"Mr. Qin, I'm not feeling well today." a voice came from the room for a long time.

So Qin Guan could only shake his head. After the two sisters entered the room, they chattered for a long time. When they called, they became uncomfortable?

If you are in the capital, you won't encounter any danger. If the two sisters are very considerate, give Xiang Jing a holiday.

"Scholar, let's go," Qin Guan said.

The scholar didn't say anything. He got in the car and they went straight to the Navy Department.

The people of NiuGuo have also arrived. Today, they will sign a contract to introduce fan hunting early warning aircraft and supporter submarines. This progress is very fast. In the eyes of the outside world, it must be because the maritime conflict has stimulated the Han Navy. No matter how much it costs, we should do a good job in the coastal defense of the motherland as soon as possible.

Even high-level naval officials feel that their superiors can make decisions, which is a major factor.

Qin Guan knew that the main reason for this project was that he got 500 tons of gold. I don't know where the last 300 tons of gold was used. Now these gold are mainly used by the Navy.

Niu Guo's personnel, mainly from the embassy, have signed it now. Anyway, it is only an intention. The specific details need to be negotiated for a period of time, such as when the early anti submarine aircraft will be delivered, such as when the technology of supporter class submarines will be given, and so on.

The two sides talked in a friendly atmosphere for several hours, and the preliminary intention contract has been signed.

"Mr. Qin, how have you considered the introduction of our type 42 destroyer?" after signing the anti submarine aircraft and submarines, the representative of Niu Guo asked Qin Guan.

The Chinese navy is very interested in the type 42 destroyer and has inspected it several times, but now it is unwilling to talk about the subsequent introduction. After all, if the main warship is sold, NiuGuo can make more money. The Chinese people still want to settle with gold, which makes them overjoyed.

"Now that we have purchased anti submarine aircraft and submarines, we have no extra funds to purchase type 42 destroyers," Qin Guan said.

Therefore, the people of Niu country can only leave the Navy Department with suspicion, but they just pass by with the visitors of Eagle country.

Jones, Sikorsky's overseas sales consultant.

When he got the news, he flew from Eagle country to Han country almost the same day. When he came here, he had seen Niu people.

It seems that this incident has greatly stimulated the Han people. Jones secretly thought of it in his heart.

Xiong's submarine appeared outside the military port of Han. Han people were helpless and finally had to watch each other escape. Some time ago, Han people had been investigating Niu's fan hunting anti submarine aircraft. It seems that Han people are going to buy it.

Hunting fan anti submarine aircraft is a fixed wing aircraft. Due to the limitation of the body platform, the mobility is not high. Only the shipborne helicopter on the warship can better meet the needs of anti submarine at any time.

Jones came here because he heard that the Chinese side wanted to buy an anti submarine helicopter. If you want to talk about an anti submarine helicopter, is there anything better than his own Sea King helicopter?

Sikorsky has been committed to the research and development of helicopters since World War II. Now it is the overlord in the field of helicopters, and no one can shake their position.

Among them, H-3 Sea King helicopter is a medium-sized anti submarine multi-purpose helicopter developed by Sikorsky company in the late 1950s, and it is also a successor alternative to h-34.

In 1957, the eagle Navy put forward the anti submarine helicopter project in the new weapon system. According to this requirement, Sikorsky developed this helicopter, which has all-weather combat capability, can carry 2 sonar personnel, carry a total of 380 kg of equipment such as sonar equipment, deep-water bombs and guided torpedoes, and conduct maritime submarine search and attack operations for more than 4 hours.

Since its service in 1961, it has been nearly 20 years. Over the years, it has been constantly maturing and improving. At the same time, it has also exported a large number, and even exported several production lines, such as NiuGuo Navy, which uses the same sea king.

Now, sell the sea king helicopter to the Han state and earn a sum of gold! They are also very excited to think that the Han country is so poor that they should settle with gold. Now the gold price is rising. After receiving the payment from the Han country, they may still make a profit from the rise of gold.

"Very welcome." when he walked in, the senior officials of the Han Navy, Qin Guan and others warmly welcomed him, making him feel that the project would be very smooth.

"We are shocked that the xiongguo Navy took the initiative to invade your territorial sea. We have fought with xiongguo submarines in the ocean and know that their navy is difficult to deal with. However, we are also constantly developing anti submarine equipment to deal with them. Now, I would like to introduce our company's main product, Haiwang helicopter."

With that, Jones turned on the slide projector and talked endlessly.

I knew that the other party would not give advanced things to their own side, and sure enough, they fooled people with old directors 20 years ago.

It is true that the technology of Haiwang helicopter is still not outdated, and it is much better than Han's own helicopter. However, since there are advanced Black Hawk helicopters, it is of course necessary to put them in place in one step and introduce the most advanced things.

Qin Guan could not see the king of Shanghai.

Jones explained for more than an hour. His mouth was dry and he explained little by little. Looking at the Han Navy, he listened very carefully and was secretly happy.

"Well, let's stop here now. If you have any questions, you can ask them," Jones said.

Hearing his words, Qin Guan finally said, "can the sea king helicopter operate at an altitude of more than 3000 meters?"

Jones was stunned by this. Are you just looking for trouble? As a naval helicopter, operating performance at sea level is the most important. What do you say now? Operating at an altitude of more than 3000 meters? How is that possible?

The higher the altitude, the thinner the air, the greater the loss of engine power. In normal flight, a helicopter can fly at an altitude of 3000 meters. However, if it takes off from a mountain of 3000 meters, it exceeds its limit and requires a higher power engine.

"We need helicopters, not only for the Navy, but also for our humanitarian rescue missions on the plateau." Qin Guan explained, "this is also very important. Only in this way can we order a large number of helicopters, with a total of more than 50 or even 100."

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