C-130 is the most common transport aircraft in Eagle country. It has created countless firsts. For example, it uses the most countries and has the longest service time, and so on.

Over the years, although the Han air force has been catching up with and surpassing the western world, it still has many defects. For example, in terms of transport aircraft, the Han air force only imitates the Han an-12 transport aircraft. The performance of this aircraft can not meet its own use at all.

Therefore, when they heard that a C-130 transport plane was about to land, many people were moved and came to the airport from the warm tower to the outside.

Wrapped in a thick military coat, Qin Guan also looked forward to the sunny sky.

On the plateau, the sky looks very low, as if it is shrouded over your head, but the sky is extremely clear. Even at the stage of various air pollution in later generations, it is still quite sunny. Of course, breathing is not so comfortable. When the cold air enters the lungs, people can't help coughing.

In the distant sky, there was a rumbling sound. When they looked at it, they saw a transport plane flying towards this side.

The legendary C-130 transport plane, viewed from here, is just in the opposite direction. You can see its upper single wing with four engines on it. The propeller is rotating and drawing a beautiful arc in the sun.

"Can it land?" someone was worried.

The airport here is for the J-7. The runway is very short. According to everyone's impression, transport aircraft generally need a long runway. After all, it is not easy to build an airport on the plateau, and the airport here can't be very long.

"No problem. The short takeoff and landing capability of this eagle transport aircraft is one of its strengths," Qin Guan said.

While talking, the plane was already aimed at the runway. In the attention of the people, the wheel stretched out and the people shouted again.

The design of the landing gear is also so ingenious.

When the landing gear is retracted, it is located in the streamlined cabin protruding on the left and right sides of the fuselage. This design makes the landing gear cabin not occupy valuable main body space, greatly facilitates the design of cargo cabin, and makes the structure of main body continuous and complete with high strength.

It continued to fall, and the wheel gently touched the ground. When designed, it was able to take off from the simple Field Airport on the front line. There were low-pressure tires on both sides. When it contacted the ground, a row of dust flew behind.

The reverse thrust device of the engine began to start, and the carbon fiber brake pads have also begun to brake. I saw that it soon stopped smoothly. There are still 200 meters left in front of the runway!

This is unthinkable. It took more than 600 meters for the plane to land?

What is this?

Qin Guan certainly knew that in the hostage incident in history, Yingguo's brain hole was wide open. If he wanted to save the hostages with C-130, he planned to take off and land on a basketball court.

If there were V-22 Osprey at that time, it might be easier to succeed. This aircraft took off forcibly by booster rocket, which is really difficult for it.

Just then, the cabin door behind the plane had been opened.

The C-130 is cross era. Many of its designs have become the standard of military transport aircraft, such as the hatch at the tail.

The cargo door adopts the design of upper and lower opening, which can be opened and closed in the air; When the air hatch is lowered, it is a good cargo airdrop platform, especially when it is pulled horizontally, and it is a good loading and unloading ramp on the ground. Moreover, the hatch is also an important part of the air tight structure of the whole machine. You know, its warehouses are pressurized. In this way, when necessary, seats can be installed in the warehouse to transport personnel.

Now, when the door of the transport plane opens, you can see that inside, a helicopter like plane is being pushed out.

It's the Black Hawk helicopter!

When the Black Hawk helicopter was designed, transportation was taken into account. After all, the helicopter can not fly long distance. It has a short range and slow speed. When the helicopter is deployed, it can be transported by air or sea.

To meet the air transportation, it needs to meet the cargo bin size of the transport aircraft in the shape design, and its propeller must have folding capacity.

This is actually the same as the naval shipborne helicopter. Put the propeller together, push it out of the hangar, and then quickly expand it.

At present, the Black Hawk helicopter is not carrier based, but it can still be assembled in half an hour after it gets off the transport plane according to the standard.

Sikorsky wants to show off. Who has this ability?

Although Sikorsky's helicopter arrived the latest, their plane immediately attracted people's attention. The show was absolutely big enough to dispatch a C-130

When the mechanic came out from the inside, he wanted to show off his skills, but then he felt a chill. He immediately shivered. At the same time, he also felt uncomfortable in his lungs. He wanted to breathe, but it was always not enough. He breathed more. This is a vicious circle.

pretend to be something? Tell you to pretend?

At this time, people from the chicken country and bell company felt very funny when they looked at the trembling appearance of these mechanical officers. Although they were also very uncomfortable, at least they didn't have to do physical work!

They just stay here and feel that they are just breathing enough. If they do manual work, they will consume more physical strength. No one can stand it.

As soon as a technician climbed onto the nose, he felt that he had no strength and was forced to come down again. Seeing this scene, Qin Guan finally welcomed him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the altitude here is high and it's inconvenient to move. Let's just do it. You can guide us and let our ground service load the plane." Qin Guan said.

These people were powerless and could only nod their heads.

The ground service in the Han country is also very happy. You can easily get in touch with the most advanced aircraft in the eagle country.

However, the languages of the two sides were impassable and pointed out. Although there were scholars to translate, the scholars were not professional and many places were inaccurate. In this way, it took four hours to assemble for half an hour. Everyone was tired and sweating. Even the scholars felt that their physical strength was overdrawn.

Sikorsky people felt something wrong. They planned to assemble it in half an hour to show the excellent operating performance of the helicopter. Who knows, they forgot the inconvenience of movement at high altitude. As a result, they made a fool of themselves!

This is the price of their forced installation. However, they soon forget this. They are absolutely confident in the performance of their aircraft.

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