Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1062: Disappeared tokyo

   Level 8 genetic enhancement, how terrifying is it?

  Imagine what Superman who can't fly is like, probably what it is.

   It was easy for Lu Chuan to avoid these bullets.

  With the Titan biological layer, Lu Chuan is not even afraid of missiles, but is still afraid of these bullets? Avoidance is mainly about not wanting to be hit, not worrying about injury.

   Lu Chuan's sixth sense is so strong that the moment the opponent fired, he made an evasive action.

  The bullets that came whizzing staggered beside Lu Chuan and nailed to the zombies behind Lu Chuan. The powerful kinetic energy punched these zombies into a huge blood hole.

The survivors in this settlement have always used sniper rifles as a means of attack. After these years of development in the last days, I dare not say that all people have a hand, but more than 60% of the people have sniper rifles of varying severity. fact.

  The technology of the island country is so advanced, it is not difficult for them to make a sniper rifle.

   The management of order has been lost. After there is no order, it is too simple to make many things that were previously restricted.

   Don’t doubt, many things that are considered difficult are actually extremely simple in the eyes of some people. It’s no secret that the development of firearms is no longer a secret. There are too many people who understand the principles.

   In the last days, you don’t need to be too precise, you just need to be able to use it, without too much demand.

   At this time, at least thousands of snipers aimed at Lu Chuan. This kind of intensive strike, no matter how capable Lu Chuan can be, it is impossible to dodge it completely.

   "His, is it still a little painful?"

Lu Chuan received dozens of shots, with the Titan biosphere in it, and it’s hard to talk of injury, but every hit is the same as being stung by a mosquito. The sniper rifle developed by the people of these island nations is very powerful and definitely stronger than The sniper rifle before the end of the world.

   How do you say, they don't need to think about the battlefield, they just kill zombies.

   And they don’t need to pay attention to movement. They are just in a high-rise building, looking for a window, and then they can shoot with a gun.

   In this way, in the design, they only pursued great power, and installed more auxiliary power modules to increase kinetic energy.

   The sniper rifles before the end of the world are mostly controlled with kinetic energy of about 5000 joules, but the island survivors have increased this kind of kinetic energy to more than 15000 joules.

   The terrifying kinetic energy hits the body, and it is difficult to carry it down with other new humans.

   15,000 joules of kinetic energy, even if it is a King Kong zombie, it will cause a certain amount of damage, not to mention people.

   After a random shot, Lu Chuan was unharmed, but the zombies around Lu Chuan were miserable. With such a big kinetic energy, as long as it hits, it basically ends up being beaten.

  The survivors of the island country can always survive here, it really has some strength.

   "Why is he okay?"

   One by one island country survivors, they soon discovered Lu Chuan's anomaly, all of them opened their mouths wide and couldn't believe it. It was so dense that when Lu Chuan was hit, the kinetic energy still caused Lu Chuan to pause. Through the telescope, it was confirmed that Lu Chuan was hit.

   Can such a powerful blow, but the opponent is not afraid?

   Titan biological layer, only exists in the skin, it is invisible. Therefore, in the eyes of the island survivors, Lu Chuan was just wearing casual clothes, without defensive equipment.

   This unkillable nature made them feel uneasy because they didn't know why.

   "Very well, you successfully angered me."

   Lu Chuan laughed, but when he moved his hand, a huge aerial bomb appeared. With a weight of more than a thousand kilograms, Lu Chuan can let Xiaoshi detonate at will after modification.

  With the wolf's nest as his backing, what Lu Chuan wants, he only needs one instruction, and they will do it well.

  What kind of things, Lu Chuan stuffed some into his storage space.

  Like this thing, Lu Chuan has a lot of it.

   "What does he want to do?"

   Numerous island country survivors looked at the sudden addition of aerial bombs, all were dumbfounded. This kind of ability changed out of thin air surprised them and felt mysterious.

   Some survivors realized something, and they all aimed their guns again: "Blow up the bomb in his hand and blow him to death."

   But Lu Chuan didn't give them a chance. As soon as the aerial bomb was taken out, the people had already left quickly, so they threw the aerial bomb on the street.

   Within a short breath, Lu Chuan had already left the scope of the explosion.


   The ground shook the mountains, the sound of explosions swept across this city, and the resulting shock waves were almost accompanied by the sound, spreading around.

   I don't know how many glass curtain walls of the building were shattered, making a crashing sound and falling down.

The zombies in the range of    were torn to pieces, and then pushed to a far distance, almost emptied the zombies within tens of meters, forming a huge crater.

   Every survivor in the island country felt pain in his eardrums and a buzzing ringing in his ears.

   The Ueno Murano and the others, who were flying in the air with the help of powered wings, almost lost their balance under this kind of air wave, and their faces turned yellow in fright.

  If they fall into the pile of zombies, they are good new humans, but compared with this huge zombies, it is really nothing, and they are torn apart in minutes.

   At this moment, Lu Chuan had long been lost.


   Luchuan is gone. This is not the point. The point is that the impact of the explosion will cause riots in the entire Tokyo city, and countless zombies will come here.

   This kind of influence can't be eliminated for at least a few days. It will have a great impact on them. Everyone's nerves will be tightened to prevent the appearance of zombies like lickers.

  Uenomurao had to use the communicator and gave an instruction: "Everyone goes back to the room."

