Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1086: Tai Chi

"This is the beginning of a new era for mankind."

Some anchors who know how to sensationalized, with a full tone, described this moment.

And more anchors said in the most plain words: "Now the hatch is open, well, we have seen the richest man Lu and his family coming out."

"The leaders of various countries, like ordinary waiters, are now welcoming Lu Chuan. Haha, what is it called now? This is called Wanbanglai Dynasty."

"You can't imagine how hot the scene is, a rare occasion in a century."

"Friends of the audience, it is conservatively estimated at the scene that more than 400,000 people are in this area, and where you can see, all are people. The huge battleship in front of you is surrounded by the center. If it weren't for the military in martial law, I am afraid it will be difficult to control the scene."

"Now Lu Chuan has boarded the convoy with the leaders of various countries, and they are about to leave."

"Let us take a closer look at this unprecedented giant battleship. Its size cannot be estimated by visual inspection. I will give you an intuitive description. It is possible that ten aircraft carriers can be straightened out before this giant ship. The length of it is more than a hundred meters. You can imagine how huge it is."

There was a lot of noise in the scene, and some of these anchors and reporters could only speak loudly, and some even roared. Even if their voices are hoarse, they still enjoy it, because at this moment, they are equally excited and excited.

It is worth it to be able to see this unprecedented giant warship on the scene.

It is through them that this giant battleship is presented to the world.

More and more people knew about this giant battleship, and they were all shocked. Even if they are not on the scene, they can feel its shocking size through the people and the giant ship on the scene.

The giant ships that only appeared in science fiction movies just appeared in their lives.

To be honest, no one is ready to welcome the arrival of the interstellar age, because this kind of appearance is too sudden, as if it suddenly broke into your life.

But it is undeniable that Baichuan Guihai Group has opened up a new world, and its role will be very obvious, which is to bring the world into a wonderful state.

To use an analogy, the current wars among countries are all because of interests. Now that the universe is calling to the world, they will find that they are tossing about one-third of an acre of land, it's just a trivia.

In outer space, countless resources are inexhaustible.

With this premise, who would stare at this resource of the earth to kill and kill?

Many things that can be foreseen will be irreversible because of the emergence of Mars City. The most obvious is that the Middle East region, some countries like Saudi Arabia, will be hit by disaster levels.

The reason why disputes continue in the Middle East is because they occupy oil, which is the lifeblood of mankind.

What will happen once their status is gone?

The Middle East will return to the pre-industrial revolution, poverty will hit every family, and their lives will be very sad. Some cities will gradually become barren land.

It's cruel, but this is an inevitable result of the continuous development of mankind.

Not only the Middle East region, but many countries will win or lose in this competition, some will disappear in the river of history, and some will rise rapidly.

It is foreseeable that the arrival of the universe age will bring earth-shaking changes to the earth.

The premise of everything is actually Lu Chuan, the Baichuan Guihai Group Company.

If there is no way to obtain these technologies, then this competition has nothing to do with them. Under the new reshuffle, if you can't participate in it, you will be reduced to a small and weak country, and will eventually be abandoned by history.

The universe age will be magnificent, and the era of human voyages cannot be compared with it.

If you can't seize the opportunity, you will become someone else's dish.

Like the giant ship in front of us, its might and deterrence must not be something a small country can resist. One can’t work, but ten? Ten ships, no country on earth can be its adversary.

No, maybe one is enough, because it can attack at will in outer space, and if you want to attack it in outer space, it seems impossible for the current military power of the earth.

With the departure of the convoy, Luna closed its hatch, and the thrusters that had just been stalled were re-ignited, and then spread with a strong air current. The huge Luna slowly lifted off again.


When the Moon rose to a certain altitude, the thrusters exploded, and it turned out that this huge warship, like a catapult, disappeared into the clouds in an instant.

"Oh my god, this thrust..."

Everyone was dumbfounded, and it was hard to imagine how this huge ship was so huge that it could be ejected into the air. The thrust that it exploded has reached an unimaginable number.

Anyone who has studied aeroengines knows that for the power system of an aircraft carrier, it takes several hours to ten hours to warm up the aircraft carrier from cold to use.

But on this huge ship, this one does not exist at all. It is horrible to ignite at any time. It contains technical power and proper black technology.


There are all kinds of reports in the world, but the core is naturally Lu Chuan and Baichuan Guihai Group.

Of course, some tabloids and small media report their reports from a different perspective, such as the various consequences caused by technology.

I also said that it really attracted a lot of heated discussions.

I don't know how many upper-class people in countries, they are going to lose sleep.

Many media outlets are totally falling into the trap, and the reports they write are completely gloating. No way, human nature is like this. You used to live a good life, living a life of drunken dreams. Now this life should not be a problem for this generation. What about the next generation?

