Super Wizard

Chapter 345: Smuggling

"You are Brother Fang, it really is a hero out of youth."

Chen Jiacun, when the ship returned here, there were already police cars parked here.

Among these policemen, a lean middle-aged man greeted Fang Ming from the ship with a smile.

It can be seen that although this middle-aged man is not a policeman, he has a very good relationship with these policemen, because when he came over, these policemen gave private space deliberately.

Otherwise, according to normal circumstances, murders of this kind are not a single case, and the death is not one. Generally speaking, everyone on the ship must be detained the first time.

"Are you Brother Li?"

Fang Ming looked at the lean man in front of him. When the boat was leaving the cave, he called Dang Xiang, because the civil union he was dealing with was such an incident, and he should have dealt with the official more or less.

This time, Fang Ming didn't want to be too noticeable, so he could only simply talk to Dang Xiang on the phone, and after Dang Xiang understood the situation, he would tell Fang Ming that he would have a colleague when he called back soon. Just wait for him on the shore and leave all the aftermath to that fellow.

"Dang Xiang talked with me over the phone, Brother Fang, it's really amazing, since even the water dragon can deal with it, it's amazing."

Li Weiguo raised his thumb, and Fang Ming smiled slightly when he heard this. He told Dang Xiang that there were water locusts in the cave, and besides there was a ghost ship. , So it’s best not to let people go to that water.

To be honest, Fang Ming is not afraid of exposing the facts, because the ancient tomb and the main hall can no longer be revealed. As for the ghost ship does exist, without the town water dragon coffin and the black box, Fang Ming does not think who can come out alive after entering. .

At least, the prefecture-level strongmen will not work.

As for the Zhenshui Dragon Coffin, although it has a big beginning, most people would never think of it.

"Brother Fang, don't you want to sit in the hut of your elder brother? Just a lot of colleagues came here today, and everyone communicated with each other."

Hearing Li Weiguo's invitation, Fang Ming pondered for a moment, and finally nodded and agreed. In any case, this time it was the other party's help that needed to be resolved. There was no reason to refuse the other party's invitation.

Li Weiguo drove a business car, and Fang Ming and his group of seven people could sit down. Of course, the only trouble was that the little boy kept sticking to Fang Ming's reluctance to let go, even in the car, he had to sit on Fang Ming's lap .

"Brother Fang was married and had children at a young age, which is really a blessing in life."

Fang Ming only smiled and did not explain too much. The fewer people who know the origin of the little boy, the better.

Soon, the car arrived at a hotel in the nearest county. I have to say that Li Weiguo was indeed very mixed in the local area, because Fang Ming and others did not take out their ID cards, and the room was already opened on the hotel side.

"Brother Fang, brother, I will be waiting for you in the lobby."

"Okay, then Brother Li will wait a while."

Fang Ming and his party went up the hotel stairs. Li Weiguo ordered them the best suite in the hotel. Everyone was on the same floor. Of course, I mistakenly thought that Fang Ming and Ye Ziyu were married and had children. Li Weiguo only opened for two people. One room.

"Tzuyu, this little guy's origin is not ordinary. Simply put, there are two souls in his body, one is evil, and the other is now this soul, and I promise a senior, that is, that evil soul cannot be occupied again. His body, otherwise, would be a disaster for the entire world."

As soon as he entered the room and put the little boy who had fallen asleep in bed, Fang Ming simply introduced the little boy to Ye Ziyu.

"So this is ah."

Although Ye Ziyu sounds a little unbelievable, it is acceptable to think of his boyfriend's ability as being unbelievable in the eyes of others.

"Then you should give him a name." Ye Ziyu thought for a while.

"It's time to give him a name, this big talented girl will be handed over to us, I'll go out first."

"Go ahead, pay attention to safety." Ye Ziyu also heard Fang Ming and Li Weiguo's dialogue, so she just told me.

Fang Ming didn't reply, but raised his lips, watching Ye Ziyu and the little boy lying on the bed, "How do I find out, Ziyu, you are just like a wife telling her husband to go to work."

"You... you bullshit, I don't have one."

Ye Ziyu has a thin skin. Where can you afford these jokes? The blushing seems to be dripping, but she no longer ignores Fang Ming and carefully organizes the little boy's hair.

"Haha, the husband has gone, and I'll be sure to come back safely."

Fang Ming laughed and walked out of the room, but at this moment another figure appeared in his mind.

"What would I do if I changed to Han Qiaoqiao?"

