Qin Guan is really not interested in the hunting fan early warning aircraft.

Early warning aircraft is a multiplier of air combat power. It is necessary to become a large air force. China is about to enter the research and development of early warning aircraft.

However, Qin Guan's plan is definitely not to introduce such goods.

Using Yunshi as the platform, relying on its own advanced personal computer, it has integrated the digital processing equipment used by the early warning aircraft, greatly improved the data processing capacity, made use of the existing flat panel slot radar technology, and began to enter the research and development of phased array radar.

At the beginning, our side aimed at the high standard modern early warning aircraft. This kind of thick and long goods is not our own dish.

However, since the other party has come, there must be a demand.

"Are you President Qin? I've heard a lot about you. I didn't expect to see you here. It's a great honor." old John said to Qin Guan.

Qin Guan also stretched out his hand: "are you?"

Relying on the spirit point scanning system, Qin Guan can immediately know each other's name and ask clearly.

"I'm old John. We're responsible for developing hunting fan early warning aircraft. By the way, are you here to visit? Do you want to visit our early warning aircraft?" old John took the initiative to invite.

He is not afraid of divulging secrets. After all, China has made too fast progress in electronic technology. His side should learn from China. How can he divulge secrets?

Since old John invited him, Qin Guan certainly went there with pleasure.

At this time, major general Woodward poked his head out and took the Navy personnel to complete the visit. He wanted to find Qin Guan and found that Qin Guan had gone to visit the early warning aircraft.

Therefore, he can only take the rest of the people to the early warning aircraft. If Han can invest in its own early warning aircraft project, it seems good.

Just like the supporter class submarine, our side is only in the design stage and has not been built yet. The Han people are actually going to place an order.

Well, our own early warning aircraft is being developed and may also be favored by them.

The early warning aircraft is a project of the air force. The gap between the NiuGuo Navy and the air force is not as big as that of the eagle country. The aircraft carrier of the NiuGuo Navy is gone, and the F-4 ghost fighters will be given to the air force. If it were in the eagle country, it would be unimaginable.

"How ugly!" the people of Han couldn't help but sigh.

Old John had led Qin Guan to the early warning plane.

"If the radar antenna is placed on the back of the aircraft, it will cause serious aerodynamic problems. Once there is an omission, it is easy to suddenly lose control in flight. Therefore, we did not adopt this method. We installed a radar antenna on the nose and tail respectively."

What he said is true. If you don't have enough level, you can put a big plate on the top of the passenger's head, which is easy to cause flight accidents. The white elephant country of later generations did this. It couldn't reach the original technology and insisted on getting on the horse. As a result, all radar senior people were lost, completely lost the research and development ability of early warning aircraft, and finally had to be purchased. However, at the level of the white elephant country, the machine crash is a certainty.

Even when the Han state developed air police No. 1 at that time, the blowing hole was blown thousands of times for safety. Of course, it was dangerous to top such a big plate.

A radar is used to detect the whole aircraft layout. The reliability is improved. It is the radar that does not suck force. If it is phased array radar, it will be directly attached to the fuselage.

Qin Guan could not deny it. He followed old John into the cabin.

The internal space is extremely narrow. There is only one long and narrow channel inside the whole body. There are a row of flight seats and countless display devices. Here is the space for the operator.

The temperature is very high, because apart from this channel, the rest is the equipment. These electronic equipment release a lot of heat. Now the engine room door is still open. After ventilation, it can be imagined that if there is no ventilation, the temperature inside will be higher.

Qin Guan frowned. It seemed that they had many problems.

At the back of the cabin, several people are taking apart a cabinet.

Although in the development of fighters, we have begun to pay attention to modularity. Each circuit board is plugged in, and which one is broken can be replaced. However, this early warning aircraft requires a large number of circuits, and any one may fail. Therefore, they are stacked directly. Now it is quite cumbersome to repair.

"This test flight, we have a small fault and are troubleshooting it." old John said, "let me introduce you to the performance of our early warning aircraft."

This early warning aircraft was aimed at the E-3 early warning aircraft when it was developed, and its performance data is absolutely unambiguous.

"At a cruising altitude of 8000 meters, we can search targets with a distance of 500 kilometers. Moreover, we can not only effectively detect sea targets, but also track land low altitude targets from a long distance, while maintaining 400 tracking tracks."

These data are extremely advanced, which not only integrates the advantages of E-2's sea search, but also integrates the advantages of E-3's land observation.

This reminds Qin Guan of a sentence, how bold people are and how productive the land is.

Niu Guoren are arrogant. They feel that their own technology is advanced, which is still the same as the sun never sets empire in the past. Unfortunately, their technology can no longer support their self-confidence.

It is ridiculous to want to compress the detection capability of the two early warning aircraft with a total weight of nearly 200 tons to the "hunting fan" platform with a total weight of only 100 tons.

At the same time, Qin Guan knew clearly the defects of the aircraft.

Its core is a GEC 4080m electronic computer, which is responsible for processing various data from radar, passive electronic reconnaissance system, IFF system, navigation system, etc.

However, the processing power of this computer is not as good as your Hanxin computer. The total storage capacity of the system is only 2.4 megabits, which can not meet the needs of processing flood like data.

Tracking 400? 40 are almost the same. Due to the lack of computing power, data overload soon appeared, which could not maintain the established tracking track. The target that had been successfully tracked was re tracked as a new target, further increasing the pressure on the computer computing power, causing a vicious circle, and the whole system soon fell into a state of collapse.

At the same time, due to the problem of signal processing software, the radar system of "hunting fan" early warning aircraft can not reliably distinguish the radar signals of low altitude aircraft and cars on the highway. Because Hans people can often drive cars to 200 kilometers per hour, which is comparable to the speed of helicopters. As a result, a large amount of data flows into the system and can't be processed at all.

In history, the state of Han also had a mind for the early warning of hunting fans. Unfortunately, the technology was never mature, so the state of Han finally gave up.

Now, they have just started the test flight. They haven't realized the constant distress of faults and have the mind to deceive themselves!

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