The 033 submarine is quite backward. At this time, the bow pushes away the sea water and moves forward at high speed, and the other submarine turns at this time.

When the submarine turns, the speed will be reduced, so at this time, 033 submarine has a chance to catch up with each other.

"Active sonar preparation, give warning to the other party!" shouted the captain.

With his cry, the sonar soldier pressed his finger on the button. The sonar bag in front of the bow suddenly vibrated twice, and two high-frequency sound waves spread towards each other.

In the sky, radar is the most common way to transmit signals and search for enemies through electromagnetic waves. However, underwater, electromagnetic waves cannot be used, so the commonly used is sound.

Observation through sound waves can be divided into active and passive ways.

Passive sonar is the most common way. It is equivalent to an underwater listener. You can listen to the surrounding underwater sound to find the enemy. The length of monitoring distance and resolution depend on the performance of sonar equipment and the level of sonar personnel.

Active sonar is to transmit sound waves and propagate them. When they encounter obstacles, they are reflected back and received by their own side, so they can be used to observe the enemy.

Of the two methods, the first is the most commonly used, which is commonly used by submarines to search the enemy. However, the accuracy is not high enough, and it is not enough to launch an attack.

In the second way, through the transmission and recovery of sound waves, we can clearly know the enemy's distance, orientation and other characteristics. If we want to launch torpedoes, we must use the second way.

Just like in the sky, if you lock the other party with radar, you can launch a missile attack. The second method is the most commonly used warning method.

You have entered our territorial waters. Please float up immediately, or you will be attacked!

The second method is not commonly used at ordinary times. Otherwise, if it is used at ordinary times, it will expose its own. It will be used only when attacking.

Because this sonar is at the bow, it can only be used when your own bow is facing the other party. At the same time, the torpedo launching tube at the bow can launch a torpedo attack.

The captain did not order the torpedo to be loaded, nor did he intend to launch it.

Launching torpedoes is really an attack. In the cold war, even eagle and bear countries usually fought underwater and did not launch torpedoes. Once launched, it is the beginning of the war. Even if the other party enters its own territorial sea, it cannot launch torpedoes.

Besides, the other side is a nuclear submarine. If it is hit by its own torpedo and explodes, it will cause serious pollution to its own sea area.

This is just a warning. As long as the other party floats up and leaves the waters of the Han state, it is over.

"Boom, boom!" two sonar waves hit the body of the victor class submarine here. The sound wave stimulated the body. The cavity effect formed inside the body amplified the sound. At this time, the people inside were surprised to hear the sound.

If it's in war, it means they've been attacked!

Submarines can only fight underwater. Therefore, this sonar wave is only a warning. As long as they surface, they will leave safely. However, that is the most humiliating moment for submarine soldiers!

They would never do that.

Captain Ivanov's face was calm: "ignore it, accelerate, advance five!"

Dare the other party fire torpedoes at itself? Give them courage!

Therefore, as long as you accelerate, you can get rid of the other party's diesel electric submarine. How can you compare with your own bad speed?

The noise of submarines is related to the speed. At the speed of 3 to 5 knots, the noise is very small. You can't hear it more than ten nautical miles away. It's definitely a miracle to find them at level 033.

When sailing at full speed, the noise will increase rapidly. When sailing at full speed, you simply pick up a big horn and tell each other that I'm here!

But Ivanov is not afraid.

What if the other party knew he was here? The other side simply has no ability to stop itself.

If it is discovered by the eagle people, the eagle people's anti submarine aircraft has taken off. The submarine can't run the anti submarine aircraft in the sea. The other party will throw a buoy on his head to determine his position. If he doesn't float up, maybe the anti submarine deep bomb will be thrown down.

But what do the Han people have?

The Han people only have surface ships that can fight against submarines. They all have backward technology. They don't have an anti submarine aircraft, not even an anti submarine helicopter.

For a long time, the Han country has only Zhiwu. This kind of helicopter is quite backward. Now it has stopped production. The Han navy has nothing advanced. A few months ago, the Han people were even forced to import several super Hornets from the chicken country, which temporarily solved the urgent need.

Since they don't have any suitable aircraft to anti submarine, as long as they increase the speed, they can go out in a swagger. This also tells the Han people that in these waters, they can come and go if they want!

The short board of the Han Dynasty solved the problem slightly until the dolphin helicopter was introduced.

Now, although the other side launched an active sonar, Ivanov ignored it. In Ivanov's eyes, it's just scratching the surface. It's useless.

"The other side is still accelerating!" this way, the sonar continued to shout.

After your own side launched the active sonar, the other side should float up honestly, but now the other side is really trying to escape!

"Starboard three, ready for impact!" the boat shouted loudly.

As he shouted, everyone was shocked.

It's not a state of war, so they can't use torpedoes, but they can't watch the other party run away. What should their own side do at this time?

Then there's only one final plan left. Hit it!

Submarine collision tactics are doomed to be extremely tragic. At the same time, it is also a contest of courage, an underwater competition! At this moment, everyone firmly grasped the things around him to stabilize their body. The helmsman turned the steering gear and the submarine changed its course.

If you look down from the sea, 033 submarine and the other party's victor class submarine will have an intersection at the position of 0.5 nautical miles in front. If you calculate their respective speed, you can know that they should reach that position at the same time, which is the predetermined impact point!

This steering is quite ingenious. Although it is an emergency, the captain still shows his command talent.

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