Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1142: Everything is ready

One year later, Lu Chuan returned to the solar system.

As a man who has been in the galaxy for a year, Lu Chuan's heart has undoubtedly become stronger, and he has a more stable mentality when dealing with things.

The smallness of mankind is really not worth mentioning in the face of the universe.

The Mercury returned to the earth silently and landed outside of Zhongzhou City. After getting off the Mercury, Lu Chuan took the seven-kilometer-long spacecraft into the storage space.

"Maybe, next time, we need to exchange 100 million subspace jumping spacecraft."

Lu Chuan wondered, the Mercury is just a close-range exploration spacecraft, and does not have the ability to jump in space. Undoubtedly, this limits it to explore only in a certain area.

The spacecraft with 100 million competitive points capable of space jumping are all big guys over tens of kilometers, and the top-level spacecraft that requires hundreds of millions of competitive points can even reach the length of hundreds of kilometers, which is by no means imaginable.

It is really the largest, but in fact this spaceship is nothing at all.

The planetary fortress is the most terrifying. It is completely transformed by the planet, and then the entire planet is turned into a movable planetary fortress. Humans really can't imagine what it is like.

Lu Chuan took out his electric motorcycle, stepped on it, turned the switch, and drove to Zhongzhou City.

After the relocation of the biochemical plant, there are no secrets in Zhongzhou City. This is the reason why Lu Chuan asked them to tear down the high wall. After all, this city still has a lot of value that can be used.

In the city, nothing related to the biochemical factory will remain, as if the biochemical factory had never appeared in Zhongzhou City.

From afar, the high walls of Zhongzhou City are no longer visible.

The total time Lu Chuan left was about one and a half years. During this period of time, the contact between Lu Chuan and Sun Jiangong was almost interrupted. It felt like Lu Chuan had disappeared.

The zombies on the earth have not been searching for them in this year and a half, and occasionally they can still be found in some deep mountains and old forests, or in some villages.

Once found, it will be strangled.

In a year and a half, it has been difficult to find the zombies, as if they had disappeared.

Regarding the boss, I can’t get in touch. Everyone is not too worried, because the boss is often like this, and will disappear at every turn. It is normal to not see him for ten and a half months.

It seems that in this year and a half, zombies have become legends, and they can only be found in movies and pictures.

The only thing there may be Australia, which is listed as a restricted area.

The senior management knows that Australia contains the army of zombies in the hands of the boss. The boss concentrated all of them in Australia, which can be regarded as a place for resettlement.

Before Lu Chuan came to Zhongzhou City, he just demolished the high walls, and then...nothing changed, no one was moving here, it was empty, like a dead city.

Lu Chuan smiled bitterly, and Zhongzhou City may become the capital before it was put. But now that the federal capital has been placed in the new city, the value of Zhongzhou City is too low, and there is no need to repair it.

Up to now, there are only more than 40 million people in the world. Under the catastrophe of the last days, the number of humans who died has reached 8 billion, and only one survivor will exist out of an average of 200 people.

With such a small population, there is no shortage of places to live. After being distributed to various cities, a city with tens of millions of people before now has only two to three hundred thousand people living in it. You can live whatever you want.

The places everyone picks are old mansions in the city, and they can move in after spending time to clean up. In the last days, truly let the survivors allocate this world and maximize resources.

After crossing Zhongzhou City, we reached the new city all the way.

Between this section of the road, there is no marginal farmland, and you can see a large number of people busy. Robots have been invested in agriculture, replacing most of the work of humans.

People in the post-apocalyptic world are happy. With the highly developed technology and federal welfare, they have guaranteed that even if they do nothing, they will go home without lack of food and drink.

Electricity, water, internet... housing, food, transportation, etc., are all covered by welfare.

If you don't pursue a luxurious life, you don't have to do it at all, and you can live a life in style.

On this point, in today's mature robotics technology, supporting these benefits is not a problem at all.

Not only these, but also education and medical services are truly free.

Intelligence, robotization, these changes, human beings can be said to be living in the happiest times. How to describe it, it is bitter first and sweet later.

Arriving in the Federal City, Lu Chuan's iconic electric motorcycles immediately attracted people's attention. As long as Lu Chuan passed through the streets, people stood still and gave out fanatical cheers.

Lu Chuan did not go to the federal government, but went home first.

On the outskirts of the Federal City, an area of ​​10,000 acres was designated for the construction of the palace. It is still under construction, a year and a half, and only one third of the structure has been completed.

The development of the Federal City will be completed around this 10,000-acre area, and eventually the palace will be surrounded by the city and become the center of the Federal City.

In fact, the 10,000 mu palace was already compressed at Lu Chuan's request. Otherwise, according to Sun Jiangong's plan, 100,000 mu was allocated.