   To be sure, in the future, there will be a large number of flying zombies. If there are people on the roof, they will definitely show an attack. If you want to avoid it, you can only hide.

   And they must find a place to hide themselves as soon as possible.

   It took several minutes, but Ueno Muro and the others flew into a tall building and entered through the broken window.

   Really, for a moment, flying zombies were everywhere in the sky.

   "Huh!" Ueno Muro and the others all exhaled. There are some effects, but it is a little difficult. After a few days, everything will be fine.

   "Look, he's starting to repossess the building again." The watcher soon discovered something and called out again.

   "Nani?" Ueno Murano walked over, holding his binoculars, and he saw that tall buildings disappeared again. That Chinese man became crazy this time, as long as he saw the buildings, no matter what they were, they all changed.

  In just a few blinks, a large area becomes empty.

   "Bah, what does he want to do?" Ueno Murano was furious again.


   What does Lu Chuan want to do?

   Very simple, I sold Tokyo.

   This job may take a week to be realized. But it doesn't matter. It makes me happy to think about making money. I count the money every day. How can it be maintained for a month?

  Lu Chuan has already made plans. He settled Tokyo first, and then went to New York. The vault inside heard that there were thousands of tons of gold, plus New York City, how could he give him hundreds of billions of flowers?

   Well, this kind of feeling is cool.

   Lu Chuan became happy, and the island nation’s unpleasantness for himself was nothing at once.

   The zombies are surging here, but the impact on Lu Chuan is almost non-existent. He concentrates on his work. Every tall building is recycled in just a few seconds, and it's the next one.

   "I am a hardworking bee."

   Lu Chuan hummed a song, and the tall buildings disappeared in his hands. This sense of accomplishment is still very strong.

   How do you describe the present? Yes, I was weeding, pulling out this messy grass bit by bit. The empty area is the result of my labor.

   In this way, Lu Chuan, in the stunned eyes of the island country survivors, took away one building after another, and one area after another disappeared, turning into large pits of yellow mud on the side of the street.

   Lu Chuan is totally casual, and he is wherever he receives it.

   Tokyo is big, but Lu Chuan's quick way is not enough. The area visible to the naked eye is constantly expanding, and soon it will be an empty area with almost invisible margins.

   Every island country survivor is numb and unable to complain.

   After a few days, they didn't even have the strength to scold them. Anyway, this guy didn't pay attention to them at all, and they didn't care what they tossed about. They were just repossessing the building.

   When they found that their actions could not be effective, they didn't bother to scold them.

   Now they are all sitting on tall buildings, looking at the disappearing buildings bit by bit, feeling like they are waiting for death, very helpless and helpless.

   In a few days, there were barely too many buildings in front of them. Only in the distance would some faint tall buildings be seen. But these tall buildings will disappear in two or three days, right?

   "Tokyo disappeared."

   I don’t know who thought of this sentence, and all the survivors of the island nation suddenly showed a look of horror. This lunatic actually wanted to erase Tokyo from the map?

  Sunshine Great God, how can he do this?

   After starting the association, they thought of the palace.

  As an island nation, even in the last days, he has the emperor in his heart. The imperial palace where the emperor is located has always been their place of pilgrimage.

   But now...

   Looking at the disappearing buildings here, it seems that the palace is not far away? In other words, the imperial palace will not be protected, will it disappear by this lunatic?

   For an instant, all the islanders felt bad.

They had the intention to do something, but they found that with the loss of high-rise buildings, it was difficult for them to fly so far with their power flying wings. Without the borrowing points and footholds, they were all zombies. As long as you dare to take this step, you must be aware of death. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   And Lu Chuan indeed appeared in front of the palace at this time.

   Lu Chuan just took a look, nothing strange, the same as the previous pictures. In the last days, its destruction is very small, because the disaster happened in an instant, and no one cared about the wealth here. It can be said that almost everything here was not taken away.

   "Yes, these are historical relics, this value..."

   Lu Chuan feels that he is drooling. Why is this place much more expensive than high-rise buildings, right?

   Historical relics Don't look down on the low, but the value is hard to estimate.

   "Tokyo is really big, and it's still like the city center." Lu Chuan found that he was too optimistic, thinking that Tokyo could be emptied in a week, but only half of it has been achieved now.

   Lu Chuan has worked very hard, but there is no way to speed up the progress of this work.

"I'll take it here first, there are still so many areas. Humph, I angered Lao Tzu to see how I made this city completely disappear on the earth. Okay, future experts, there is one more mystery. , This is how Tokyo disappeared?"ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   Lu Chuan was dark and cool, and then crossed the sacred place of this island country, wherever his hand reached, all areas disappeared.

   As long as the connected buildings are recycled, they are calculated at the price of the connected buildings, which virtually makes Lu Chuan’s workload much smaller.

   Ruo big palace, thanks to Lu Chuan's efforts, in just over ten minutes, only plants are left.

  As Lu Chuan thought, the valuation here has reached more than one hundred and thirty billion yuan, and one tenth is more than 13 billion yuan, which is Lu Chuan's largest recovery income.

   is so visible, how many cultural relics are there and so on.

   In these last days, without being stolen or destroyed, Lu Chuan is cheaper.


   Lu Chuan clapped his hands, twisted his hips, left here, and turned to an area worthy of recycling.

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