaced. This model adopts a new GEC central tactical system developed by Marconi Company. The system controls navigation, radar and sonar systems with the help of an fm1600d digital computer and three 920atc independent computers.

It adopts a "water search" radar equipped with a full-color head up display output device. The core of the sonar system is aqs901 acoustic system, which is compatible with active and passive sonar buoys such as Barra, ssq-41, ssq-53, tandem and ultra. Communication equipment has also been improved, including two as470 radios and encryption systems.

The performance of this anti submarine aircraft is quite good. If you buy it, you can immediately let Han have world-class anti submarine capability.

The common antisubmarine aircraft in later Han Dynasty is the Navy's Zhijiu, with limited performance. If you hang a sonar buoy, you can't hang a torpedo. Many times, you have to act together with two aircraft, slowly swallowing, and the performance of hunting fans is quite strong.

After the introduction, you can make great efforts to improve it and soon exceed the performance of the original.

Hunting fan's engine still uses Spey engine, and we already have ready-made technology. We don't have to worry about spare parts at all.

The Han state is backward in all aspects. There is no advanced place in air defense, anti-ship and anti submarine. Since Qin Guan put forward the fan hunting anti submarine aircraft, major general Woodward can only answer.

"If you decide to purchase our fan hunting anti submarine aircraft, we can talk about it in detail. However, I didn't bring the information of fan hunting anti submarine aircraft this time."

"Of course, we can wait for you to bring information and continue to discuss the introduction." Qin Guan said, "I hope we can reach an agreement."

"Next, let's talk about submarines." Qin Guan continued, "we want to order your newly developed supporter class submarines from you."

First I talked about fan hunting anti submarine aircraft, and then I began to talk about submarines.

Compared with the anti submarine aircraft, the submarines of the Han country are also backward. Although the number of submarines of the underwater forces of the Han country is a lot, more than 80, but they are all old 033 submarines. The combat effectiveness of these submarines improved from the R-class submarines of the Xiong country is almost zero.

The leap in submarine technology in the Han Dynasty began with the purchase of Xiong's kilo class submarines. The 039 type improved with kilo class submarine technology can be used.

That was after the 1990s.

Now, the Chinese navy is backward in all aspects. Ordering from abroad is the most direct way.

This is a conventional powered submarine built by NiuGuo to replace the old Oberon class submarine. It is also the last conventional powered submarine of NiuGuo.

Supporter class submarine has fully absorbed the successful experience and advanced technology of nuclear submarine development. It is a class I high-performance ocean going combat submarine. It can not only operate in the continental shelf and shallow water areas, but also fight in the North Atlantic. The combat area can range from tropical sea area to Arctic sea area. It can carry a variety of weapons. It can not only carry out anti submarine missions, but also carry out anti-ship operations. It can be said that it is also one of the advanced submarines in future generations, which can be comparable to 209 submarines, kilo class submarines and so on.

In particular, this submarine is still under design and has not started construction. It can be said that technology has been at the forefront of the times.

When Qin Guan said this, even major general Wu Huade was shocked. He only came with the plan of exporting 42 destroyers. Now it seems that it will be a package of large-scale arms sales?

Does Han have so much capital? Their appetite is really not small!

"We have made smooth progress with you on the Spey engine project," Qin Guan continued. "Therefore, we hope to adopt the same method for these projects, first introduce the complete machine, and then introduce the corresponding technology for domestic production."

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