In the last days, there is not much, but the land is the most.

No way, the entire Huaxia, even less than 20 million people, are still scattered in five settlements. This vast and boundless land can be used casually, and it is nothing at all.

The federal government’s currency system is a digital currency. As long as you have enough money, you can buy land use rights in a county and start farming.

But... it seems that no one is enthusiastic about this one, because the population is so small that the farm really doesn't make much money.

A corner of the palace.

A small palace was built here, which is Lu Chuan's temporary residence. When the main palace is completed, Lu Chuan will move into the main palace.

The three types of science fiction, modern and retro, present a new post-apocalyptic cultural system.

"Sorry, I am not a competent husband and father."

Lu Chuan said guiltily when he saw Aphrola.

Xiao Lu Ran is already five years old, and his impression of Lu Chuan is a bit vague. And Aphrora was holding another child in her hand, which looked like a year, without thinking about it, and knowing that this is her own little daughter.

Lu Chuan has never seen her little daughter ever since she was born. When she was born, Lu Chuan was still walking and wandering in the Milky Way galaxy. Without communication, she didn't know everything about her.

Fortunately, she looks beautiful and healthy.

As a mixed-race, she can foresee that when she grows up, her beauty will amaze this world.

"No, in their minds, you are the most perfect father in the world. In my eyes, you are also the most perfect husband." Aphrola stepped forward and gave Lu Chuan a warm kiss and said seriously.

No one knows Lu Chuan better than her. She knew that even after the formation of the Earth Federation, her husband still did not take a moment to engage in things that the outside world did not know.

Lu Chuan took Lu Wenjing, kissed her on the cheek, and then hugged Lu Ran again, enjoying the joy of being a father.

"Go, make a football team for them."

A charming smile appeared on Aphrola's face and said, "What are you talking about in front of the child."

I haven't been moisturized for a year and a half, and I want to know how fierce a battle will be next.


Lu Chuan stayed in Federal City for a few days, mainly to show his face to the entire Federation.

There is no need for Lu Chuan to worry about a series of affairs at all, and the federal government has handled it very well. After the end of the world, the world's resources are all concentrated in the hands of the Federation, and there will be no conflicts without disputes.

Mankind has truly realized the day without war, but has lived on the earth regardless of race.

"Your responsibility is to develop the federation and increase the population." Lu Chuan set the main tone at the high-level meeting, and left the rest to them for development.

Without external pressure, they only need to develop with peace of mind.

This is the best era, the unity of the earth, they only need to think about how to improve people's quality of life, and the rest need not be considered at all.

With this keynote, with Lu Chuan's current power in the Federation, don't worry about them not implementing it.

After setting the tone, Lu Chuan was free again.

After the end of the world, everyone has a job, but work is definitely easy. Everyone enjoys life with all their hardship and contentment and is carefree.

"Sure enough, this is the best time."

Lu Chuan sighed that in the last days, as many as eight billion people died, to have all this, and the price was too great. Children born in the federal era will be the happiest.

The family stayed for half a month, and Lu Chuan said goodbye to Aphrola and his children.

The dolphins on Mercury were about to be manufactured, and Lu Chuan wanted to take a look at this spectacular scene. This also means that he has the qualification to enter the ninth level of space.

After preparing for so long, the most anticipated moment is coming, why is Lu Chuan not excited to let it go?

"This trip will take half a year."

When saying goodbye to Aphrola, Lu Chuan did not tell the truth, but gave a time to leave. After the dolphins are manufactured, Lu Chuan will enter the ninth level of space, life and death unknown, maybe he can succeed, maybe he only comes out of a corpse.

Lu Chuan didn't dare to tell Aphrola about dangerous things, lest she worry about it.

There are some things that men can do, there is no need to let the wife and daughter know.

Everything has been set Even if she is gone, Aphrora's status in the Federation will not change. She is still a queen, enjoying supreme power and benefits, and the federal system will continue to be implemented. .

What happened, I gave Aphrola and the others the back hand, enough to suppress all the changes.

Whether it's in the end times or in the modern era, it's the same.

Lu Chuan has prepared for his wives and children. In the last days, there are zombies and super artificial intelligence poems. In modern times, it is Mars City and super artificial intelligence Xiaowei, as well as space-based weapons deployed in space.

With this kind of presence, no one will easily dare to do anything.

If no one thinks of a perfect solution, and no one dares to move, maybe after hundreds of years, Lu Chuan's backhands may lose deterrence, but at least they can guarantee the stability of the family for hundreds of years.

Lu Chuan left quietly again, without any psychological burden.

What can be done, Lu Chuan has done well for them for so many years, and he can let go of everything and do what he wants to do most.

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