The local tyrants in the Middle East, this time it is estimated that they have to think about their future way out.

In poor countries, they are still heartless. In any case, this world really has little to do with them, because the country they are in is nothing but nothing, and no one can look down upon it.

When it is truly irreversible, they can be incorporated into other countries without any scruples, which is very dry.

The world is in chaos at this moment.

Lu Chuan and the heads of dozens of countries, their departure, and then what they talked about in the Baichuan Guihai Group Company, the outside world cannot know, because it is not allowed to report.

The outside world is concerned, but if they don't reveal it, they are helpless and can only guess.

It is nothing more than several aspects, such as what price is used to exchange the universe technology in the hands of Baichuan Guihai Group. Or for Mars City, what they want and what they will give.

On the forum, I don’t know how much irrigation.

"I have long speculated from the introduction of a series of technologies by the Baichuan Guihai Group Company to this day, the super battery that solves energy, and the solar energy technology with ultra-high conversion rate, from space-based weapons, etc. Sword, then a blockbuster."

"Jokingly said that when Baichuan Guihai Group sold its rocket business, the United Launch Company must be crying in the toilet now, because the rocket technology they bought for tens of billions of dollars is a pile of garbage in front of the giant ship."

"Just before the announcement of Mars City, a deep-sea development company quietly established by Baichuan Guihai Group, an inside story you don't know."

All kinds of themes come up all the time.

The melon-eating people have given full play to their imagination and conducted various analyses. In fact, this is not wrong, but what they can't imagine is that Lu Chuan's technology is completely leap forward.

There are also people who speculate and affirm that Lu Chuan has acquired alien technology, otherwise it would be impossible to own the current Baichuan Guihai Group Company.

In this regard, Baichuan Guihai Group Company cannot respond, and even Lu Chuan himself will not respond.


Lu Chuan was sitting comfortably in the boss chair with coffee in his pocket, and An Tong next to him helped him press his shoulders.

It was tiring to deal with these politicians for three days in a row.

Fortunately, Lu Chuan is very strong now, so after meeting with them, Lu Chuan didn't show up for the rest, and handed it over to Zhong Hua and Zhong Hua's team.

What about the head of a country? Here, Lu Chuan sees them nothing to be proud and noble.

Before the change, a company team was responsible for receiving and negotiating, and someone at the level of the President of North America would not be able to dump you. But now, they have to sit down, talk slowly, talk slowly.

There is no way, they are stronger than people, they can only lower their heads that they consider noble.

The only person Lu Chuan was willing to receive was the head of China. Living in the land of China, Lu Chuan respects the efforts made by the head for the entire China and the entire nation.

Although the meeting was short, the harvest for the chief executive was huge. If nothing else, the take-off of the Chinese people is already certain.

Wanbang will reappear in China because of Lu Chuan and Baichuan Guihai Group.

The center of the world will again belong to China.

What was really talked about, this content will naturally not be published.

"Boss, are you just hanging them like this?" An Tong chuckled and said: "Many of them, stomping their feet, will make the world sneezes."

Lu Chuan sipped his coffee and smiled: "Whoever they are, in our territory, we have to listen to us. Now, let them stomping their feet again, I will ask them if their feet hurt?"

"Hahahaha!" An Tong laughed, showing no beauty. There should be no zombies.

Lu Chuan smiled lightly and said, "Of course I know what they want. Do you think I might give it to them? Haha, we are really fools and promised some small favors to obtain the technology to develop the planets of the universe. Naive."

"Then what should I do now, can't let them stay here forever?" An Tong asked.

Lu Chuan sneered and said, "It’s up to them to entertain them with delicious food and live well, and play Tai Chi with them. When they can’t stay there, they will naturally go back. There are many things that can’t be rushed. You need to catch them slowly Let them suffer for a while before they can talk."

Speaking of it, it is them who are anxious now.

In fact, Lu Chuan knew that the most suitable planet in the solar system was Mars. There are not many other planets that can be transformed, and it will take longer. There are a few planets, it is impossible to transform.

Of course, there are many more ideal planets in the Milky Way galaxy than Mars, but Lu Chuan himself is helpless for the technical skills required, let alone them?

At the level of the universe age, the solar system is not even Novice Village, the Milky Way is barely said to be Novice Village, and now he can't even leave Novice Village, they just wait obediently.

"An Tong, it is announced to the public that I have an important experiment to do. It is an important technology that cannot be disturbed by the outside world. All affairs will be temporarily handled by President Zhong."

Lu Chuan is definitely proficient with this kind of dumpling.

The global uproar that I set off, as long as my own party leaves for a period of time, the dust and smoke will naturally dissipate, and it will slowly subside.

An Tong nodded: "Understood, boss."

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