Feeling curious, Fang Ming took the phone and sent a message in the past, "In the future, what will you tell your husband to go far?"

After a while, the news came back, glanced at the news, Fang Ming's mouth twitched, this answer is very Han Qiaoqiao.

"I will tell him to pay attention to safety when going out. Otherwise, someone will sleep your wife in your room and drive your car to hit your baby."

When Fang Ming put away his mobile phone, Chen Ze stood at the corner of the corridor and saw him come out and walk quickly.

"Fang Ming, I just contacted by phone. The operation ship has already gone to that place. It is expected that it will reach the water area you mentioned in an hour. The person in charge is one of my uncles from far away, and the work is very reliable. The two copper coffins will be transported directly to Modu by water, and there will not be any problems on the road."

"Well, in a word, it needs to be fast, and we must catch up before others."

Fang Ming nodded his head. This was what he had told Chen Ze early in the morning. After the boat drove out of the cave, he pushed the two town water dragon coffins into the river. Of course, he had written down the location.

The Zhenshui dragon coffin is of great importance. If it is placed on the ship, it will definitely be taken away by the police who subsequently boarded the ship, so it might as well sink to the bottom. Gu Zhenshui dragon coffin is also impossible.

"The salvage came up. If I didn't come back, you would send me a message."

"What are the two of you secretly whispering secretly in the hallway, are you talking about unseemly activities?"

On the side of the door, Tang Yan's daughters also walked out of their respective rooms and saw Fang Ming and Chen Ze standing in the corridor whispering and whispered.


Chen Ze quickly denied that Fang Ming was a little curious, "You are not resting in your room, what are you doing coming out?"

"Not yet to give your baby son a name, Tzuyu told us to discuss it with us in the past."

Hearing Tang Yan's answer, Fang Ming smiled slightly, "That's hard work for everyone, I have something to leave first."

Taking the elevator downstairs, Li Weiguo was sitting in the hall, playing with a piece of jade in his hand.

The people of southern Xinjiang love to play jade. Of course, for some professional people, it is called Panyu. Fang Ming can see at a glance that this piece of jade in Li Weiguo's hands is not simple. .

"Why, Brother Fang?"

Seeing Fang Ming looking at the jade in his hand, Li Weiguo chuckled and opened it with his palm, "This piece of jade has been on my plate for more than thirty years. It was given to me by my master on the day of my adulthood. Jade doesn’t know much about it, so he has been playing with it for so many years."

"Brother Li is too modest. If I guessed right, this jade should be a jadeite, and it is still a fine jadeite."

Hearing Fang Ming's words, Li Weiguo's eyes changed, and the admiration appeared on his face at the next moment, giving thumbs up to Fang Ming, "Brother Fang really has good eyesight, even stiff jade can be seen."

The jadeite here is not the jadestone or jadeite mentioned by the jade merchants, but a saying in the practice world, that white is the jade on the body.

The only difference is that this body has turned into a zombie.

Many people think that zombies are easy to form because of the influence of zombie movies, but in fact zombies are extremely rare. Any corpse turning into a zombie requires extremely strict geographical conditions, and the terrain that meets this condition is called by people. For the corpse.

Keeping a corpse is a corpse that absorbs a lot of heaven and earth qi into the body, and finally causes a change in the body. If such a zombie body has jade, the yang on the zombie will flow into the jade little by little.

After a person dies, the yang energy is broken, but the broken does not mean that it has already disappeared, otherwise it will take some time to return to Yang Yi.

When the corpse slowly absorbs yin qi, the only secret yang remaining in the body is slowly expelled from the body, and jade is the most spiritual thing, which absorbs this yang.

Therefore, this kind of jade is called Yang Qi by people in the cultivation world, and it has the effect of calming the evil spirits when worn on ordinary people. Generally, the yin and evil things do not dare to come close. If it is the cultivation world, it is the best equipment for refining spiritual weapons.

At least if this piece of jade falls on Fang Ming's hand, he can refine this jade into several different types of artifacts by virtue of the pen-pointing technique of the wizard.

The reason why the spiritual weapons are precious is that, firstly, the requirements for materials are too high, and secondly, some methods of refining spiritual weapons in the practice world are almost lost.

Fang Ming does not lack the refining method, what he lacks is the material and the realm.

With this kind of exchange, Li Weiguo had a higher score in his heart, and he was a little more enthusiastic than before. Driving the car, he took Fang Ming directly to a town outside the county.

The practice world is such a reality. If you want to be recognized by others, you rely on strength, and eyesight is also a part of strength.

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